Loqifeatured is a proposed mf2 property (typically as u-featured) for h-entry that indicates a representative image for a primarily textual post https://indieweb.org/featured
miklbI went with my friend Chris's sledge hammer approach. Another friend suggested XPath, but my quick test didn't work. Will revisit in future for a better long term solution.
tantek!tell dgold,chrisaldrich re: 10C definitely worth requesting that bits be open sourced for helping add more indieweb friendly functionality, like perhaps the markup templates so mf2 can be added
gRegorLove"code collaboration isn't going to happen with v4 at this point in time, but v5 will be completely open from the get-go. For the moment some open docs are what I can offer. As for "machine-readable", isn't every document technically readable by a machine? ?"
tantekjust remembered that American Apparel is shutting down retail this month, thus if we want to use their shirts again its likely we need to put in an order soon
[eddie]Regarding micropub extensions, it mentions server commands are prefixed with mp-. There is also a section regarding new properties: https://indieweb.org/Micropub-extensions Are new properties generally considered to have a mp- prefix or are they considered part of the h-entry?
Loqiprivate posts refer to posts or portions of posts which are private to either the author or to a limited audience chosen by the author https://indieweb.org/private_post
Loqi[chrisaldrich]: tantek left you a message 2 hours, 42 minutes ago: re: 10C definitely worth requesting that bits be open sourced for helping add more indieweb friendly functionality, like perhaps the markup templates so mf2 can be added
gRegorLove[chrisaldrich]: Loqi looks for p-summary. The wiki plugin auto-adds p-summary around the first sentence with <dfn> if there isn't an explicit one, or another top-level h-*
tanteklast year's was very helpful and resulted in a bunch of pretty important decision / changes that I think benefitted the community greatly (e.g. IRC channels)
LoqiWebSub (previously known as PubSubHubbub or PuSH, and briefly PubSub) is a notification-based protocol for web publishing and subscribing to streams and legacy feed files in real time https://indieweb.org/WebSub
tantekthat is, we can likely skip the intro/session proposal time of OSBridge barcamp day since we'll be doing two days of indieweb sessions that weekend and don't need to propose any new ones to OSBridge
tantekalso I feel like the "before lunch" time is particularly effective at having a high-cognitive-functioning focused meetup to decide on "hard questions" of community and such