[barryf]aaronpk: I was just trying Quill's editing with a like on my site and it didn't quite work for me. I assumed the like-of value should be an array whereas Quill's response was a string.
tantek.comedited /media_fragment (+1087) "add why, how to, indieweb examples sections, merge in previous indieweb examples / how to content" (view diff)
Loqi[keithjgrant]: voxpelli left you a message 6 days, 2 hours ago: I don't have an authorization endpoint at voxpelli.com since my identity setup there isn't supported by IndieAuth.com – instead I have a separate discovery page + sometimes manually enter my identity URL (rarely supported)
aaronpkquery params are part of the URL and may result in a different page on the server, e.g. default wordpress URL scheme is like example.com/index.php?p=100 or something. hashes identify content within the page, so you can include the hash if the thing you're mentioning is a specific part of the page
[keithjgrant]I'm thinking for my chrome extension. User wants to reply to the "current page"... do I trim off the hash? If there's one of those marketing/tracking query params on the url, will it do odd things to the Webmention if sent?
[barryf]Well I think it seemed easier at the time given the number of properties I would be requesting. I suppose it’s a bit like using SELECT * vs SELECT column1, column2.
[barryf]Yes, just the one. I considered following what I had built for new posts and using post type discovery to determine which interface to display, but I thought that may be limiting.
aaronpkmy "kitchen sink" fallback right now is I have to edit the file on disk by hand. which means I can't really do it from my phone, and I would much rather use an interface like this.
aaronpkbut my typical edits don't actually need that level of control, which is why my inline p3k editor doesn't even support editing post content, just a few properties
[barryf]Your client tests have reminded me I need to add photo and media endpoint support so that’s next on my list. I’ll maybe then try your post type approach.
Loqi[Tantek Çelik] h-entry is a simple, open format for episodic or datestamped content on the web. h-entry is often used with content intended to be syndicated, e.g. blog posts. h-entry is one of several open microformat standards suitable for embedding data in HTML/H...
tantekbased on real world examples of posting behavior, identifying patterns of posts that would/could benefit from being treated as a different type, brainstorming, proposals, experiments, etc.
sknebeldoes it really make sense to list every instance of a service having (in thas case even regionally limited) outages as "criticism" of said service? To me that's mostly noise, because everything is going to have downtime somewhere sometime.
tanteksknebel: when there is a common (mis)understanding that services "just work" without any problems ever (i.e. endough to depend on without redundancy) then it's worth documenting instances that dispute that common wisdom
sknebelI guess then the basic documentation shouldn't be under "criticism", because I'd like those sections to tell me something interesting about the specific service, not "global truths" (which "stuff breaks occasionally" is for me).
tantek.comedited /Falcon (+612) "add explicit Features section for user-level features, and IndieWeb Friendly section with subsections for Standards Support, and other specific best practices" (view diff)
tantek.comedited /Webmention (+261) "try a short user-relevant summary, spec has advanced to REC, but still worth submitting implementation reports" (view diff)