tantekhaving learned/forgotten so many, I've learned the meta-lesson that CLIs are poor for longterm usability / learnability, especially when frequency of use drops below some threshold. (compared to GUIs)
tantekthough at least my Posting UI (as much as I have one), now shows a heads-up of what links will be webmentioned or pingbacked, when I click "Post"
DanCone thing I really like about modern chat stuff (my experience is with RocketChat, but I'm sure it's inspired by slack) is the ability to edit messages.
Loqipilcrow is a backwards P "used as an indent for separate paragraphs or to designate a new paragraph in one long piece of copy" https://indieweb.org/pilcrow
tantekjust verified that "f username" and "follow username" do not work in the Twitter API any more (as methods of following) - they just get tweeted to the account
DanCI keep running into "you're clearly a wierdo, cuz only like 3 people use the feature you're interested in. The guy who wrote that code left years ago and when we upgraded our database, it broke and we're not fixing it" pages.
DanCmost recently: just after I found a way to export my contacts including tags so that I could use the tagging feature, "Relationship Section of Profile - No Longer Available" https://www.linkedin.com/help/linkedin/answer/68887?lang=en
DanCanother way to decode that "no longer available" page is: "we realized the few people who use that feature are probably willing to pay for it". Fair enough.
tantekforks a tab to see if Bridgy Publish supports POSSEing "follow" posts to Twitter (talk about rare feature that maybe no one else has asked for yet)
tantek.comedited /Twitter (+619) "/* POSSE to Twitter */ separate grouping for Backfeed from Twitter, add POSSE Follows to Twitter since bumping into it" (view diff)
beari'm not fully disagreeing with you, just finding it funny that so many people (and apologies if I over extended my analogy to you) who don't like CLIs are rushing to chat bots
bearbut i'm curious because I come from the world where the CLI was the *only* interface and i've been trying to keep it relevant in this world of pictures and colour that, to be honest, confounds me daily
tantekDanC - you can purge Google location history. You cannot however purge phone company cell tower tracking location history, which they provide an API of to gov agencies
aaronpkhad access to the AT&T location API for a while. the crazy part is it didn't even require any authentication, it was just open on their internal network.
DanCoh... tantek... that's one reason for DVCS over versions as done with something like mediawiki: it's decentralized. I can edit offline and on different machines
aaronpktho i could definitely write up all the reasoning behind the choices in this version of my website and i wouldn't even feel bad about most of them
DanChmm... if I gave up my audible.com $15/month subscription, I could prolly get a linode vps. But then the burden of curating stuff to listen to on the commute would go back up.
LoqiA slug is a series of words in a permalink URL, usually at the end, that are from or representative of the name or text of a post, and thus part of an overall URL design https://indieweb.org/slug
LoqiURL design is the practice of deliberately designing URLs, in particular, permalinks, typically for a better UX for everyone who creates, reads, and shares content https://indieweb.org/URL_design
aaronpki guess i always thought of it the other way around. the wiki being the canonical event and then adding the indie events as copies you can RSVP to
sebselI have only ±23:15 hours in my timezone left till new year... Too bad I said 'automated' in my commitment. But I can make that work with Brid.gy publish I guess.