#aaronpkloopback address is an IP address that corresponds to the same machine that is making the request, also known as localhost. Requests made to this address bypass the network hardware, so are often used when testing websites while offline. The IPv4 space reserves all 127.*.*.* IP addresses as loopback addresses.
#tantekI'm wondering if the intent there was ignore that endpoint, rather than not send
#tanteki.e. if there's a second rel=webmention, why not use that?
#tantekI want to interpret that test as: "During the discovery step, if the sender discovers the endpoint is localhost or a loopback IP address (, it SHOULD NOT send the Webmention to that endpoint." - note the addition of "to that endpoint"
#KartikPrabhuif I am interpreting this correctly, you mean to suggest the language so that other discovered webmention endpoints ( which are not loopbacks) can still be used
#bearKartikPrabhu i'll check on that later - right now i'm heading to bed after a crazy evening where I had to save someone from themselves because they didn't realize they were having a stroke
#bearbut yea, I think I implemented it but let's be sure
#tantekvoxpelli: no explicit deadline per se, however, implicitly, the sooner the better, especially for Webmention, since now 500+ W3C members are looking at it and deciding on whether to vote for it to advance to Recommendation
#voxpellitantek: so higher priority with Webmentions? I should give KevinMarks_ PR a look then
#tantekyes, higher priority for Webmentions at the moment
#tantekplus if you know any W3C members, encourage them to vote YES to advance Webmention to Recommendation
#mblaneygood point cweiske. shouldn't be too hard to add.
#mblaneythe only trick being that you also need to check for optional square brackets in urls, because using a character that delimits port numbers makes sense.
#mblaneyoh and :: can collapse an arbitrary number of sections.
#mblaneybesides those things, shouldn't be too hard.
#sknebelnote that you should also not accept hostnames that point in DNS to loopback
#sknebeland that there are other ways of writing IPs than separated by dots
#sknebelusing a proxy or the system firewall IMHO is the best way of enforcing it, if you run on shared hosting it's mostly your hosters job to protect themselves and other users against it
#LoqigRegorLove: tantek left you a message 1 day, 19 hours ago: mind updating the home page indieweb.org with latest / next HWC / IWC event infos? Thanks!
#gRegorLoveSure, now how do I get Loqi to add stuff to my list? :)
#aaronpk2 minutes until gRegorLove don't forget to do the thing
#LoqiI added a countdown scheduled for 2016-11-02 5:43pm GMT+0000 (#5930)
#bear8 hours until tell me to review/edit new wiki links
#LoqiI added a countdown scheduled for 2016-11-02 9:41pm EDT (#5931)
#tantekUser:Gregorlove.com << mind starting a new "How To" section on [[loopback]] that documents your techniques (2016-11-02 in irc) for detection / avoidance?
#Loqiok, I added "mind starting a new "How To" section on [[loopback]] that documents your techniques (2016-11-02 in irc) for detection / avoidance?" to the "See Also" section of /User:Gregorlove.com
#bearin the "real world" localhost is invalid IMO for received webmentions
#tantekwe should not honor obvious mistakes are (perhaps unintentional) attempts to access local (webmention sender) resources by the external (webmention receiver) host
#bearI think I will make it very secure by default and add a debug flag to allow dev tests to use local host
#bear(i'm realizing that my python libs are now viewed by more folks and used as a source of patterns so I have to be very purposeful in the changes I make to them)
#sknebelI've firewalled off private RFC 1918 IP space too, but that's because I know I don't have services that might want to use webmention there
#sknebelpublished software might be used on an intranet where that isn't the case
#tantekbear, and that's a good explanation for why I don't open source the rest of Falcon
#bearyea, I think the pattern should be block everything and only if needed allow a whitelist of ips
#tantekI'm tempted to start filtering even harsher
#tanteke.g. if a webmention endpoint is on a different domain than where I discovered it, consider not sending unless it's on a whitelist (bridgy, webmention.io, webmention.heroku etc.)
#aaronpkhm it sounds like what you actually want is for the endpoint to confirm it is an endpoint and that it handles webmentions for a given domain
#bearloopback checking, IMO, is adding a third layer of checks to the domain matching and vouch checks already in place
#bear*after* you have a good domain, then resolve it to find out if it's a loopback
#barryfHello all. I'm almost done with my Micropub.rocks tests but I've hit 804: rejecting an unauthorized access token. I need to generate a token but don't know of a quick way to do so. Does anyone have a live tool I could use to log in and generate one?
#aaronpkwhere do your tokens come from right now? are you using tokens.indieauth.com or your own server?
#barryfHey aaronpk. I'm using tokens.indieauth.com
#aaronpkI can't think of a quick way to do that, but you need to generate a token that doesn't have "create" scope. You could log in to Quill and change the scope that it's requesting for example
#barryfI thought about hacking together something for that purpose. Sounds like it might be a useful tool. When you say I could change the scope via Quill, is there a way of configuring the scope it requests?
#sknebelgRegorLove: you should mention that the resolved IP should be used for all communication -> if you do this check, but then give the full domain to e.g. curl it will redo the resolve process and could get a different answer
#aaronpkalso what's the return value of filter_var?
#sknebel(really should be in the general description, but I can't come up with a nice way of explaining it right now... really should go to sleep and try tomorrow ;))
#bearyea, just like url redirects - you have to follow the whole chain
#sknebelI looked into teaching python's requests library to run such a check for each resolving it does... have to check if I can find the code for that again
#sknebelbear: in requests there are some hooks you can plug into, but in the end that's among the reasons why I decided to go with just firewalling the process of
#bearsure it's possible, but how likely is it for 99% of what your doing
#tantekor just have a logging service, for weakness/attack detection
#gRegorLoveHah, from PHP docs "Because of eccentricities in the performance of libresolv between platforms, DNS_ANY will not always return every record, the slower DNS_ALL will collect all records more reliably."
#bearI think it could be done for webmention and micropub using a "sanity check" helper
#bearand the sanity checker would need to have a paranoia flag - how insane do you want it to check