LoqiGet started on the indieweb by connecting with the indiewebcamp community, getting a personal domain, a place for your content, and setting up your home page & other indieweb essentials https://indieweb.org/Getting_Started
tantekGetting Started << [https://ietf.org/newcomers.html IETF Getting Started] - as another example, and perhaps source of inspiration for how to keep incrementally improving this page
Loqiok, I added "[https://ietf.org/newcomers.html IETF Getting Started] - as another example, and perhaps source of inspiration for how to keep incrementally improving this page" to the "See Also" section of /Getting_Started
tantek.comedited /2017/Leaders (+1306) "/* Events Website */ actually, Events Organizing in general, problems go beyond the / a website, and short of that, can we make incremental improvements? some problems" (view diff)
tantek!tell aaronpk,ben_thatmustbeme,benwerd,gRegorLove,GWG,Salt,schmarty,sknebel,Zegnat added a bunch more proposed Leaders Summit sessions for your consideration - please take a look and add interested (or not) notes, or other suggestions! https://indieweb.org/2017/Leaders#Sessions
LoqigRegorLove: tantek left you a message 38 minutes ago: added a bunch more proposed Leaders Summit sessions for your consideration - please take a look and add interested (or not) notes, or other suggestions! https://indieweb.org/2017/Leaders#Sessions
Loqiaaronpk: gRegorLove left you a message 6 hours, 21 minutes ago: Apparently Loqi's "when is" is case-sensitive. Only returns the link with "When is..."
Loqiaaronpk: tantek left you a message 38 minutes ago: added a bunch more proposed Leaders Summit sessions for your consideration - please take a look and add interested (or not) notes, or other suggestions! https://indieweb.org/2017/Leaders#Sessions
aaronpki feel like we've all been kind of waiting til IWS to make a call on this, even though it would have been useful to have a wp channel a couple months ago
tantekaaronpk, I would agree with that example, except for the fact *none* (AFAIK) of the folks who chat WordPress regularly here or on #indieweb has said anything about it - which concerns me
LoqiGWG: tantek left you a message 42 minutes ago: added a bunch more proposed Leaders Summit sessions for your consideration - please take a look and add interested (or not) notes, or other suggestions! https://indieweb.org/2017/Leaders#Sessions
tanteke.g. creating a channel for a specific subject/demographic where the people who participate in that subject don't explicitly express a desire for it seems odd
aaronpki'm just saying maybe people don't feel empowered to create a new channel, and if they new it was an option then they may have expressed a desire for it
aaronpkto take things to the extreme, a channel for each spec wouldn't be an unusual use of Slack. e.g. channels for webmention, micropub, indieauth, websub, etc
aaronpkThe thing I like about the super separation like that is it makes it really easy to "catch up" on logs, since you can decide to skim certain topics and fully read others
miklbI almost think there needs to be a wiki/activity channel so -dev is just discussion. Can be difficult to follow a conversation if a bunch of wiki edits are going on at same time
tantekOTOH I can see aaronpk's point as well about no limits / restrictions on new channels. I mean, like hashtags, no one has to agree on them, you just start using them
miklbI haven't used IWC slack in a long time, might have changed since I last used it. But I can't register miklb because it's saying it's not available. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
[eddie]Regarding super separation, as a Slack guy, that is definitely my default. As aaronpk said, when you miss a lot it's easier to choose what you want to skip and what you want to make sure and read up on
[eddie]Also, I think some of the existing channels can be confusing because they ARE such broad topics or as nuanced as "slack or no slack bridge". Where as with Micropub or Webmention, it's pretty clear when to post in there. It's in the name
Loqisknebel: tantek left you a message 3 hours, 47 minutes ago: added a bunch more proposed Leaders Summit sessions for your consideration - please take a look and add interested (or not) notes, or other suggestions! https://indieweb.org/2017/Leaders#Sessions
LoqiText-first design refers to the practice of designing information so that it is usable/actionable in its most basic plaintext form https://indieweb.org/text-first
Loqiok, I added "https://uxplanet.org/ux-writing-how-to-do-it-like-google-with-this-powerful-checklist-e263cc37f5f1" to the "See Also" section of /text-first_design
LoqiZegnat: tantek left you a message 7 hours, 17 minutes ago: added a bunch more proposed Leaders Summit sessions for your consideration - please take a look and add interested (or not) notes, or other suggestions! https://indieweb.org/2017/Leaders#Sessions
sknebeladdresses might be a viable case for this, yes. otherwise I'd generally ask the question of "what does actually consume this markup?" before thinking about improving something that isn't used
sknebel(really, the u-url was wrong, but it's not like I know of anything that would have been broken by it – I just noticed it in debug output right now and wanted to make sure it's not Yet Another Parser Bug)
petermolnarOWASP seems to be web application oriented, and for that, it looks great, but I was looking for something more generic that, for example, checks mail server, ssh, etc
petermolnarone of my colleagues just told me an IRC server of one of his friends just got ransomwared - a linux host. I've known they exists, but haven't seen them in action so far; hence the question
mblaneyyeah backups are the only true comfort. I've got a daily backup automated with cron for important stuff, which also rsync's to another server. I offline copies pretty regularly too.
petermolnarthe reason why zfs (btrfs, lvm, etc) snapshots are good for this is that if something starts encrypting everything you disk will fill up which you'll certainly notice
petermolnarI also highly suggest to do sanity checks before rsync... I did manage to wipe my backup by forgetting to mount a partition on the source that way
sknebelin this case it seems to be a #-sign in front of the house number. I wonder if something in their API handles the URL weirdly and thinks its a fragment...
gRegorLovesknebel: I think "value" in that algorithm means the actual key "value" in the parsed results, so should probably read "If that _location_ property is a nested _mf_ of type h-adr, use the value of that nested h-adr"
www.boffosocko.comedited /site-deaths (+676) "Delicious (adding on the side of caution, but could be re-categorized once the acquisition details settle out)" (view diff)
kiai, KartikPrabhu, ScottJenson and [miklb] joined the channel
tantek.comedited /rsvp (+3) "/* How to RSVP with Known */ numbered list instead of two steps on one line where you can easily miss the second step" (view diff)