2017-07-11 UTC
tantek and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
tantek joined the channel
snarfed joined the channel
tantek, snarfed, prtksxna_, prtksxna, barpthewire and [pfefferle] joined the channel
# 07:13 Loqi [pfefferle]: [colinwalker] left you a message 11 hours, 39 minutes ago: When calling get_linkbacks() and looping through them is there an easy way to reverse the order?
[jeremycherfas] joined the channel
# 07:48 [pfefferle] !tell colinwalker there is no easy way now, but we can add an additional parameter to the function… can you please file a bug on github?
# 07:48 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
[colinwalker] joined the channel
# 07:49 Loqi [colinwalker]: [pfefferle] left you a message 1 minute ago: there is no easy way now, but we can add an additional parameter to the function… can you please file a bug on github?
# 07:49 Loqi [colinwalker]: [pfefferle] left you a message 1 minute ago: there is no easy way now, but we can add an additional parameter to the function… can you please file a bug on github?
# 07:53 Loqi [colin-walker] #105 Change display order for results returned by get_linkbacks()
cweiske joined the channel
# 07:55 cweiske KartikPrabhu, it'd be nice if your feed items would include the reply-of url
# 07:55 Loqi [Kartik Prabhu] because it is consistent with the index positions for objects being pulled-back, forms, vs objects being pushed-forward, vectors.
# 07:56 KartikPrabhu cweiske: yes, adding response context is in my to-do list for hfeed2atom
# 07:59 KartikPrabhu I am complacent because I was under the impression that no one read my feed :P
[renem] and barpthewire joined the channel
# 09:26 dgold sknebel: yes, it worked. sorry, had to jog off to other things
[pfefferle] joined the channel
[xavierroy], [pfefferle], prtksxna and mblaney joined the channel
barpthewire joined the channel
singpolyma, snarfed, [jemostrom], [pfefferle], [chrisaldrich], dougbeal|iOS and singpoly1a joined the channel
# 15:03 sknebel aaronpk: do you know if TikTokBot handles queries/direct messages if I don't set a channel limit on a hook?
# 15:04 sknebel (btw, I'd love to be able to talk to Loqi directly instead of spamming #indiechat or so ;))
# 15:05 aaronpk Loqi responds to "ping" directly, but I don't have any of the #indieweb hooks set up to match on private messages
# 15:06 sknebel I guess it's kind of tricky due to it being in multiple communities
# 15:17 dgold should php scripts/config files be in a separate /php folder on a site, or just left within the main site content?
# 15:19 aaronpk if the config file is PHP code then it's okay to put it in the public folder cause visiting the file will return blank content. but if it's a config.json or config.yml then putting it in the public folder means visitors can open the URL and see the contents
# 15:19 Zegnat I put them outside of the webroot. So even if PHP dies on my server and apache keeps serving my site you can only read the contents of my index.php and non of my other code.
# 15:20 aaronpk but in general, i prefer a folder structure where only specific files are in the public web root and most of my app is outside it
# 15:20 dgold no, its config.php, it doesn't return anything
# 15:22 dgold okay, so the web-frontend can access the necessary scripts, but the visitor can't (e.g) curl the content?
tantek, snarfed and [pfefferle] joined the channel
# 15:53 sknebel hm, my installed tiktokbot doesn't like it (stacktrace), and if I update to the current my ruby is to old.
# 15:59 tantek wonders what the latency is for FB RSVP -> Bridgy -> webmention.io
snarfed joined the channel
# 16:00 tantek ah, Bridgy polls FB profile every 5 hours, I bet that's the key
Kaja joined the channel
# 16:02 tantek so it's worth clicking "Poll Now" on the Bridgy web UI after you've posted a FB event
KartikPrabhu, Kaja, davidmead and arush joined the channel
[xavierroy] and snarfed joined the channel
tantek joined the channel
# 17:15 Zegnat dgold, am I right in that BSD0 is basically licensing your code under BSD and then saying “when you use this, don’t bother crediting me or even including this licence”?
