#indieweb 2024-10-19

2024-10-19 UTC
chrisaldrich: Long time no see
I missed you
If anyone in the note taking discussion is interested a book club I'm in is reading Bob Doto's book A System of Writing and beginning discussing it tomorrow Sat 10/19 from 8-10AM Pacific for the next three successive Saturdays. It's focused on note systems particularly geared toward writing, and might be useful for bloggers interested in these systems/tools.
GWG, missed you too. Happy New Year!
How's day 2 of Sukkot going?
chrisaldrich: Bees in the sukkah
[chrisaldrich] the LEGO typewriter set they sell ACTUALLY TYPES! It comes with a ribbon and everything
[tantek]: I have a lego keyboard I'm going to build with my nephew this week
if I can get it built by IWC SD I'll see if I can bring it and we can have a type-off
wait, what?!? I'm pretty sure that the typeslugs on this machine only have LEGO "dots" and not actual characters. It may fit paper, but I'm pretty sure it doesn't actually type. https://www.lego.com/en-us/product/typewriter-21327
Maybe there's another one I'm not aware of?
dips an apple slice in honey and is glad he has no bees in the sukkah.
[tantek]: Take pictures
With only 12 typeslugs and 2 characters per slug you can't even get the full English alphabet, so I don't think you can post to your own website with it. https://www.lego.com/cdn/cs/set/assets/bltad7a88949ac41247/21327_alt18.jpg?format=webply&fit=bounds&quality=70&width=800&height=800&dpr=1.5
well you can get the full roman latin alphabet
iirc, there was no j, u and v was the same, and idr the rest
i'm sure you could pass the rest as typo and lack of proofreading :D
I'm sure the folks in Billund, Denmark expect their typewriters to have some diacritics at least...
ok, I added "https://www.home-assistant.io" to the "See Also" section of /IoT https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=97803&oldid=97656
[Tim_Nolte] joined the channel
What other self-hosted blogging platforms that support the Fediverse exist, besides WordPress, that folks here are using?
[Tim_Nolte] lots more if you're ok with federating via Bridgy Fed! E.g. my own home-grown CASSIS+PHP self-hosted blogging federates
might also find more in #indieweb-dev
OK, I'll ask over there. I was looking to see what the indieweb site might have but mostly what was mentioned was Known & WordPress.
gRegor, troojg, aldur, rvalue and lkajfla joined the channel
going to ask again if anyone has tips for how to search the indie/non-commerical web, in addition to marginalia and teclis
thegreekgeek, thegreekgeek_, mdemo2, klymilark and [aciccarello] joined the channel
[preview] [Eric] a sabbatical, but you get to work on your personal website in a scenic location for 6 months
https://www.morganwebdev.org/posts/har/ I created a blog post describing how you can export images from a scrolling infinite feed such as your Instagram feed if you use browser dev tools in combination with a program that can read HAR files locally. I used this technique to get a better or same quality alternate copy of photos on my profile or at least some records in addition to the export of the app Instagram, helping me silo quit
what is silo quit
silo quits are public statements by individuals announcing they have quit posting on or using various silos with no intention to return. Sometimes people take a temporary break, AKA "social media break" or soft quit https://indieweb.org/silo-quit
Thank you all! have a good friday
"in a scenic location for 6 months" <-- isn't that San Diego? 😂
toastal, andrei_c, strategictravele and OLGA97 joined the channel
im late but theres a working lego typewriter? thats pretty cool!
thegreekgeek, andrei_c and claudinec joined the channel
chrisaldrich has 6 karma in this channel over the last year (11 in all channels)
I like to graduate mature notes into blog posts.
I seldom refer to blog posts after having written them, but I find the writing process incredibly helpful in so many ways.
There has been the occasional technical blog post where I am half-way through and I'm like "wait, this isn't right."
Literally what I was doing last night: I should publish this, let me read it through once more... wait, no, that doesn't make sense, let me dig into that further... (SpongeBob _three hours later_) 😅
strategictravele and [jeremycherfas] joined the channel; rubenwardy left the channel
capjamesg, I definitely try to write up discrete areas of thinking, or current conclusions in a specific topic, as note posts which could be incorporated or referenced in a longer article on the subject
It feels like a good modular way to get thoughts out of my head and into a more searchable space, plus sometimes such "preliminary thoughts" will get others to respond pointing out similar work/thoughts
Like sprinkling conceptual building blocks which then I or others can use to assemble into higher level analyses or conclusions
[Jo] very much yes a functional (still building mine) LEGO typewriter that I'm hoping I can type occasional notes on, and *maybe* eventually hack up a bit to connect to USB for actual direct text authoring as an experiential input
that would be so so cool
https://www.lego.com/en-us/product/typewriter-21327 is the canonical link however it's being retired soon and is already hard to find in retail (I had to drive several miles to a Target to get one and they had them in the back room, not even on a locked display case!)
Also it's limited to minimal qwerty A-Z ? . So I’m curious how hack able it would be to expand it to support another row for numbers
klymilark joined the channel
[Tim_Nolte] ghost is working on federation, and it’s self-hostable. I’m finding it nicer to use than Wordpress, but I don’t need a lot of customisation.
a lot of really useable themes out of the box tbh
klymilark joined the channel
OK, maybe, I'll give Ghost another look. I had considered it longer ago. Ghost would be very different than going with CraftCMS from the FOSS standpoint.
Oops, I meant the Ghost wouldn't be very different than CraftCMS. I hate that I can't edit messages here. 😕
Oh yeah! I’m finding it good anyway :)
Yeah sorry there's just not a good way to propagate edits to discord and IRC and the logs
[snarfed] joined the channel
lkajfla re searching the indieweb, here's another approach: https://snarfed.org/2018-11-30_indieweb-google-custom-search-engine
lkajfla joined the channel
thanks that's perfect
i think google + a custom index is the best way to go. the custom index can be manually curated (besides indieweb there is also https://github.com/kagisearch/smallweb/blob/main/smallweb.txt), but it can also be crawled in combination with uBlock Origin filters as a heuristic
https://curlie.org/ also seems to have a relevant index. and https://cloudhiker.net/ but their directory is a commerical service
btrem, sebbu, [KevinMarks], troojg, aagaming, spew, barnaby, rrix, jonnybarnes, bterry1 and gRegor joined the channel