#sknebelall: I wrote as a suggestion for the issue of separating details about a photo from the article around it that a separate photo post could be embedded. How does that look like? h-cite? just nested h-entry with u-url u-uid to the original? something I'm missing?
benborges joined the channel
#ZegnatInteresting idea, sknebel. Is it an h-entry repost-of when embedded?
#sknebelrepost of (for now) seemed to me to be without any extra context
#sknebele.g. not even commentary like you can do on twitter retweets
#ZegnatBut the embedded h-card would not have extra content, right? All the extra content lives outside of the embed.
#sknebelI'm also wondering how much it is like a citation - I think I primarily want to include the image, and mostly want the image to have it's own post to contain the extra information for it
#sknebelnot sure if that extra information is needed for the location where it is included
#bearthe Linode folks will have made sure your kernel is leap-second capable for sure
#aaronpkoh i see... the linode is configured to boot the "latest", and at the time this machine booted, 4.5.5 was the latest. if I reboot it, it'll boot with 4.8.6
#Loqi[sknebel] all: I wrote as a suggestion for the issue of separating details about a photo from the article around it that a separate photo post could be embedded. How does that look like? h-cite? just nested h-entry with u-url u-uid to the original? something I...
#sknebelbut I'm not even sure if it needs marking up
#sknebelmy software understanding what it is supposed to do could quite possibly be enough
#tantekor are you trying to use u-featured + a photo post?
#tantekalso if you're not sure it needs marking up, then it likely doesn't
#tantekit's not worth marking something up like that unless you *know* there is a use-case for something that consumes that markup
#tantek(took a while for me to come to that position, I used to more eagerly markup all the things)
#sknebelthe idea I had was to have photo posts (one per photo), and then to somehow include/reference those photoposts in other posts were I "use" the photo. but I'd want an included photo to be u-featured (possibly even u-photo, sort of like a collection with commentary?) and that doesn't express itself neatly
#sknebeljust linking the photo posts where I feel it is necessary is probably easier, I can teach my software to include details from a photo post unconnected to that
#sknebel(hey, that's a use case to accept webmentions for the actual .jpg files)
Zegnat joined the channel
#KevinMarksSvgur.com accepts webmentions on svg and png files
tantek, mherl, cweiske and KevinMarks joined the channel
#tantek.comedited /Falcon (+30) "/* Select Text Fragmention UI */ link to script. thanks Kartik!" (view diff)
#KartikPrabhuanyone know a good JS minifier? I have been using closure by Google but it removes some code when it optimises in particular any mustard-cutting tests