aagaming, glacier, ren, klymilark, gRegorLove_, gRegorLove__, thegreekgeek_, thegreekgeek, barnaby, toastal, Xe, andrei_c, sebbu and klymilark1 joined the channel; toastal left the channel
petermolnarwhy: I host a few WordPress sites, that don't have to be WordPress, or even have an online admin system for that, given how infrequently they change. Publii is an offline, GUI, static page creator, and surprisingly OK to use, but the themes and plugins are rather basic. Unfortunately I don't have the capacity to start adding indieweb to it, but it would be quite nice.
petermolnarEh, I'm tired. So because they don't need online admin, I started checking out where are we with page builders for absolutely non-technical users - sadly, FrontPage 98 is not an option any more. I don't like Mobirise, so it leaves Publii.
[tantek]petermolnar, perhaps more of a #indieweb-dev conversation, however does Publii have a GitHub or other place to file issues or PRs to add this kind of support?
thegreekgeek_, thegreekgeek and [qubyte] joined the channel