2017-06-27 UTC
KartikPrabhu and j_juran joined the channel
# 00:41 raucao i don't remember the name of the nice dutch person who dialed into the location session yesterday, but if you're in this channel...
# 00:41 raucao i'm already syncing activities to my remotestorage account, but it'd be super easy to use the post agent to just post micropub from it to somewhere
# 00:42 raucao would also be easy to add webmention support for kudos and comments based on the current code
# 00:43 sknebel (he's asleep, I'll make sure he sees it in the morning)
singpolyma, j_juran, [miklb], dougbeal|iOS, dougbeal|mb1 and tantek joined the channel
j12t, [grantcodes], leg, mblaney and dougbeal|mb1 joined the channel
# 02:56 ben_thatmustbeme aaronpk: regarding throttling salmention. My way of handling it is basically adding a layer of indirection. its kind of terrible that i have to do it, but basically i create a queue object in the DB that just has the post_id of what to send webmentions for, and put that on a delay of a few minutes. Then whenever a queue processes a job, it also deletes any other records with the same post_id from that table
# 02:58 ben_thatmustbeme i haven't got it fully implemented yet in my laravel system, right now it doesn't delay. but they way i did it before i had it on a 5 minute delay
# 02:58 ben_thatmustbeme well, for receiving updates was that delay. so i guess there wasn't really one on sending
# 02:59 aaronpk i don't think i want to add a delay in sending webmentions, although i could see maybe adding a delay when sending an update webmention
# 02:59 ben_thatmustbeme tries to think about it. actually, when i created a post there was no delay, but mention_send_queue was a thing, and it was on a 5 minute cron job
# 03:00 ben_thatmustbeme yeah, when i created a post, i sent right away, it was actually bad as i didn't queue at all
[miklb] joined the channel
# 03:28 [miklb] apparently there’s also a get_meta_tags function in PHP. I did not know this.
# 03:38 GWG miklb, the php function doesn't work.
# 03:39 GWG I fixed it by checking it both ways for now
# 03:40 GWG So now I can compose a preview to support manual PESOS
amitp, j_juran, dougbeal|iOS and gRegorLove joined the channel
j_juran joined the channel
j_juran joined the channel
mblaney1, raucao and [miklb] joined the channel
# 05:28 GWG I think I found my problem. I don't support nested microformat properties from micropub.
# 05:29 GWG [miklb]: That is why OYS doesn't work.
# 05:34 [miklb] doesn’t work how? Not set a kind? That was the only real issue I found. If I manually set it to note, it seemed to be fine.
# 05:37 GWG [miklb]: It will now be set. But snarfed set Micropub to override Post Kinds on presentation.
KevinMarks joined the channel
# 05:43 GWG I really wish micropub used jf2 instead of mf2
AngeloGladding joined the channel
j_juran, cweiske and barpthewire joined the channel
# 07:04 Zegnat I see something about strava and location session and nice Dutch person. That must be sebsel, not me
# 07:05 sknebel Zegnat: yes, sorry, half-asleep me got you two confused
[pfefferle] joined the channel
# 07:30 cweiske because I saw something about "migrating karma" yesterday
# 07:31 Loqi [Zegnat] sknebel++ converting karma from svenknebel
# 07:32 sknebel someone got the nick wrong for whatever reason shortly before I think
# 07:35 sknebel !tell aaronpk can you change the channel topic back? thx!
# 07:35 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
j_juran joined the channel
# 08:15 sebsel oh, messages for me. Thanks sknebel and Zegnat
# 08:26 sebsel !tell raucao Thanks! :D I can't actually run Ruby on my server (shared host ftw), but I have a Raspberry Pi working for me at home, so maybe I can get that to work. It looks good!
# 08:26 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
j_juran and arush joined the channel
# 09:09 Zegnat sebsel how does your nickcache handle display pictures? Do I need to bust your cache for my new photo to show up?
