Loqiaaronpk: [eddie] left you a message 2 minutes ago: what's the difference between an itinerary on your site versus a p3k-trip? Is it past versus present? Mode of transport? Something else?
[eddie]Aaronpk: cool, I think I'm gonna experiment with using a trip baseline. Because as I've been thinking about it, a "past itinerary" doesn't make sense but a "future trip" does. It's kind of like my media checking workflow: interested, in progress, finished. Trips might have a "planned, in progress, finished" status as well. ? ? ?
ben_thatmustbemeaaronpk: i would completely disagree with that statement, that is not how you started micropub https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?title=Micropub&oldid=5288 majority of that page is under brainstorming, search for the word "MUST" on both pages, even just look at the first paragraph, with micropub you brain dumped ideas and it read as people welcome to put in ideas, microsub reads more like a spec that isn't open and
ben_thatmustbemethats the point though, you are still writing a spec, i'm saying don't because others don't have the skill of writing a spec and its going to be really offputting
aaronpkI added a "status" section which mentions specifically that this is an early draft looking for feedback, and also an empty "indieweb examples" section so it's clear there are no implementations yet
ben_thatmustbemejust wonder if that shouldn't be pushed down and have like, a protocol summary, simple flow, indieweb examples, background, etc, all up front, put the entire spec in a brainstorming section. hell even just starting it as 'login / auth is identical to micropub' and getting all of the stuff out of the way. the idea is to have really simple descriptions now so people can go off and experiment with it, not spec it
[eddie]I think the spec is useful, but I agree that auth could be summarized as "same as Micropub" and then have a details section down lower. Because I'll admit I skimmed all of the south pretty lightly to get to the "new stuff"
[eddie]martymcguire[m] just sent you an experimental webmention. lol. I create h-cite listen posts marked up with an experimental “u-listen-to” property. Not sure how that registers in webmention.io, but to test it out I sent one to this week’s This Week in IndieWeb (https://martymcgui.re/2017/04/08/165106/). I’m guessing it’ll end up as a “Mention”, but let me know if you see anything interesting, strange or bad with the webmention
martymcguire[m]in seriousness: i think it's an interesting way to indicating moving sites or accounts, but it also raises a lot of questions in my mind.
ben_thatmustbemeagreed, i doubt there is a "simple" solution. I'm honestly more just concerned about the other side of it, how can i tell that a new identity is the correct one? So i store as many URLs for a person as i can and try to link it back together so i know identities. ideally i should be able to look if the rel-me's are all pointing to a new URL, i change to using that as the primary
martymcguire[m][chrisaldrich]: my display handling is a pretty simple mapping of the content from webmention.io, which sends "listen" posts as "link"s.
aaronpkyeah the approach i'm taking with webmention.io (which gets the data from xray) is to be vocabulary-aware rather than passing everything through blindly
[eddie]Because if nothing else, with a p-summary/e-content, at least if the post says “Eddie listened to X”, if it’s a link then most webmention displays would show it. If we transform it into a listen, then there’s no backwards compatibility
[chrisaldrich]martymcguire[m] I was just noticing that. Why is WordPress always such a bear. Looks like you're picking up context which should be outside of the piece too. I'm working on some themeing this morning, we'll see if I can tweak it.
[chrisaldrich]eddie I haven't added the example just yet as I'm still working on it. Ultimately it's also an example of what all WordPress sites that use Post Kinds will show up as too...
[eddie]as a link, it gets backwards compatibility. But that also means on each of your podcasts you’re gonna get a mention “Eddie listened to X”, where as with a listen you could aggregate it like likes with a number of facepile.
[chrisaldrich]I think that /listen posts can be useful in showing the popularity of a particular podcast as "social" proof in some sense. And in the near term, they can spur the question, "How does she do that?", and "How can I do that?" which further indieweb in general.
[chrisaldrich]It depends on where the URL shows up within the set up and that could be nested inside other markup which includes a u-url if I'm not mistaken
[chrisaldrich]I essentially think of likes, reads, watches, listens, favorites as bookmarks of a specific type of content. That may make things easier conceptually.