2016-12-22 UTC
KartikPrabhu, JulianFoad[m], KevinMarks, plindner and tantek joined the channel
# 03:02 tantek aaronpk++ nice clarification. tempted to at least try
# 03:02 Loqi aaronpk has 19 karma in this channel (1159 overall)
tantek joined the channel
cweiske, tantek and loicm joined the channel
# 16:32 aaronpk martymcguire[m]: i'm not sure i understand your question, but i think you're on the right track
# 16:32 aaronpk in general, like-of and repost-of posts don't have their own additional content (other than the author and the new published date)
# 16:34 martymcguire[m] here's an example like-of post from my site:
# 16:35 martymcguire[m] oh, i might see a problem in there - i have an empty p-name in content.
# 16:36 aaronpk i think you don't need a content property for a "like-of" post
# 16:36 aaronpk some consumers won't handle that cause they are expecting the "like-of" property to be a URL, but you can file bugs on those in that case
# 16:37 martymcguire[m] ah, thanks! that helps.
# 16:39 martymcguire[m] i'll make the empty content stuff go away and then in theory consumers should handle the "(like|repost)-of h-cite" format.
# 16:43 aaronpk pardon me, i need a screenshot for my post. ignore this:
# 16:43 Loqi [Zegnat] Will update wiki at some point this week. Probably tomorrow. I am starting my trip home to Sweden this afternoon.
# 16:54 petermolnar I'm close to tell Loqi that it's a bad idea of dangerously including remote sites info iframes that should have been purged many years ago
# 16:57 sknebel all: I wrote as a suggestion for the issue of separating details about a photo from the article around it that a separate photo post could be embedded. How does that look like? h-cite? just nested h-entry with u-url u-uid to the original? something I'm missing?
benborges joined the channel
# 17:35 Zegnat Interesting idea, sknebel. Is it an h-entry repost-of when embedded?
# 17:36 sknebel repost of (for now) seemed to me to be without any extra context
# 17:36 sknebel e.g. not even commentary like you can do on twitter retweets
# 17:37 Zegnat But the embedded h-card would not have extra content, right? All the extra content lives outside of the embed.
mindB joined the channel
# 17:43 sknebel I'm also wondering how much it is like a citation - I think I primarily want to include the image, and mostly want the image to have it's own post to contain the extra information for it
# 17:43 sknebel not sure if that extra information is needed for the location where it is included
# 17:45 sknebel h-cite is used for comment-display etc as well, that might be similar
# 17:45 aaronpk does the photo have its own URL separately from the post it's in?
# 17:46 sknebel right now the idea would be the create a photo post somewhere for each photo
# 17:46 sknebel and then if the photo is used in an article to embed it from there
# 17:46 aaronpk i'd say if the photo exists separately from the article, and then you embed it in the article, h-cite makes sense
# 17:47 aaronpk but if it exists only within the article then it's not an h-cite
# 17:50 sknebel have the individual photos somewhere to be able to tag, search and link them individually, then include them.
# 17:51 sknebel I guess that's what I'll try later tonight I guess, but first: food! will be back later
# 18:07 aaronpk bear: i'm confused. one of my ubuntu servers says it's 4.5.5-x86_64 the other says 3.13.0-106
# 18:09 bear you probably have a partial dist upgrade happening
# 18:09 aaronpk the 4.5.5 one is on Linode, maybe they do something funny?
# 18:09 bear yea, they probably upgraded the kernel for all LTS
# 18:09 bear security in the container world they live in
# 18:10 bear the Linode folks will have made sure your kernel is leap-second capable for sure
# 18:10 aaronpk oh i see... the linode is configured to boot the "latest", and at the time this machine booted, 4.5.5 was the latest. if I reboot it, it'll boot with 4.8.6
# 18:11 aaronpk and that's despite this having ubuntu 14.04 on it
# 18:11 bear yea, shared tenancy services like linode tend to be very up to date on these things
# 18:11 aaronpk looks like none of the 4.* versions had trouble with the leap second
# 18:12 aaronpk so really i just have to care about the one physical server i have at home
# 18:12 bear none, it was fixed when the 2015 June leap second update caused so much havoc
# 18:12 bear right - update the kernel and reboot - you should be fine
# 18:13 bear linux-image-*-generic linux-headers-*-generic and linux-image-extra-*-generic those are the three packages for a kernel update
# 18:13 bear (replace the * with your desired version #)
# 18:13 aaronpk i just did apt-get upgrade which i think caught them all
tantek joined the channel
# 19:20 sknebel first observation trying to mark up a post: using h-cited image as u-photo or u-featured needs an extra hidden link now
# 19:22 martymcguire[m] sknebel: a hidden link to the original image post?
# 19:23 sknebel if the actual <img> tag is in a h-cite, then I can't make it a u-photo property of the surrounding post
# 19:24 sknebel I guess it doesn't *have* to be in the h-cite, that could be empty or just for extra data. but both is kind of ugly
# 19:28 Loqi [sknebel] all: I wrote as a suggestion for the issue of separating details about a photo from the article around it that a separate photo post could be embedded. How does that look like? h-cite? just nested h-entry with u-url u-uid to the original? something I...
# 19:28 sknebel my software understanding what it is supposed to do could quite possibly be enough
# 19:29 tantek or are you trying to use u-featured + a photo post?
# 19:31 tantek also if you're not sure it needs marking up, then it likely doesn't
# 19:31 tantek it's not worth marking something up like that unless you *know* there is a use-case for something that consumes that markup
# 19:32 tantek (took a while for me to come to that position, I used to more eagerly markup all the things)
# 19:32 sknebel the idea I had was to have photo posts (one per photo), and then to somehow include/reference those photoposts in other posts were I "use" the photo. but I'd want an included photo to be u-featured (possibly even u-photo, sort of like a collection with commentary?) and that doesn't express itself neatly
# 19:34 sknebel just linking the photo posts where I feel it is necessary is probably easier, I can teach my software to include details from a photo post unconnected to that
# 19:35 sknebel (hey, that's a use case to accept webmentions for the actual .jpg files)
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# 23:19 tantek 10 days until aaronpk could you create /2016-create with the same script that you used for previous years? Thanks!
# 23:19 Loqi I added a countdown scheduled for 2017-01-01 11:19pm GMT+0000 (#5971)
# 23:46 KartikPrabhu anyone know a good JS minifier? I have been using closure by Google but it removes some code when it optimises in particular any mustard-cutting tests