# 09:10 sebsel Well, first you just couldn't. I store them by author-URL.
# 09:10 sebsel But then OwnYourSwarm came by, with multiple possible pictures for webmentions (depending on the kind of coins Swarm gives you)
# 09:12 sebsel (for completion of the logs: I suggested `/photo.jpg?v=timestamp` to bust the cache of chat.indieweb.org)
# 09:12 Zegnat So if I reply to a thing on your site, you would also be showing my old display picture?
# 09:12 sebsel I mean I should probably fix by site too, but ?v=time looks like a general solution, right? You'll bust browsercaches with it too
# 09:13 Zegnat I’d much rather every cache naturally decides when to refetch than me busting
# 09:13 sebsel But you just updated your picture and are complaining the caches don't go :P
# 09:16 Zegnat True, I am mostly worried about incorrect caches that will never go and refetch ;)
# 09:19 sebsel I believe there are a bit more than 1 IndieWeb Example here
# 09:21 sebsel I would say at least 'avatar' and 'icon' are the same thing
# 09:25 Zegnat The difference doesn’t really exist because we recommend your site only represents one person (yourself) and uses a photo of that person (your profile photo) as icon.
# 09:26 Zegnat Multi-author sites would have a different go at icon vs photo
tommorris_ joined the channel
# 09:28 sebsel hm, when looking at the code examples they are different
# 09:29 Zegnat Well, yes, but my u-photo is the same URL as my rel-icon.
# 09:29 sebsel but I once had a different one, really an icon
# 09:30 sebsel and now that I think of it I might want that back :P
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
KevinMarks_ and KevinMarks joined the channel
# 11:25 sebsel eh, Zegnat, what has nicknames-cache to do with your profile picture?
# 11:25 Zegnat That page specifically addresses caching photos
# 11:25 Zegnat Only place on the wiki to talk about caching photos, as far as I could find.
# 11:26 sebsel for me, photo's of people who mentioned me and my nicknames-cache are two totally separate things
# 11:29 Zegnat caching it for mentions should be fine though, that is the image they had at the time of the mention. As long as you fetch the new one for newer mentions.
# 11:30 sknebel that's one of the things we discussed as ideas for how to start integrating IPFS at IWC Berlin – distributed avatar cache
# 11:31 sebsel I cache h-cards for mentioned people at the time I mention them, btw
# 11:31 sknebel because the content-based name makes total sense for that
# 11:32 sknebel but IPFS still doesn't have a (to me) convincing transparent upgrade story for use in browsers, and just for the backend, ehh
# 11:33 sknebel their browser story is "you can run IPFS over WebRTC", but I don't want to force that on my visitors! I'd want them to totally opt in e.g. by installing a browser plugin
# 11:35 petermolnar IPFS nearly got my server at hetzner blocked; by default it's incredibly agressive on network scanning for sibling nodes
AngeloGladding joined the channel
# 11:38 Zegnat I could do content-based names for my display pictures. Concat on the date the photo was taken. That is what barnaby (waterpigs.co.uk) does, as the only listed example on /profile_photo
# 11:39 Zegnat But I would rather swap out the old with a new.
# 11:41 Zegnat That’s what I think, sknebel. But now wondering if we should document some common pitfalls.
# 11:41 sknebel ok, your webserver does ETAG, so there is no cache time issue
# 11:41 sknebel (which otherwise could be, people might by default say that images can be cached 30 days)
barpthewire joined the channel
KevinMarks_ and KevinMarks joined the channel
# 12:52 sebsel hm, I was wondering if OwnYourSwarm can also set a location on my posts (there is a location in the checkin-property, but that's the venue's location) but it seems like there is non in the API :(
# 12:53 sebsel on for instance a park, my checkin can be at a more specific spot than the point they chose for the venue
# 12:55 sebsel Foursquare has it, because if you review an edit of the location of the venue they show dots of where most people checkin from
# 12:55 sebsel no I think I'm just going to infer it from the checkin location. If no location on post, check venue.
# 12:56 sebsel but not storing it that way, just using it that way
# 13:01 petermolnar for my surprise it's not even draining my battery as bad as I expected
deathrow1 joined the channel
# 13:03 sknebel petermolnar: cool, will try that app when travelling soon (battery has been an issue with logging for me)
# 13:03 sknebel sebsel: seems like the location is only provided by the API if you post a "shout" or a venueless checking
# 13:06 sebsel sknebel yeah, I read that. I have NO idea how to post either of those on Swarm, I can only find checkins with venue.