# 17:16 Loqi [Zegnat] #39 Normalise licensing for projects in the IndieWeb GitHub org.
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
# 17:25 Zegnat Interesting. I would have thought similar wording would already be included in CC0.
# 17:34 Zegnat Then again, I - like many others - do not understand why the law doesn’t let me rescind copyright
# 17:42 dgold ok, I mean, I do - copyright maximalists, the mouse house and paul mccartney
snarfed, snarfed1 and arush joined the channel
# 17:50 Zegnat I am happy that I never had to do more than Swedish trade law. But dual licensing with MIT doesn't make sense for BSD0 I would think?
# 17:52 sknebel Zegnat: didn't you do something economics related? no copyright/IP law there?
# 17:54 Zegnat Trade law, no IP rights. I can tell you the difference in legal protection between B2P and P2P sales and the like.
# 17:54 sknebel I guess copyright isn't soo much a core-topic there
# 17:55 sknebel (we had some of it, but for software people it's a bit more critical ;))
# 17:55 Zegnat Also did a little inheritance law. So if you are planning to die in Sweden, let me know ?
gRegorLove joined the channel
# 18:04 jjuran Zegnat: I might be dying to go to Sweden, but I’m not going to Sweden to die. :-)
# 18:05 sknebel it's interesting how much trouble this tiny distinction between "transfer of copyright" and "transfer of usage rights" makes
# 18:06 sknebel (but we maybe should move this to -chat if we want to continue it, I just noticed)
# 18:07 Zegnat As long as it is about IndieWeb code licensing this channel should be good. Getting it on record for logs is good too
snarfed, tantek, davidmead, prtksxna_ and [pfefferle] joined the channel
# 19:07 dgold Zegnat: the thing with MIT is that it doesn't deal with patents
# 19:07 dgold software patents not being a hting when MIT was written
# 19:08 Zegnat I think I am catching up with the distinction.
# 19:09 Zegnat But BSD0 doesn’t address patents either, or am I missing something totally obvious?
# 19:12 dgold no - its more that I missed something totally obvs
# 19:18 dgold Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
# 19:18 dgold of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
# 19:19 dgold Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted.
snarfed joined the channel
# 19:20 dgold i.e. the Grant is much more explicit, the problem with the MIT is that it retains some things, gives things away dependent on the retained things
# 19:20 dgold which, in a legal context, opens a window for 'I didn't give away patents!'
# 19:21 dgold whereas you'd be hard pressed to make that claim in 0BSD context
# 19:21 Zegnat Aaah, gotcha! So even when my use of MIT might *imply* the fact that there as no patents up in it and I want you to use is however you want, 0BSD is less implication and more definition.
# 19:22 Zegnat Also, I think you can totally see why someone like me wouldn’t spot that difference in licenses at once! So thanks for pointing it out :)
# 19:22 Zegnat There are way too few accessible explanations on this stuff, imho.
# 19:23 dgold well, that's because (to use the terminology) IAAL, IANYL
# 19:24 dgold its hard to get legal people to make declarative statements because a) we're not being paid to and b) that doesn't stop legal people being sued
# 19:24 dgold there was a case of an attorney in the UK who was sued by some french people for 'providing advice' on his blog
# 19:24 dgold now, he _won_ the case, but, c'mon, he was still sued
# 19:26 Zegnat While true, I think there is an obvious case to be made why these licenses should come with some more explanation and comparisons. More and more programmers touch on it and things like choosealicense.com really don’t cut it. Even just having OSI make their opinions on the licences clearly available. They go through them anyway before putting them o
# 19:27 dgold iirc, it limits you to a small subset of licences
# 19:29 Zegnat And I totally get why they want people who are publicly showing their code to put a licence on it. I am just not sure they inform me enough.
# 19:30 Zegnat OSI has a longer list, but does not help me choose one at all
# 19:32 Zegnat And, as just proven, sitting down and reading through the licences (as I have done) will still have people miss things like the slight difference in grants between 0BSD and MIT. Simply because people don’t know exactly what to look out for.
