#indieweb 2024-09-26

2024-09-26 UTC
athan joined the channel
(WP Engine confirms that http://wordpress.org is blocking their customers from accessing the plugins and themes directories)
well that's a choice
learned via https://fediverse.zachleat.com/@zachleat/113200417696589275 where, as the first reply says, "This is all very cool and normal"
[preview] [Zach Leatherman :11ty:] Shockwaves are hitting developers now as Matt appears to have disabled WP Engine’s access to the WordPress plugin repository https://www.reddit.com/r/Wordpress/comments/1fpeqn2/plugin_repository_inaccessible_to_wp_engine/ (via @collinsworth)
[tw2113] joined the channel
it's a %&#@show
I have a hard time seeing a way that doesn't all blow up in Automattic's face pretty badly, and hope the open-source WordPress project doesn't suffer too much collateral damage in the process.
Homebrew Website Club - Pacific is starting soon! Join us! https://events.indieweb.org/u55eEZgzZUcM
AramZS and Kupietz joined the channel
Is the meeting starting late, or am I having technical difficulties? Stuck on "Waiting for the host to start the meeting"
I think GWG is running a bit late to start
Np. Thanks.
angelo joined the channel
I left a message
Bridge was out...be able to start shortly
Just got here
i started the zoom
Thank you
I left a note
Logging in now
troojg, wobbol, pmlnr and petermolnar joined the channel
wow. calling them out is one thing, that seems ok, but blocking them from the plugin directory does not seem ok
it's blocking everything originating from http://wordpress.org
from what i understand, so themes and core updates too
interesting way to describe it (i didn’t watch the q&a though so idk)
petermolnar, pmlnr, athan, sebbu2, spew, mdemo2 and laker joined the channel
Most plugins on WordPress.org are not created by the Automattic / Matt Mullenweg people – feels odd to keep those plugins hostage in this situation
[qubyte], [tw2113], __DuBPiRaTe__, spew and ttybitnik joined the channel; cuibonobo left the channel
"It has also emerged that the WordPress Foundation has filed trademarks for “managed WordPress” and “hosted WordPress”."
The what now?
bterry, audy, AramZS and isutton joined the channel
I can see Matt’s perspective on this. The WP plugin directory is essentially funded by Matt and Automattic. Nothing stopping a WP Engine customer from installing plugins manually, or WP Engine building their own directory.
It’s obviously very destructive to the community. But also maybe necessary to highlight what is and isn’t part of the open source project.
http://wp.org must be able to operate independently of Matt/Automattic.
That’s ideal. Before now I thought it _was_ independent. But clearly the foundation is tied very closely to Automattic revenue.
if nothing else i appreciate how this is shining a light on how it's all tied back to MM.
Yep. I think everything should be more transparent. Maybe the WP Foundation should have explicit fees for hosting providers to use the directory and other resources. There probably shouldn’t be back-room deals anymore.
Pretty fascinating though. I’m glad I’m not actively involved in any of the drama. 🙂
reactions inside the "Making WordPress" Slack to the last 2 posts in their announcements channel:
I think the foundation, http://wp.org and http://wp.com should all be independent things. I’d argue it’s a bad idea for http://wp.com to not redirect to pressable or another Automattic venture.
[Joe_Crawford] he’s also using at-channel which is a big no-no there. (I’m there too)
It's of a piece with making it a hair-on-fire emergency. I think channel notifications can be useful and I don't begrudge them when appropriate. But like an 'allhands"
...email it ought to be used sparingly.
It is remarkable how this went from a blog post to an emergency so quickly.
"Pugnacious" is how I'd characterize it. And there are times when that mode is appropriate for a leader. I have not been able to sort out how this _particular_ contractual scenario deserves it.
zicklepop and isutton joined the channel
Front End Study Hall #011 is starting soon! Join us! https://events.indieweb.org/cuRUYMWwYWGI
^ correct, Loqi. Thanks!
gRegorLove_, [KevinMarks], isutton, jacky, AramZS and [tantek] joined the channel
I hope FrESH went / is going well!
Went very well James. Thanks! 🙂
rvalue-, antranigv, mdemo21, bencevans_, Zegnet, rvalue and asarandi2 joined the channel
Sorry to have missed it. Public transportation died on me.
All good. How are your teeth?
as best they can be with a lack of attention over the years.
voxpelli, barnaby, Dryusdan, sebsel, fabricsheet, helveticamono, zicklepop and [aciccarello] joined the channel
The “Highly Cited” label here is interesting UX.
isutton, zicklepop, bterry and AramZS joined the channel
It is! capjamesg[d]++
capjamesg[d] has 65 karma in this channel over the last year (193 in all channels)
What product or service is that?
sdavidprince joined the channel
What is micropub
Micropub is an open web standard (W3C Recommendation) and API for creating, editing, and deleting posts on websites, like on your own domain, supported by numerous third-party clients, CMSs, and social readers https://indieweb.org/Micropub
Okay can it be used on a blogger blog like connecting to the blogger API or sirt
hey sdavidprince, it seems like this conversation is more appropriate for #indieweb-dev (Micropub, API)
zicklepop1, ttybitnik, troojg, isutton, athan, AramZS and asarandi joined the channel