#petermolnarthat tweet is missing the ?p=6195 from the rarst.net link and, for my surprise, contains my extended url instead of the short one that's actually in the tweet
#petermolnar!tell aaronpk Loqi is doing something strange with links in tweets, please double check it ( see lines above )
#petermolnarhow does one crawl their own flickr to backfill missing syndication?
loicm_ joined the channel
#petermolnargot it: I'll pull the flickr api for my own photos, look for links to my own site and add them as missing meta; if I do this from cron once a day, I'm fine
#aaronpkLoqi follows redirects from links in Twitter
#Loqiaaronpk: petermolnar left you a message 5 hours, 50 minutes ago: Loqi is doing something strange with links in tweets, please double check it ( see lines above )
#aaronpkbecause people often tweet out bitly links or worse
#aaronpksometimes the redirects return different results to Loqi because JavaScript or because people hate boys