#mblaney!tell eli_oat re: empty reader entries, you have your content in <p class="meta-data reply"> followed by an empty <div class="e-content p-name">. If you can combine the two (ie put all those classes on the same <p> or <div>) then things will work the way you want.
#mblaneyno worries :-) personally I leave likes out of my feed, but of course everyone is free to do their own thing. I just don't see the difference between likes and reposts when the two are combined.
#eli_oatgenerally speaking I like that using my website as a single point of truth as opposed to FB, or something, limits my response types. I use the likes for the self-serving purpose of not wanting to loose a certain link
#sknebelgRegorLove: since you do a lot of wiki gardening, I'd be interested in your thoughts on automating some of it. I got the basics to edit the wiki programmatically working, so if you have an idea for something useful, say something
#[miklb]so in the spirit of “can’t beat them, join them” I’m testing out using Chrome & an Atom extension to edit in my editor of choice. Also using pandoc to convert from markdown to mediawiki syntax.
tantek and [sebsel] joined the channel
#[sebsel]!tell aaronpk Seems like my multi-photo-checkin problem is actually a OwnYourSwarm bug, because your site does not have multiple photos either! https://aaronparecki.com/2017/06/18/35/ (because of the +10 coins I suspect you posted both pictures on Swarm at the time of checkin, right?)
#[sebsel]Hm, and when someone else checks me in (you did, https://seblog.nl/2017/06/17/15) and I make that same checkin, tagging you, adding a picture, I get the picture, but not the text / tag!
#Zegnatsknebel, what do you think of doing pros/cons like that ^^^ ?
#ZegnatIn response to yesterday I am trying to limit the amount of bullet lists we put everywhere
#aaronpkapparently needs to catch up on some discussions
j12t joined the channel
#sknebelZegnat: nicer to look at, but a lot more annoying to edit.
#ZegnatYes. Editing we might be able to fix with a MediaWiki template though?
#ZegnatThat seemed to be something that was OK. If we can establish a pattern (pro/con comparisons) make it a template for consistency and editability throughout the wiki.
#ZegnatI also considered side by side lists, possibly restyle the bullet point to a plus on one hand and a minus on the other. But that was more design work than this ?
#sknebelside by side is on https://indieweb.org/wiki/backup. templates AFAIK don't have a nice way of dealing with variable numbers of params, but if you figure one out ;)
#sknebel(also, the "cons" for discord doesn't make sense
KevinMarks joined the channel
#ZegnatGood catch, I mixed up the con and pro on that one!
#ZegnatOh, and what is pretty nice about template arguments is that order does not matter. So when you want to add a con or pro you can add it at the bottom. You will still need to find the correct number yourself though :(
#[miklb]seems worthy to add to the discussion for leader summit. Tantek made some comments about effort required for maintenance & upkeep, etc when discussing other options, I’m not sure the amount required for the wiki is really taken into account.
#[miklb]Is there a link to download a backup of the wiki content? I think it can be exported as xml?
#Zegnatsure, but are you going to ask people to learn wiki table syntax instead, which might also require you to add extra styling? Or encourage HTML blobs?
#ZegnatPeople who currently feel some pages are too heavy to contribute to are not going to like that either, I imagine :/
#cweiske1. wiki table syntax can be used in other situations as well, pros-cons not
#cweiske2. styling should be in css, and only a single table class be defined
#ZegnatWe don’t all have access to the CSS file on the wiki though
#Loqi[Zegnat] I also considered side by side lists, possibly restyle the bullet point to a plus on one hand and a minus on the other. But that was more design work than this ?
#ZegnatAlthough if I add a scope="col", do tables still assume row-semantics?
