LoqiThe IndieWeb is a community of independent and personal websites based on the principles of: owning your domain and using it as your primary online identity, publishing on your own site first (optionally elsewhere), and owning your content https://indieweb.org/indieweb
[Jo]though it isn't everyone who you would consider to be part of the indieweb, you can browse those sites that have an account on the wiki, for example: https://indieweb.org/Special:ListUsers
LoqiHomebrew Website Club is a growing world-wide network of meetups for everyone who wants to take back their web experience from social media silos, and own their online identities & content, or just want support with blogging! https://indieweb.org/Homebrew_Website_Club
[Joe_Crawford]There are also some other sites which try to expose more indie sites. https://blogofthe.day for example. (if you got a blog, read about how to submit!)
[Joe_Crawford]If there's a page or idea on the wiki where such sites could be put that would be a nice answer to the very reasonable question of "what are some indieweb sites" ?
LoqiA directory on the web lists websites or pages typically grouped by topic or areas of interest, sometimes using categories or tags, often useful for finding niche communities and discovering new websites https://indieweb.org/directory
darylsun_, capjamesg_, lane_, nnrx_, sm2n_, vikanezrimaya_, gebra_, oxtyped, dustinm`_, slow99, Guest1283, xgpt, jboy, bterry, gRegor and dmowitz joined the channel; toastal left the channel
LoqiThe chat names page has a list of chat regulars sorted by nickname with their website and usual timezone(s), and is used for icons next to nicknames in IndieWeb chat logs https://indieweb.org/some_indieweb_sites
benji, athenaeryma, user23, spew, AramZS, ttybitnik, mdemo2 and [aciccarello] joined the channel