pfefferle!tell GWG I also had problems with my crons... WordPress created a bunch of tasks and the process din't clean them correctly, so I used to clean up the schedule and now it works like a charm...
j4y_funabashibut mentions have extra metadata (source + target) that is not present in the post so I am wondering if I can store these variables in the html but dont know the best way to do that
cweiskeI finished my own search engine, and am now thinking about how to integrate my website screenshot service as tool to archive linked pages
cweiskeeither I integrate it directly into stapibas (which handles sending out linkbacks to linked pages, so the code is already there), or I'll make a standalone tool that subscribes to my hub for updates, and acts based on its notifications
petermolnarCommonMark is "A strongly defined, highly compatible specification of Markdown", in other words an attempt to make a common specification out of the countless Markdown versions out in the wild. See
voxpellifor Micropub I save my posts with the e-* as markdown and the rets of the properties as YAML front-matter, so filed based storage, but not pure HTML
voxpellialso don't see the need for a webmention-source – a h-entry or u-comment (u-comment's can't be standalone so h-entry is probably better) of the comment would contain that information already
voxpellicreating new relation names or mf2 properties would according to how I perceive rfc6648 be considered fairly reckless without having gone done the research one could be assumed for a normally standardized property
voxpellij4y_funabashi: well, if the author doesn't include it, then you likely will, no? the h-entry you save will be your interpretation of the sent mention rather than the actual raw mention mf2, no?
voxpelliI think it would be a good idea to separate the metadata, which was the original question how to add, from the data downloaded from another site and a common technique for that is front matter
voxpellipartly because the data that you are going to save comes from a client, and you should never trust the client, but expect them to do the craziest things
LoqiGWG: pfefferle left you a message 5 hours, 18 minutes ago: I also had problems with my crons... WordPress created a bunch of tasks and the process din't clean them correctly, so I used to clean up the schedule and now it works like a charm...
Loqi502 is an HTTP/1.1 Status Code returned from a webserver to signify that the Proxy Gateway for the requested URI was not found
petermolnar!tell tantek re: - most of the ideas are valid; I like the multi-line image w/ optional url and alt-ext and the bold vs italics, but I would miss the reference-style url options, which I do use now
miklbvoxpelli I meant to tell you I switched back to so I could use the updated plugin for Jekyll and have cached copies of webmentions. Some day may look at adapting the plugin to use yours though.
Loqitantek: petermolnar left you a message 6 hours, 41 minutes ago: re: - most of the ideas are valid; I like the multi-line image w/ optional url and alt-ext and the bold vs italics, but I would miss the reference-style url options, which I do use now
Loqitantek: petermolnar left you a message 6 hours, 40 minutes ago: maybe forking/extending would be a good idea to support this type of subset