jimwI have a hard time seeing a way that doesn't all blow up in Automattic's face pretty badly, and hope the open-source WordPress project doesn't suffer too much collateral damage in the process.
voxpelliMost plugins on WordPress.org are not created by the Automattic / Matt Mullenweg people – feels odd to keep those plugins hostage in this situation
[qubyte], [tw2113], __DuBPiRaTe__, spew and ttybitnik joined the channel; cuibonobo left the channel
[manton]I can see Matt’s perspective on this. The WP plugin directory is essentially funded by Matt and Automattic. Nothing stopping a WP Engine customer from installing plugins manually, or WP Engine building their own directory.
[manton]Yep. I think everything should be more transparent. Maybe the WP Foundation should have explicit fees for hosting providers to use the directory and other resources. There probably shouldn’t be back-room deals anymore.
[mattl]I think the foundation, http://wp.org and http://wp.com should all be independent things. I’d argue it’s a bad idea for http://wp.com to not redirect to pressable or another Automattic venture.
[Joe_Crawford]It's of a piece with making it a hair-on-fire emergency. I think channel notifications can be useful and I don't begrudge them when appropriate. But like an 'allhands"
[Joe_Crawford]"Pugnacious" is how I'd characterize it. And there are times when that mode is appropriate for a leader. I have not been able to sort out how this _particular_ contractual scenario deserves it.
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