2017-02-27 UTC
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# 03:41 miklb_ GWG can you give me an overview of the changes? My quote kind template is throwing an error for using `get_author()`
# 03:42 GWG miklb_: The template uses output buffering now. so you have to call your own variables, not the ones I pre-called in the old version.
# 03:44 GWG Trying to make it more theme like.
# 03:47 GWG I intend to, in future, ship templates for more post kinds, rather than keeping the generic
# 03:54 miklb_ oh, wait, had to clear my debug log to see where the error is now
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
# 04:09 miklb_ hmm. I'm not getting embedded tweets. Let me double check your template again vs mine.
# 04:09 GWG Did you enable the rich embed setting?
# 04:12 GWG WordPress 4.7 added Facebook embeds, so I removed that code, for example.
# 04:13 miklb_ I didn't, but I see now that I don't need to concatenate $content
# 04:13 Loqi gwg has 4 karma in this channel (208 overall)
# 04:13 GWG miklb_: Much more like a convention template.
# 04:14 miklb_ yep, which will make it easier/cleaner to do custom markup. Excellent addition
# 04:14 GWG I had thought of doing it this way the first time, but didn't.
# 04:26 miklb_ I also liike now that I can see how to change site_name to say something else based on source, i.e. "A tweet" for Twitter
# 04:26 GWG miklb_: That function was always there
# 04:27 GWG Feel free to suggest additions to it. It defaults to 'a post'
# 04:27 miklb_ then just seemed obvious when reading the code this time
# 04:27 GWG miklb_: I did a lot of cleanup. I
# 04:27 GWG It may have just been more obvious because a lot of things got removed.
# 04:28 miklb_ possibly, or I just overlooked it first go around. I was a bit rushed getting the template written knowing changes were coming
# 04:29 GWG miklb_: Well, as you see, none of them are drastic. I do want to improve the 'helper' functions.
# 04:31 GWG miklb_: That is why I wanted some testing this time before I moved on. So I asked you and chrisaldrich to try it and see if there was any feedback.
# 04:31 GWG miklb_: Also, if you are interested in the parser, open up your development console and retrieve a URL. It will show you the information coming from the backend.
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# 04:50 miklb I had Bright House for years without an issue. Charter/Spectrum bought them and now it drops 5-6 times a day.
# 04:56 GWG miklb: Is the Post Properties section in the new version more or less confusing?
# 04:56 miklb didn't get that far yet, was getting front end working 1st.
# 05:30 miklb I haven't seen anything yet, but am poking around a few different areas.
# 05:49 miklb I should be done with the new version of my theme and will test on my live site this week.
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# 11:57 petermolnar re GWG: embed: I did look at it, in order to figure out how to disable it
# 12:04 petermolnar wp ships with oembed for the blog itself, providing a json with some js in the response, and when I think about embedding remote json in my site via iframe I get jumpy
# 12:05 cweiske how is that different from showing indieweb remote comments?
# 12:08 petermolnar I don't do that either, but I do store them: pull content, parse with pandoc to markdown, store in markdown, display with pandoc to html5
# 12:08 petermolnar if anything manages to slip through that, I'll give them a cookie
# 12:42 Zegnat A cookie, petermolnar? That’s a better bug bounty program than Cloudflare’s!
# 12:43 GWG petermolnar, I wanted to consider using a similar design for my reply context.
# 12:44 petermolnar cweiske no, with embeds, you can't, that's the point: embeds are copyright-safe things because you don't copy anything, just show the actual, remote thing
# 12:44 petermolnar what I do can hit copyright walls, but since I'm not showing it, only storing it for potential future use, meh.
# 12:45 petermolnar I guess if I only show quotes as [...] blabla [...] + url, as WordPress did for pingbacks, it shouldn't hit any copyright issues
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