#pfefferle!tell GWG I also had problems with my crons... WordPress created a bunch of tasks and the process din't clean them correctly, so I used https://wordpress.org/plugins/advanced-cron-manager/ to clean up the schedule and now it works like a charm...
#miklbaaronpk were you aware webmention.io was down?
KevinMarks_ joined the channel
#j4y_funabashihey, anyone using flat-file storage - do you store extra hidden meta data with your files?
#j4y_funabashiI am storing my posts as html and I want to store my recieved mentions in the same way
#cweiskeI have raw HTML files that get built into the final HTML files (adding navigation and framing)
#cweiskewhen I'll implement webmention display, I'll render the web mention files into the final HTML
#j4y_funabashibut mentions have extra metadata (source + target) that is not present in the post so I am wondering if I can store these variables in the html but dont know the best way to do that
#cweiskestapibas, my webmention receiver, stores received mentions in mysql
#cweiskeI've not decided yet if I'll dump them to the disk or not
#cweiskedisplaying mentions is not my top priority
#j4y_funabashiyeah fair enough - what are you working on at the moment?
#cweiskeI finished my own search engine, search.cweiske.de and am now thinking about how to integrate my website screenshot service http://phancap.cweiske.de/phancap.phar/ as tool to archive linked pages
#cweiskeeither I integrate it directly into stapibas (which handles sending out linkbacks to linked pages, so the code is already there), or I'll make a standalone tool that subscribes to my hub for updates, and acts based on its notifications
#cweiskeand then I need a way to make the archived pages usable/discoverable
#petermolnarCommonMark is "A strongly defined, highly compatible specification of Markdown", in other words an attempt to make a common specification out of the countless Markdown versions out in the wild. See http://commonmark.org/
#voxpellifor Micropub I save my posts with the e-* as markdown and the rets of the properties as YAML front-matter, so filed based storage, but not pure HTML
#voxpellialso don't see the need for a webmention-source – a h-entry or u-comment (u-comment's can't be standalone so h-entry is probably better) of the comment would contain that information already
#voxpellicreating new relation names or mf2 properties would according to how I perceive rfc6648 be considered fairly reckless without having gone done the research one could be assumed for a normally standardized property
#j4y_funabashivoxpelli: you are right, the source would be the entry's url property (if the author includes that)
#voxpellij4y_funabashi: well, if the author doesn't include it, then you likely will, no? the h-entry you save will be your interpretation of the sent mention rather than the actual raw mention mf2, no?
#j4y_funabashiwell, at the moment I am storing the source's html on the filesystem, then the mf2 json in my db cache
#j4y_funabashiand I want to be able to recreate the cache from the html
#voxpellias long as you know the source URL you can always refetch the html
#j4y_funabashiso I am thinking the best way is to inject some metadata (the source and target) into the html before I save it
#voxpelliI'm saving the raw output of my mf2 parser alongside my interpretation of that data and the source URL and such in the database
#j4y_funabashiyeah I am trying to avoid extra http calls
#j4y_funabashiso if I have to recreate my dbcache I dont have to rely on the source of the mention still being around
#voxpelliI find YAML front-matter to be a pretty neat way of storing additional metadata in a file
#voxpellikeeps a clean separation between the html of the source post and your added metadata as well
#voxpellicweiske: JSON is part of most languages core libraries and as such won't change, and won't be removed
#cweiskeI consider extracting some JSON from some HTML comment as parsing
#voxpelliYes, you have said that you don't like adding code or parsers, we get it
#voxpelliSo it's better for j4y_funabashi to mix his own data with the data downloaded from another site?
#voxpelliI think it would be a good idea to separate the metadata, which was the original question how to add, from the data downloaded from another site and a common technique for that is front matter
#j4y_funabashiat first I thought I could put the source+target in the filename
#j4y_funabashibut I prefer the idea of having those variables inside the file
#voxpelliusing a standard serializer, be it JSON, YAML or HTML would probably be easiest/safest
#voxpellipartly because the data that you are going to save comes from a client, and you should never trust the client, but expect them to do the craziest things
#j4y_funabashiyeah I dont ever display the mention html, I render the mf2 version
#j4y_funabashiI think I am going to go with injecting 2 rel links to the head of the document for now
#j4y_funabashiand prefix them so they dont interfere with anything else
#LoqiGWG: pfefferle left you a message 5 hours, 18 minutes ago: I also had problems with my crons... WordPress created a bunch of tasks and the process din't clean them correctly, so I used https://wordpress.org/plugins/advanced-cron-manager/ to clean up the schedule and now it works like a charm...
#Loqi502 is an HTTP/1.1 Status Code returned from a webserver to signify that the Proxy Gateway for the requested URI was not found https://indieweb.org/502
#petermolnar!tell tantek re: http://tantek.pbworks.com/w/page/59905776/Markdown - most of the ideas are valid; I like the multi-line image w/ optional url and alt-ext and the bold vs italics, but I would miss the reference-style url options, which I do use now
#miklbvoxpelli I meant to tell you I switched back to wm.io so I could use the updated plugin for Jekyll and have cached copies of webmentions. Some day may look at adapting the plugin to use yours though.
#miklbI do need to look into why I have the duplicate mentions
#voxpellimiklb: I think an issue I filed in Bridgy was solved – could have affected Webmention.io as well
#tantekapparently FB also prompts people who have their current city set
#Loqitantek: petermolnar left you a message 6 hours, 41 minutes ago: re: http://tantek.pbworks.com/w/page/59905776/Markdown - most of the ideas are valid; I like the multi-line image w/ optional url and alt-ext and the bold vs italics, but I would miss the reference-style url options, which I do use now
#Loqitantek: petermolnar left you a message 6 hours, 40 minutes ago: maybe forking/extending https://github.com/erusev/parsedown-extra would be a good idea to support this type of subset