tantek!tell chrisaldrich I'm confused by this section: https://indieweb.org/WordPress_with_Bridgy#Rel-me_links - because shouldn't the IndieWeb Plugin already take care of your rel=me links for you? This section doesn't even mention the IndieWeb Plugin, and that you need to set it up with the links to your social media profiles. It should mention that right?
ben_thatmustbemetrying to fit that in to micropub's way of doing it and keeping it so its always the same, not sometimes json, sometimes, url, sometimes geo
ben_thatmustbemetrying to fit that in to micropub's way of doing it and keeping it so its always the same, not sometimes json, sometimes, url, sometimes geo
ben_thatmustbemeif i store as an h-card always i can store different data below that, but i suppose as long as its always the same data type (json) its okay
aaronpki have an object that is created with the value of the location property, whatever it is, and then there's a method there to for example get the latitude, which knows how to dive in to the h-card/h-adr/whatever and find it
ben_thatmustbemewhich is why i was sort of fine doing the h-card always, but when all i'm posting is geo data going location->adr->geo seems rather silly
aaronpkso my usage is basically `$location->latitude` and it works because $location is actually an object that knows how to extract the latitude from whatever the location property is
ascraeus.orgcreated /User:Ascraeus.org (+357) "Created page with "[https://ascraeus.org Daniel Goldsmith] is an IndieWeb newbie, living in Cork, Ireland. == Current Progress == Site using {{Hugo}} Fully marked up h-card and h-entry Using [htt..."" (view diff)
aaronpki had a crazy idea to resurrect the idea of microp3k, basically making a trimmed down version of p3k that is easy to install like wordpress, and using that to spin up the list of microblogs for my various projects that i keep wanting to do.
aaronpkit would also mean i'd have to package up more things as libraries, like extracting the processing code from XRay separately from the API it has
LoqiA person tag (AKA people tag) is a person mention that is also a tag on a post that refers to a specific person by URL rather than just a word or phrase, and is done as an explicit tag by the user, beyond just mentioning a person via hyperlink / h-card / or @-name https://indieweb.org/person-tag
gRegorLoveThe face tagging you're talking about should be on one of the tag related pages. ben_thatmustbeme implemented it, I thought. Or was working on it.
tantek.comedited /Feedly (+1387) "Features stub, IndieWeb Examples stub, IndieWeb Friendly stub, new issue: logged out home page is js dr (for no good reason, it's just a brochure)), see also Woodwind" (view diff)
Loqiservice workers are scripts that run in the background, separate from tabs with the site open, and are commonly used for offline functionality and push notifications https://indieweb.org/service_workers
tantekYou know how there's this ongoing debate about how we need a "real" event system to replace our event pages etc. because they're so cumbersome etc. etc.? Here's an example of an event where the *only* link that remains working for it is a dumb *wiki* page about it: http://microformats.org/wiki/events/2010-03-15-sxsw-open-science - all the "real" event systems, Upcoming, Plancast, and even SXSW's own event system pages all di
tantekupcoming.yahoo.com is where Yahoo moved the [[Upcoming]] site after purchasing it, and where all URLs now just redirect to the Yahoo home page; you can fix those URLs by ... ?