#ZegnatI am more interested in the syntax for the template for now, as that is to address editability. We can change the output HTML at any point and that would update all pros/cons lists
#tantekZegnat, doesn't matter, the table "gridding" still makes it appear as if things in the same row have some common meaning
#tantektemplates are really only helpful (to efficiency) for things that you do A LOT (like new events)
#tantekfor tiny little building blocks like that, there is little advantage, and as cweiske pointed out (I think), it becomes one more syntax to have to learn
#tantekonly content I see is: /* CSS placed here will affect users of the Vector skin */
#ZegnatI think this is less learning. My argument is that, if we want to encourage people to edit pages who do not like working with wiki syntax, it is easier to ask them “add your pros/cons to this page” where they can instantly add a pro=this or con=that to the list than asking them to edit other wiki syntax
#tantekhopes this is just a temporary resurgence otherwise we may actually need an #indieweb-meta channel
#[miklb]Zegnat, right now I’m working on just feeling more comfortable in the editor, and will use pandoc to convert to mediawiki if I feel the need to have a lot of formatting
#tantekZegnat, it's not less learning. it's very special case learning (pro= con= syntax) for a very special use case
#Zegnat[miklb], sure, but I don’t think “we can encourage them to use pandoc” is a valid solution to the issues raised yesterday
#tantekthat does not scale - that is, if you add custom templates for every special use case then you have a big mess of things to learn
#[miklb]Zegnat, no, but it may help me get more comfortable with mw formatting.
#tantekin the old days we used to ask people to demonstrate things that they thought it was worth switching to, first on their own site
#tantekwe have more one person come along and insist they could redesign the whole wiki for us with much better design. and we asked, great, show us an example of your great design on your own website.
#ZegnatI can not reimplement MediaWiki template syntax, that is just silly. Neither does running an entire MediaWiki instance make any sense. Instead I tested this out on a Sandbox page under my user page on IndieWeb and converted a single “real” page to see if the syntax could stick. I feel that is a perfectly valid process.
#LoqiA wiki page is a type of web page that many in the IndieWebCamp community either want to or already host on their own personal site https://indieweb.org/wiki-page
#ZegnatAnd I do run a wiki (wiki.zegnat.net) where I do document new things (e.g. my pronoun microformats research). That wiki is Markdown based though, so syntax doesn’t cary over to IndieWeb.
#ZegnatWhat I am wondering specifically is if people like miklb, eddie, and chrisaldrich who voiced concerns about doing wiki edits would feel like things would be easier if we had more templates abstracting things (like pros and cons).
#ZegnatI already trust you all, cweiske, tantek, to be able to modify wiki tables and wrangle headings to your hearts content ;)
#tantekZegnats, templates do not help new users in practice. they help power users who have to do lots of repetitive things
#[miklb]one thing I did see kinda work with a mediawiki instance was tagging (?) a page “incoming” if you weren’t sure where it went and if was formatted correctly and that was added to a special page for wiki gardeners
#ZegnatI was addressing not the issue at all of creating new pages (where other people who do know about templates will probably do gardening anyway) but the usecase we constantly run into: we ask someone to add a vote or statement they made in chat to the wiki, and they don’t because they do not instantly recognise how to make it fit in.
#tantekZegnat, not much simpler you can get than a "* list item"
KevinMarks joined the channel
#tantekadding more punctuation (templates) does not make it easier
#ZegnatYes, but one of the feedbacks yesterday was that we had way too many lists for someone who came in to read :p
#ZegnatTable might not have been right, but the template would have allowed me to easily style pro/con lists in a specific way
#aaronpkWhat if it was similar to how github un-wiki-d their markdown checklists
#tantekZegnat - that makes no sense. you took a complaint about reading and came up with a writing solution?
#tantekalso, if a 1 dimensional list is hard, making it 2 dimensional (a table) where one of the dimensions is purely presentational, is unlikely to help
#ZegnatCombination. I got rid of both bulletpoints followed by a - or + (which was there originally) to hopefully help reading, and the output is generated by a template to hopefully encourage edits
#cweiskeyou don't have to scroll so much to see both pros and cons
#ZegnatThe output does not have to be a table. Just styled in some way to make it clear. Side-by-side is normal for pros and cons.
#cweiskethe + and - would get us rid of the pro/con headings
#tantekZegnat did you do any design research into effective pro/con lists before making up new designs?
#tantekcweiske, yes, the side-by-side lists makes sense for compactness of reading. The row relations do not make sense.
