ZegnatRe: simple TOTP & password IndieAuth self-contained thingamabob, how about encrypting the TOTP secret with the user’s password? That way password isn’t stored on the server at all and TOTP secret is not stored in the clear. Any obvious drawbacks to that?
Zegnatsknebel, maybe not worry about PHP version as step one, but get the flow working first? When we have a working thing that is easily deployable we can work backwards to support older PHP versions
ZegnatIt looks like most of the [HT]OTP libs on packagist have all moved on to 7.0+, so it would require loading a lower version in almost all cases and hoping they backport fixes
ZegnatI wonder if we could package it as a PHAR so everything is contained in one file. Make it truly “drop this one file on your server, link to it, and use IndieAuth”.
ZegnatSurely the private signing key has a higher risk level? It would allow any endpoint to create keys that my endpoint accepts. The other two only have value together, and only to login through my actual endpoint (which could theoretically also be IP whitelisted etc.etc.)
Zegnatto be honest, might as well store everything in the clear. The entire endpoint can only be as secure as the signing key storage, and the signing key must be stored in the clear...
ZegnatAlright, so you would be able to have your TOTP shared secret and your private signing key encrypted with the password and then a public key for verifying codes that are sent back.
[miklb]sknebel well, I wanted to build a theme that was fully ready for the several IW WP plugins but you can’t require plugins with a theme, so I would have to write checks to see if each plugin was active and do a bunch of conditionals.
sknebelben_thatmustbeme: somewhat-recent php has a bunch of default functions for hmacs and such that I'd try to use instead (any specific reason you went for md5 everywhere?). and a few other small things. how do you want to work on it? Give me/us (I guess Zegnat is interested as well) access, or do you want issues and PRs?
[miklb]I switched to the master on micropub and a lot of stuff is working now that I thought was missing before. need to add the checkin post kind now.