#KartikPrabhuok let me run this by you then. I think Django is not a CMS because if you install Django, you don't get anything out-of-thebox. you have to write your own CMS on top of it
#tantekthese kinds of lists / tables have a history of getting bloated with non-thing (e.g. non-CMSs) and dead projects. See all the Wiikipedia lists of blogging systems, CMSs, microblogging, etc.
#sknebelThe use of the table is that it provides a quick overview without requiring clicking through to individual pages and parsing info out of the text. If it grows to much this can be adjusted (I'm not convinced all columns are necessary)
#sknebelon more meta level, it sends a *terrible* message of how we treat contributions if a pair of new contributors does their first edits, spents the sunday of an IWC an to rework a page that hasn't been touched for a year, presents that at the demos and a large part of it is reverted within hours
#sknebelgRegorLove: I disagreed with your decision to remove the table from /CMS and thus reverted it and moved the category-listing below it. IMHO it is useful (once expanded) and it feels bad to remove a major part of something 2 new contributors (they've been to IWCs before, but AFAIK not been active on the wiki) spent IWC-sunday on. I think it's worth improving it instead
#gRegorLovetantek, sknebel: Agreed, I hadn't considered the message it sends to contributors. Apologies for that. In general I think the table will be harder to manage, particularly the "I use this!" when we have #IndieWeb_Examples on each CMS page.
#tantekOTOH the "I use this!" could be a really nice friendly summary, especially if it used {{ }} people templates instead of just names / domains
#tanteka list of CMSs is pretty boring / useless - nothing compelling about that
#sknebelgRegorLove: agreed – I had considered replacing it with a link to the examples sections, and I think that'd be a viable solution if that column either gets to large or is totally ignored. or we could call out specific examples there (e.g. someone a newbie might talk to for help)
#tantekno way to compare them, see how "real" each is, how indieweb each is, how in-use they are
#tantekKartikPrabhu: "extract" sounds like code. that someone would have to maintain, which only swaps one maintenace problem (copy editing) for a worse one (code functioning)
#Loqiindieweb network is an overview of IndieWeb friendly applications, silos, CMSes, and platforms and which specifications support https://indieweb.org/indieweb_network
#tantekI kind of make this point pretty strongly every once in a while in #whatwg and annoy the few remaining advocates of the document outline algorithm.
#tantekIt'll die eventually and get scrapped from WHATWG HTML
#KartikPrabhudo HTML backcompat stuff rules allow for scrapping previous standards?
#KartikPrabhuI want to ask how they do it. I am having trouble coupling the CSS and HTML. since my article's have own CSS
#KartikPrabhupetermolnar: how do you use srcset and sizes for your images? I am having trouble generating the "sizes" attibute since that depends on the CSS styling
#KartikPrabhusearches adactio.com and finds nothing about own use :(
#KartikPrabhugRegorLove: yeah I think the markup is there but I want to know how to reasonably manage the whole thing if the CSS is changing/post dependent