# 13:07 sebsel And it was also not where I was looking for, because I want it on the checkins with venue too :P
# 13:08 sebsel petermolnar that was a returning theme last weekend in the Location Location Location session I remote-attended: think of something cool and aaronpk has done it
# 13:09 Zegnat That app looks interesting petermolnar, I might give that a shot too.
# 13:09 Zegnat grant.codes seemed to be having some good results with owntracks
# 13:11 petermolnar it's a brilliant app, but a; it needs internet, b; it consumes orders of magnitude more energy compared to backtitude c; can't 'steal' location from other apps
# 13:12 petermolnar as far as I understand, getting gps data is exclusive, meaning an app locks it when it's requesting
# 13:13 petermolnar however, android has a cache on this and if an app can't get the lock, it should fall back to "stealing" location data
# 13:15 Zegnat I think I’ll go try it out. I have thought about just carrying a second phone that only does location, to spare charge on my main phone.
# 13:15 petermolnar so you can get one of your ancient phones hooked up to a car battery in your backpack and make it your location logger :)
# 13:17 sknebel Zegnat: yes, that works, even with fairly low color temp
deathrow1 joined the channel
# 13:24 cweiske maybe I should provide a websub endpoint for phinde
# 13:26 sebsel oh, that could end in IRC notifications via websub
tantek joined the channel
# 13:38 Loqi Accessibility is the practice of designing so that people with disabilities can have equal access to information and functionality, applicable to both websites as well as physical environments https://indieweb.org/accessibility
# 13:39 sebsel Maybe also include it there somehow? Better accessible than 'WCAG' ;)
# 13:44 Loqi aaronpk: sknebel left you a message 6 hours, 9 minutes ago: can you change the channel topic back? thx!
# 13:45 aaronpk sknebel: I thought anyone can change the topic here? If not, I will adjust the channel modes to allow that
# 13:46 Zegnat there is a channel mode to allow topic edits by all?
[markmhendrickso joined the channel
# 13:49 sknebel Zegnat: other way round - +t means only opers are allowed to do it
# 13:50 Zegnat sknebel, interesting, guess every server I have even been too has defaulted to +t then
[miklb] joined the channel
[kevinmarks], tantek and deathrow1 joined the channel
[eddie] joined the channel
KevinMarks joined the channel
KevinMarks_ joined the channel
amitp joined the channel
# 15:39 Loqi autosuggest (AKA auto-suggest) is a user-interface feature that provides a list of options while the user is typing, related to what the user has typed, possibly beyond mere (sub)string matches https://indieweb.org/autosuggest
[miklb] and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
# 15:56 loqi.me edited /WCAG (+63) "[kevinmarks] added "https://www.wired.com/2016/10/how-the-web-became-unreadable/" to "See Also"" (
view diff )
# 15:56 Loqi ok, I added "https://www.wired.com/2016/10/how-the-web-became-unreadable/" to the "See Also" section of /WCAG
gRegorLove joined the channel
# 16:11 [kevinmarks] Someone asked me for command line posting to svgshare.com - should I give it a micropub endpoint?
[eddie] joined the channel
jackjamieson joined the channel
# 16:27 [kevinmarks] Hm. I could issue tokens I suppose. The current one is hard to script because it uses Google's upload api, which generates post endpoints that expire
tantek joined the channel
# 16:29 aaronpk you can always shortcut the indieauth step and just show a micropub access token to people after they log in
# 16:29 aaronpk that'll make an API work, but you wouldn't be able to log in to quill for example
tantek joined the channel
AngeloGladding, [cleverdevil], tantek, amitp1, j12t and dougbeal|iOS joined the channel