#LoqiPOSSE is an abbreviation for Publish (on your) Own Site, Syndicate Elsewhere, a content publishing model that starts with posting content on your own domain first, then syndicating out copies to 3rd party services with permashortlinks back to the original on your site https://indieweb.org/POSSE
#tantek.comedited /wiki-page (+153) "/* IndieWeb Examples */ update urls for caseorganic, note dates that it was at a subpath /wiki with archive org link and used to support IndieAuth login" (view diff)
#tantekZegnat for now at least add your own wiki ^^^
#ZegnatWill do tantek, am a bit distracted at the moment
#aaronpkI don't really have a strong opinion on which is better, the only reason I would see to use anything other than MW is because github popularized their markdown so more people are familiar with it
#tantekaaronpk, my goal is provide something so much simpler / more readable than md that it will actually work just as plain text, and be even more popular
#tantekso it'll make the md vs mw syntax debate moot, since it'll look so clean in comparison to the ugly punctuation of both mw and md
#tantekthe "more people are familiar with it" is a small-sample dev-specific bias you are seeing
#tantekmaybe more gen 1 people. but not gen 2 or later, many more of which are more likely to have edited mw (Wikipedia) than md
#tantekif you wanted to reinforce gen 1 dominance, then you would require using md
#tantekalso, "github popularized" is a seductive trap with a hard ceiling
#LoqiGenerations in the context of the indieweb refer to clusters of potential IndieWeb adopters in a series of waves that are expected to naturally adopt the indieweb for themselves and then help inform the next generation https://indieweb.org/generations
#ben_thatmustbemei have my entire site to finish getting working, i have an mf2 - > jf2 feed converter i want to write, a websub implementation i want to write
#ben_thatmustbemewas thinking about this last night, create a service that will convert h-feed to jf2 feed, and also support websub with it... but not only as a publisher, but as a consumer as well, so if the original supports websub, it will push updates to the JF2 Feed version as well
#sknebelyeah, hash in config file or variable at the top of the source
#ZegnatDoes it need to be a hash in that case? (honest question)
#sknebelhash protects you against accidentially leaking the file
#ben_thatmustbemelooking to make it as simple as possible, so long as the page can generate the hash and say "enter this into your config file" it should be fine
#sebselwhat about a php-file with <?php die() ?> above? :P
#sebselI mean in order for the whole thing to work you need php...
#gRegorLoveRe: reading the wiki, I don't think lists in themselves are a problem, but some of the typography and whitespace in the (quite old) MediaWiki version we're running. Newer MW and Vector skins will help. I've made some tweaks in my user CSS that I think make it better (interim solution): https://gregorlove.com/2016/06/i-am-tinkering-with-the/
#Loqi[gRegor Morrill] I am tinkering with the user-customized CSS for the indiewebcamp.com wiki and thought I would share.
My custom CSS is here. You can edit yours by going to “My Preferences”, clicking “Appearance”, then clicking “Custom CSS” beside the Ve...
#gRegorLoveI think I've tweaked the link colors since then. Let me check and update.
#Loqizegnat has 13 karma in this channel (69 overall)
#sebselsknebel Yeah, but that would require an edit in an extra file. The <?php die() ?> thing could be managed from the single file. You still need read/write rights tho.
#ZegnatHmm, can you write to a file within a PHAR? I wonder if that would be a solution, just have a single PHAR that people can include that handles everything internally
#Loqiaaronpk: ben_thatmustbeme left you a message 2 hours, 23 minutes ago: https://indieauth.com/faq seems to indicate you must own your own domain name, doesn't it allow subdirs?
#aaronpki think that was written before anyone was trying to use subdomains
#aaronpkfeel free to file an issue so I don't forget to update it
#aaronpkauth codes are a great use for signed tokens
#aaronpkthe main limitation with signed tokens is being able to revoke them but that's not an issue with auth codes because they are supposed to have a very short lifespan anyway
#aaronpkI would definitely recommend that over trying to find a place to store the data. The only trick is you'll need to create a secret for it in the config file
#sknebeland good night everybody, I'll try to get some sleep now!
#vanderven.se martijnedited /2017 (+169) "/* Participating */ Link to Mozilla Community Participation Guidelines, tantek brought it up in chat" (view diff)
#tantek.comedited /2017/Schedule (+198) "explicit introduction and housekeeping before keynotes, do intros and demos before lunch so people meet each other" (view diff)