#Loqifeatured is a proposed mf2 property (typically as u-featured) for h-entry that indicates a representative image for a primarily textual post https://indieweb.org/featured
#miklbI went with my friend Chris's sledge hammer approach. Another friend suggested XPath, but my quick test didn't work. Will revisit in future for a better long term solution.
#gRegorLovexpath can be confusing in my experience, heh
#gRegorLoveWorking on php-mf2 parser has familiarized me with it some
#tantek!tell dgold,chrisaldrich re: 10C definitely worth requesting that bits be open sourced for helping add more indieweb friendly functionality, like perhaps the markup templates so mf2 can be added
#gRegorLove"code collaboration isn't going to happen with v4 at this point in time, but v5 will be completely open from the get-go. For the moment some open docs are what I can offer. As for "machine-readable", isn't every document technically readable by a machine? ?"
#tantekjust remembered that American Apparel is shutting down retail this month, thus if we want to use their shirts again its likely we need to put in an order soon
#[eddie]Regarding micropub extensions, it mentions server commands are prefixed with mp-. There is also a section regarding new properties: https://indieweb.org/Micropub-extensions Are new properties generally considered to have a mp- prefix or are they considered part of the h-entry?
#Loqiprivate posts refer to posts or portions of posts which are private to either the author or to a limited audience chosen by the author https://indieweb.org/private_post
#[eddie]I assume private is just the author, unless the server is given additional rules to add ACL
#[eddie]Ohhhh, I think I just realized it’s mentioned but nothing implements it yet
#[eddie]Because Post Status lists Quill and p3k as implementors, but Visibility just talks about Wordpress
#[eddie]So I guess the question would be how post-status is treated, with the mp- prefix or not.
#[eddie]And I could probably just test that one with Quill to find otu ?
#Loqi[chrisaldrich]: tantek left you a message 2 hours, 42 minutes ago: re: 10C definitely worth requesting that bits be open sourced for helping add more indieweb friendly functionality, like perhaps the markup templates so mf2 can be added
#[chrisaldrich]most of the other templates had an "elsewhere"
#tantekreally confused about what templates you're talking about - I don't know of any like that
#[chrisaldrich]gRegorLove, I was looking at modifying that template to include a <dfn>, but wasn't sure if Loqi would prefer the p-summary over <dnf>
#gRegorLove[chrisaldrich]: Loqi looks for p-summary. The wiki plugin auto-adds p-summary around the first sentence with <dfn> if there isn't an explicit one, or another top-level h-*
#Loqi[chrisaldrich]: loqi looks for p-summary. the wiki plugin auto-adds p-summary around the first sentence with <dfn> if there isn't an explicit one
#tanteklast year's was very helpful and resulted in a bunch of pretty important decision / changes that I think benefitted the community greatly (e.g. IRC channels)
#LoqiWebSub (previously known as PubSubHubbub or PuSH, and briefly PubSub) is a notification-based protocol for web publishing and subscribing to streams and legacy feed files in real time https://indieweb.org/WebSub
#tantekcurrent thinking: IWLS morning of, break for lunch / random leader bonding activity optional OSBridge barcamp day in the afternoon
#tantekor just enjoy Portland outdoors in the sunshine
#tantekthat is, we can likely skip the intro/session proposal time of OSBridge barcamp day since we'll be doing two days of indieweb sessions that weekend and don't need to propose any new ones to OSBridge
#tantekalso I feel like the "before lunch" time is particularly effective at having a high-cognitive-functioning focused meetup to decide on "hard questions" of community and such