[miklb] joined the channel
KevinMarks, [kevinmarks] and [eddie] joined the channel
# 19:03 tantek now the article copy just needs updating accordingly
# 19:03 tantek if anyone wants a few easy wikipedia clean-up edits
[pfefferle] joined the channel
[miklb] joined the channel
# 19:41 aaronpk wouldn't it be awesome to have a checkbox to turn on webmention receiving in cloudflare?
# 19:43 Zegnat Run a personal webmention.io copy but on cloudflare’s servers?
jackjamieson joined the channel
# 20:14 Zegnat gRegorLove did you meant to send 2 webmentions to my blog post?
# 20:16 Zegnat Would have caught it earlier, but apparently my mail notifications are down again :/
tantek and eli_oat joined the channel
# 20:29 aaronpk uhoh, got an email about upcoming foursquare api changes
# 20:31 Zegnat gRegorLove, I *used to* get emails for each webmention, haha. But yes. That’s the simplest (and best for me) way of notification
# 20:31 aaronpk they just say there will be "significant improvements" coming
# 20:33 [miklb] let’s just hope by improvements they don’t mean “more walled garden like Instagram.”
sketchess joined the channel
# 20:35 sketchess thank you Kartik
# 20:36 sketchess so how do I connect tags in style?
# 20:36 sketchess I didn't find out yet.
# 20:37 sketchess background color and indent
# 20:37 sketchess How is the space to be filled?
# 20:38 sketchess a line of code or online live?
# 20:38 KartikPrabhu sketchess: either one, live is better so I can test it out in a browser
[eddie] joined the channel
# 20:39 sketchess style="text-indent:20px" , style="background-color:#999;"
# 20:39 sketchess to get to my space would take a little
# 20:42 sketchess yeah each alone no prob, but one gets currently dropped on second base
# 20:42 Zegnat I would move that into a CSS file though, instead of having style attributes on all elements. Will be easier to keep an overview
[shanehudson] joined the channel
# 20:43 sketchess I need it only on one. the body
# 20:44 KartikPrabhu sketchess: yes, the tags are not being aligned because you haven't set those CSS properties. This is where a live example would be useful
# 20:44 Zegnat Yeah, [shanehudson] is right, you can only have 1 style attribute per tag.
# 20:45 Zegnat so either style="text-indent:20px;background-color:#999" or create a CSS file so you can space it out nicely
# 20:45 gRegorLove text-indent won't change how two block level elements normally appear horizontally (on top of each other)
# 20:45 gRegorLove e.g. if you have two <div> elements you want to appear side by side
# 20:46 sketchess does a happy dance
# 20:46 Zegnat admits that he would not be able to guess what effect text-indent on BODY has on block elements inside
# 20:46 sketchess thank you Zegnat
# 20:46 sketchess You gave me the last 2 rule I didn't know.
# 20:46 sketchess I try that out.
# 20:47 Loqi zegnat has 16 karma in this channel (101 overall)
# 20:51 sketchess Nice. I can develop further now on a readable and right colored environment. It is amazing how two little tags can change a whole world.
tantek, KevinMarks, amitp, KartikPrabhu, eddie, eddiehinkle, KevinMarks_, [cleverdevil] and [manton] joined the channel
# 22:35 tantek alright, trying my first manual event POSSE to FB, with the hopes of setting it up so that I get Bridgy RSVPs
# 22:38 tantek my understanding is that Bridgy backfeed only works on 1) public events, 2) events created by your *personal* account (i.e. not by the "IndieWeb" page)
# 22:39 tantek this is interesting - if I choose "IndieWeb" as "Event Host", it auto-fills the "Event Photo"!
# 22:40 tantek aaronpk, may need to restrict the regex on that one a bit
# 22:41 tantek alright I'm going to choose "IndieWeb" as host and see if there's a way to make that work
KevinMarks joined the channel
# 22:55 tantek I can't find the duplicate event feature - did FB remove it?
# 22:58 Loqi documentation has 1 karma in this channel (9 overall)
# 23:10 tantek "Something went wrong, please try again later."
[chrisaldrich] and [miklb] joined the channel