#KartikPrabhufixed non-break space problem in fragmentioner.js by hacking all browser selections to work like FF's bad behaviour!
#tantek.comedited /Instagram (+30) "/* Single Photo Bookmarklet */ update for new IG web front-end. They moved the caption from img alt to the first h1." (view diff)
#tantekKartikPrabhu: what happens when FF fixes that bug?
#KartikPrabhuif no changes are made, it will still work
#Loqi[Kartik Prabhu] 2017 indieweb commitments
* fix responsive images height issue: currently my responsive images don’t know their heights and so cause flow when they load. This interferes with fragmention for instance.
* fix hfeed2atom to display response-context ...
gRegorLove, gRegorLove_ and tantek joined the channel
#KartikPrabhuaaronpk: on indieauth log in interface it would be good to know the year of last scan too
KevinMarks_, tantek and cweiske joined the channel
#Zegnataaronpk: "twitter doesn't return an http 301 redirect always on t.co" - somewhere in the logs there is evidence of me banging my head for this on my rel-me validation
#ZegnatKartikPrabhu: I don't think browsers expose element categories in DOM. But, you know what, I never checked!
#KartikPrabhuyeah, so that could be an obstruction to implementing any element categories in javascript
#ZegnatWell, the spec defines them simply by tag names, so it is nothing more than a list of tag names
#KartikPrabhuright, but something like Node.category proeprty might be good?
#ZegnatIt would be Node.categories ... I am not sure how useful that will be in practice. I bet smarter people have decided that it wouldn't be useful, haha
#KartikPrabhuyeah it is a weird thing so documenting and getting more eyes on it would be helpful. Hopefully you can document this stuff when you have the time
#ZegnatIndieWeb wiki is probably not the place to document often unused HTML spec categories ;)
#KartikPrabhuno but you could phrase the problem with suggestions about element categories
#KartikPrabhuthe problem does seem to be accesibility
#petermolnarif there an mf2 tag to indicate language of e-content?
#cweiske(I use lang="de" or "en" as <html> attribute)
#KartikPrabhuoh ok that is a good use-case for mf2 to have a lang attribute detection
#KartikPrabhuthe question is if one should default to english
#ZegnatFor a while I made sure to have lang="nl" around my name on my h-card. So theoretically you would get a proper pronunciation from screenreaders.
#ZegnatNot sure if I brought that over to my new design.
#KartikPrabhualright I'm out now... happy discussion
#ZegnatIf no language is defined, you can't default to anything. It is simply language-unknown. Unless your parser implements language detection, I guess.
#Sebselyeah I think just don't have a lang/language-field in the Mf2 then? there is no 'name' if there is no 'p-name' either.
#Sebselshould get used to reading specs and thus learn to be precise
#ZegnatI read specs and often still forget about things that later get specified more precisely in different sections. Specs are not always intuitive ;)
#Zegnatsebsel: i18n / lang attributes for next HWC? ;)
#Sebsel!tell aaronpk I have my own XRay running at http://xray.5eb.nl, and it does not return 500 on seblog.nl (it works!), so I can't debug any further for xray.p3k.io :( should I file an issue?
#Sebselah, so I just viewed seblog.nl via aaronpk's laptop... wow. but looking up seblog via your tunnlr-thing works too. So it's only the .p3k.io version that has a 500 on seblog and a timeout on licit.li.
j4y_funabashi joined the channel
#sknebelsounds like some google app engine trouble then, afaik they had problems with fetching sites before if I remember right (I think that was only sites running on app engine though)
#Loqiaaronpk: Sebsel left you a message 2 hours, 45 minutes ago: I have my own XRay running at http://xray.5eb.nl, and it does not return 500 on seblog.nl (it works!), so I can't debug any further for xray.p3k.io :( should I file an issue?
#aaronpkespecially because this timeout is proving difficult to capture
#Sebselhost-guy confirms: 'Dat is een vreemde situatie.' It's strange. Server has no IPv6, but DirectAdmin thought it had. Fixed now, wait for 4 hours.
#SebselBut yeah, how to get an error-message out of it... no idea.
#aaronpkBad mf1 markup really messes with the mf2 conversion
#bearcurl (and the library it uses) will perform a DNS lookup for both A and AAAA and will prefer the ipv6 result
KevinMarks joined the channel
#petermolnara complete, clean build, with all images downsized, all content build with the static generator I'm working on: 11 minutes.
#petermolnarIt sounds horrible, but that's generating 6 sizes out of 773 jpg images and getting their exif, parsing 987 frontmattered markdown docs and 271 image meta with pandoc to html
#petermolnarbtw, I still haven't figured out how to do the following: either asyncio to receive incoming, if it's a webmentions, send it to a greentlet (or similar), respond to client immediately and let the greentlet do the pulling and parsing
#petermolnarI did the latter part, but not the first
#bearas I was already using it as a ephemeral store for tokens and the like
#sknebelI use a folder on the filesystem as a queue, that maybe was *too* old-fashioned a way. but I think I prefer having the webmention verifier in it's own process I can lock down even more. it *shouldn't* be necessary, but...
#bearI thought about using the file system but I already had redis and it has pubsub and I have that code ...
#LoqiKartikPrabhu: aaronpk left you a message 6 hours, 51 minutes ago: lol! I guess I never imagined someone would go >1 year without re-scanning the links!