#LoqiFaceversary is what Facebook calls their siloversary, that is, an anniversary of the date someone joined Facebook https://indieweb.org/Faceversary
#aaronpklooks like that one has my old site layout
#voxpelliyeah, was a while since I added the snapshots there, so they could use an updating – when updated they will automatically become part of my endpoints test suite
#KevinMarksI had that same problem with Aaron's u-author in my recipe code
tantek joined the channel
#voxpellishould get around to updating the testpinger then, but PR:a are appreciated, especially as it feels better to have an ok on pulling in copies of people's sites
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
#aaronpkare http Link headers allowed to be relative?
#aaronpker, path-relative. i'm not sure what the word is for that
#tantekwhy? that $url is also from an input param, again, caller responsibility
#aaronpkif that URL is a redirect, and if curl follows the redirect, then you need to update the value of $url to be the final URL that the page was fetched in order for the relative URL resolution to work
#tanteknope, curl is not following redirects, see comment above
#aaronpkwell then you'll just be unable to send webmentions to a page that happens to be a redirect
#tantekthe CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION option was causing some bizarro PHP failure so I cut it
#tantekno that's the caller responsibility to handle the redirect first
#aaronpkfor example if someone changes their URLs and you try to re-send a webmention to something you linked to before
#tantekpossibly. or that someone could also return the webmention endpoint as part of the headers of their redirect
#tantekhmm - getting annoyed at having to update my hotlinked IG images when they keep moving their CDN from cdininstagram.com to fbcdn.net and back
#aaronpki put his original URL into the "reply" field in quill, so quill would need to look for the syndication URL. the trick is then matching it with one of my syndicate-to options, which don't have any machine-parsable information about which service/account they are for
#tantekjonnybarnes++ yes. also well done with your site update!
#Loqijonnybarnes has 1 karma in this channel (11 overall)
#jonnybarneswhy does tantek always choose the better phrasing?
#aaronpkjonnybarnes: one more thing, your home page h-card needs a u-url set to your home page! right now it looks like your primary URL is your facebook page
#jonnybarnesdoes the u-url need to come before the facebook url, or will anywhere in the h-card do aaronpk?
#aaronpkIMO it should be the first one in the list for consumers who only look at one URL.
#aaronpktantek: looks like i'm not storing the syndication URL when I store my reply context, and I definitely don't have code that checks whether the thing i'm replying to is an original post with a syndication URL that might match twitter.com. i'd have to add that for it to work
#tantekaaronpk: the way I've been designing storage of such things in Falcon is literally as stepping stones toward /reader functionality
#jonnybarnesbut the spec now says to use mp-syndicate-to
#aaronpki don't think it ever switched *back*, it just started as syndicate-to and then we realized it made more sense as a command rather than as part of the post (e.g. there is no syndicate-to property of h-entry)
#tantekit's more involved than just setting the "syndication" property, in particular
#tantek(which could have been another alternative)
#tantek(you can't set the property because you don't know the precise syndication permalink URL)
#aaronpkwell that's still possible. in fact some of my scripts set the syndication property after they do the syndication work
#tantek(you the client can only convey a preference from the user *to* syndicate to a silo destination, after which the side-effect is that the syndication property is set to a syndication permalink)