#dev 2016-12-19
2016-12-19 UTC
rMdes- joined the channel
KevinMarks and KevinMarks_ joined the channel
Loqi It looks like we don't have a page for "geo URI" yet. Would you like to create it?

aaronpk geo URI << http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5870

KevinMarks, kline and gRegorLove joined the channel
gregorlove.com edited /StartSSL (+272) "note no longer trusted by Mozilla, Google, Apple" (view diff)

aaronparecki.com edited /StartSSL (+4) "stopped trusting *new* certificates. previously issued certificates continue to be trusted." (view diff)

KevinMarks and cweiske joined the channel
petermolnar my font size gets f* up in print

petermolnar and using inline @media print {} doesn't seem to address it

petermolnar ( I'm getting rid of less and rewriting my complete css as the bare minimum )

petermolnar that is the current site, the trouble is with the one I'm testing :)

petermolnar I'm trying to switch to rem units and specifying font size in html

{} or body {}
petermolnar so far, it's more or less ok for screen

petermolnar but print results in GIGANTINC fonts :)

petermolnar I'll pastebin my stuff

KartikPrabhu for print you might want to specif font sizes in pt

petermolnar I do

petermolnar it's ignored

KartikPrabhu that is strange

petermolnar full html, w/ inline CSS

petermolnar the images won't show though

cweiske chrome shows the print normal - http://p.cweiske.de/388/rev-raw/e1195fa92f9fc19655f86eda94ca76a9fd7e57f5/phork0.html
petermolnar that's unexpected

petermolnar chrome is indeed fine

petermolnar ff is still not in my case

petermolnar FF 50.0

petermolnar hm

petermolnar let me upgrade that

petermolnar yes

petermolnar ( and I also spotted I need to fix max line width in print )

Zegnat screenshot Firefox 50.0.2 on W10: http://imgur.com/a/kUYVU

petermolnar oh, ffs

petermolnar PEBKAC

petermolnar there is a Scale: in FF print view

petermolnar which, for me, for an unknown reason, was set to Custom...

petermolnar thanks for the help

petermolnar right, from now, the only thing I need to figure out, is how to have sharp and crips fonts in prints

j4y_funabashi joined the channel
petermolnar whee, we are back in the era of css hacks!

petermolnar transform: rotate(0.01deg); - this, apparently, resolves in crispy svg, unlike the one without...

petermolnar I'm trying to get rid of external fonts and adding inline svg symbols, referenced for icons in the code

petermolnar turns out either chrome or ff will render it blurry when you're making it em/rem sized

petermolnar unless you do that rotate trick...

petermolnar eh, only solves

petermolnar firefox

petermolnar not chrome

petermolnar ok... so that's width: 1rem; height: 16px; rotate: (0.01deg) and now it's crisp on both ff and chrom

petermolnar I feel like it's 2006 again

petermolnar I'd guess it forces sw rendering

petermolnar but that's a guess

petermolnar oh, this is on screen

petermolnar not just for printing

petermolnar so: inline css, inline svg icons, inline everything, except images: min 29k, max 142k HTML file size ( the 142k contains a _lot_ of configuration text )

petermolnar getting ipfs ready :)

indiescripter_ joined the channel
petermolnar how do mf2 parsers react to base64 inline images for author images?

martymcguire[m] hahaha
martymcguire[m] dang it again. wrong matrix channel. sorry, folks. ;[
martymcguire[m] i wish the riot.im client had a way to color the chat window based on the room. it is far too easy to forget which room i had focus on last.
martymcguire[m] oh look, they do. okay! hopefully this will help stop me pasting non-indieweb links in indieweb rooms.
ben_thatmustbeme may overflow some fields

ben_thatmustbeme not sure, realistically i don't see anyone making URLs longer than what browsers support

sknebel ... of course there is a stack overflow question for that: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/417142/what-is-the-maximum-length-of-a-url-in-different-browsers
ben_thatmustbeme oh wow

ben_thatmustbeme much larger than i thought it would be

ben_thatmustbeme it used to be only 2000 or so

ben_thatmustbeme cool

tantek joined the channel
ben_thatmustbeme i want to start adding weight tracking to inkstone and my site

ben_thatmustbeme the photo posting is working in inkstone now (with media endpoints at least)

ben_thatmustbeme but it doesn't work on mobile

ben_thatmustbeme i suspect because its timing out

KartikPrabhu joined the channel
ben_thatmustbeme dang, failed to parse https://ben.thatmustbe.me/note/2016/12/19/2/

ben_thatmustbeme probably need some PR to update hubzilla / friendica mf2 markup. but as i remember they layout sort of prevented it