# 19:38 sknebel Zegnat: for me it says "without the requirement"...?
# 19:38 Zegnat Check the visualisation in the columns, sknebel
# 19:39 sknebel (you could have a license that *forbids* you to use the original creators name)
# 19:40 dgold isn't there a licence that you must use the software for good, not evil?
# 19:40 Zegnat I totally misinterpreted the colour green here. Apparently. I’m going to brew a strong cup of tea now
# 19:41 dgold really silly thing for Crockford to do, tbh
# 19:42 Zegnat “subject to the following conditions: […] The Software shall be used for Good, not Evil.”
# 19:52 jjuran That’s non-free, then. A Free Software / Open Source license can’t discriminate based on fields of endeavor, and some fields of endeavor are inherently evil.
jjuran, snarfed and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
davidmead joined the channel
# 20:15 Zegnat So the JSON format is non-free. That is ... interesting.
# 20:18 singpoly1a Zegnat: the *format* is free. some of the parsers are not
# 20:18 singpoly1a The format is part of the ECMAscript standard
# 20:20 Zegnat Ah, alright. That standard came later than the format though
# 20:24 Zegnat Looks like nothing is under the “for Good, not Evil” licence anymore than. As the JS JSON parser crockford made is PD
snarfed and tantek joined the channel
snarfed joined the channel
tantek and snarfed joined the channel
# 21:37 Loqi chrisaldrich has 9 karma in this channel (45 overall)
# 21:40 tantek we did have a microformats meetup in San Diego ages ago
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
# 21:41 tantek so was that edit actually done by the bot or was it sknebel masquerading as his bot?
# 21:43 sknebel tantek: that was a script I just ran locally. so code, but not actually part of the bot yet
# 21:43 tantek sknebel: what input did you give the script? just the page name or?
# 21:44 sknebel tantek: yep, pagename. looks for a <dfn> of the form "$something is $url," and rewrites that
# 21:57 tantek GWG, I think MF2 because I prefer to edit HTML instead of JSON. but that's just me.
# 21:57 GWG tantek: I like simplified data structures though
# 21:57 tantek I do too, in code, and that's what parsers are for
# 21:58 GWG sknebel: As metadata on the post.
# 21:59 GWG And since I'm using an existing system, it is a key->property system i have to use
# 21:59 GWG I've come across the issue that I flattened my parsed mf2 to store, and snarfed didn't, so we're using the same property names, but not the same structure
# 22:00 tantek what kind of flattening? de-objecting, or de-arraying/pluraling?
snarfed joined the channel
snarfed joined the channel
# 22:22 GWG tantek: I take the properties array, and add a type property which represents the type.
# 22:23 tantek is that the result of doing Post Type Discovery?
# 22:23 GWG tantek: No. Type represents the top level mf property. Such as h-card, h-review, etc
snarfed joined the channel
# 22:24 GWG That's how I store nested microformats
# 22:24 GWG The top level...h-entry or such, is represented by the post type in WordPress
snarfed joined the channel
# 22:41 tantek well now that I have an event with an actual *comment* on it, I'll have to look into what will it take to show those
# 22:43 tantek petermolnar++ thanks for the link to the article about io domains
# 22:43 Loqi petermolnar has 5 karma in this channel (42 overall)
# 22:47 snarfed tantek++ for the burst of new functionality in falcon
# 22:47 Loqi tantek has 10 karma in this channel (367 overall)
# 22:52 GWG snarfed, I think I have made a decision that will cause issues with the Micropub Plugin.
# 22:53 GWG I am going to make my plugins work like it.
# 22:55 GWG snarfed, Own Your Swarm isn't working with Post Kinds because I stored my nested microformats flattened and you store them as they are.
# 22:55 GWG So the solution is for me to change
# 22:56 snarfed ok! including code for migrating data in the old format, i assume
# 22:57 GWG While I liked to simplify, it isn't worth messing up compatibility
# 22:58 GWG I also wrote the Semantic Linkbacks code, but no one has Micropub for Comments yet, so not as urgent
# 22:58 GWG Everyone wants own my swarm to work
AngeloGladding, j12t, leg, snarfed and [miklb] joined the channel