Loqi tantek: gRegorLove left you a message 23 hours, 19 minutes ago: Re archiving planning notes I added an "Initial Planning" subhead to the IWC page, like https://indieweb.org/2016/LA/Planning#Initial_Planning

Loqi tantek: gRegorLove left you a message 23 hours, 19 minutes ago: Linked from https://indieweb.org/Planning#Completed

ben_thatmustbeme tantek: its that my software only looks at the first h-* on the page, the permalinks in hubzilla / friendica have an h-card first, then the h-entry

tantek !tell gRegorLove not seeing the link to LA/Planning from /Planning#Completed but that approach sounds good

ben_thatmustbeme yeah, i think i'm going to have to do that

ben_thatmustbeme tantek: as i remember it is not, at least not with some deeper changes that I would not want to fiddle with

ben_thatmustbeme it had a fairly stick idea of "whatever is part of the post, goes in this box" but the user is always shown on the left bar, which is marked up an an h-card

ben_thatmustbeme so breaking out of that would take some new functionality

ben_thatmustbeme not the type of thing i would want to do unless i really got involved deeper in the project or got help from a developer

tantek.com edited /Template:IndieWebCamp (+24) "2016 IWCs done, 2017 is being planned!" (view diff)

KevinMarks joined the channel
tantek.com edited /Events (+2535) "/* Brainstorming */ add problem statement, replacement requirements stubs" (view diff)

KevinMarks, rMdes- and KevinMarks_ joined the channel
KevinMarks joined the channel
KartikPrabhu any one with experience with encodeURI method in JS? It seems FF and Chrome do it differently with is causing fragmantion troubles!

KartikPrabhu fragmention*

KartikPrabhu MDN docs don't seem to say anything about this difference

KartikPrabhu yes, special characters should be UTF-8 encoded

KartikPrabhu will have to do more stringent testing to deduce exactly what is going wrong

KartikPrabhu I was wondeirng if someone had come across this already

KartikPrabhu I thought "no". doing some console debugging now

KartikPrabhu OK seems that FF replaces non-break space character with a %20 which is a normal space, but Chrome uses %C2%A0 which is... something else?

KartikPrabhu I can't tell if this "replacing non-break space with space" is happening before encodeURI though

KartikPrabhu so chrome is double encoding it?

KartikPrabhu i am using the same file on both FF and Chrome to test this

KartikPrabhu with encoding utf-8 declared in the head

KartikPrabhu looking, didn't know that existed

KartikPrabhu on Bugzilla

KartikPrabhu no search results for encodeURI

tantek KartikPrabhu: for some dry reading: https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/#sec-encodeuri-uri

KartikPrabhu yup, that is what MDN told me too. I am simply confused as to why FF and Chrome are doing different things

tantek KartikPrabhu: check https://github.com/tc39/test262 for encodeURI tests

KartikPrabhu in fact fragmention.js also replaces all space characters with normal spaces. So on FF (which converts non-break spaces to normal space) fragmention.js works; but on Chrome (which encodes to UTF-8) fragmention.js does not work

KartikPrabhu fragmention.js does it explicitly. My script generates a fragmention from some given text and uses encodeURI to encode it. FF and Chrome differ on the encodeURI bit

KartikPrabhu yes, also checked that

KartikPrabhu this was also reported by adactio: https://adactio.com/journal/11632#confuses%20the%20fragmention

KartikPrabhu in fact that is how I came up on it

KartikPrabhu tantek: I can upload a demo which generates the console logs

KartikPrabhu ok will try to condense into that

KartikPrabhu yup, got it

KartikPrabhu OK wow! it does seem that the problem is in the input to encodeURI...

KartikPrabhu somehow the text obtained from a selection is messing up

KartikPrabhu writing test to check that

KartikPrabhu when used the text from some HTML elment both FF and Chrome gave the same answer

KartikPrabhu tantek: here is the demo https://kartikprabhu.com/static/demo/selection-encodeURI.html