tantek!tell aaronpk is the Micro.blog iOS now in the Apple App Store the first officially published iOS app that is a Micropub client? That's probably worth blogging - since now anyone with an iPhone/iPod/iPad can download and use it (presumably with any Micropub server?)
Loqiaaronpk: tantek left you a message 41 minutes ago: is the Micro.blog iOS now in the Apple App Store the first officially published iOS app that is a Micropub client? That's probably worth blogging - since now anyone with an iPhone/iPod/iPad can download and use it (presumably with any Micropub server?)
aaronpkalmost certainly is the first Micropub client in the iOS App Store, but i'm not sure whether it's possible to use it without having a micro.blog account
[miklb], [dylanon], [chrisaldrich], jjuran, KartikPrabhu and tantek joined the channel
[eddie]My whole internet suddenly broke and I couldn’t figure out why….. then I noticed I had “disable JavaScript” in my browser when I was testing my site without JavaScript
ZegnatYes, I just wasn’t sure I was going to get private key signing for the tokens properly working without making mistakes in the limited time I had to get selfauth running
ZegnatIf your server is correctly configured it can offer .phar files for public access and execute its contents (think of .phar as a folder with an index.php in that case)
GWGAnyone have any thoughts? I pass in longitude, latitude, and display name...or some combination therefore, and I'm trying to decide what options I would set for display.
tantekaaronpk, is https://github.com/aaronpk/Checkie worth moving to indieweb for some collaborative hacking? or better to develop it on your repo first before making it look "ready" for others?
aaronpki could at least save some state in cookies (i think localforage was a good wrapper?) but that still wouldn't give me the ability to have the photo continue uploading when the app is put in the background
sknebeldgold: if hugo is quick enough you could run it directly from the PHP script and return a 201 afterwards. if it takes longer you should give the job to some kind of background queue
ZegnatYeah, but that does mean asynchronous servers also must know the URL before processing the post. What if your URL is dependent on post type, like tantek’s? Still seems to force unnecessary synchronous tasks on the endpoint server I feel
sknebeldgold: I think PHP has "exec" to run external programs? but I'm sure someone with actual PHP experience here or Stack Overflow know better than me ;)
ZegnatSo show and redirect wouldn’t work for 202 as the client has no way of knowing when the URL gets populated. The second is the only usecase left than, though the endpoint will have to manage the client possibly having a URL in memory that is no longer a post’s canonical URL. While a secondary micropub client might try to send an update for a posts c
aaronpkif you receive a webmention with a target that is an alternate URL of your post (a short link on a different domain for example), you're still supposed to resolve that to the canonical URL when you're processing it
ZegnatThat would work, aaronpk. Just means storing an extra identifier with each post, one generated by the Micropub endpoint when it first receives a post.
aaronpkmy endpoint creates enough of the post synchronously to get a URL and show most of the contents. I then have background scripts that go and "fill in" pieces of the post, like adding my gps location, fetching reply context or repost content, syndicating, etc
ZegnatI don’t really think servers wouldn’t be able to handle it. I just thought it weird that when asynchronous is specifically allowed by the spec, the Location was a requirement.
[barryf]My site returns a 202 because post creation is async so I made Micropublish retry with a little countdown/spinner if it gets a 404 after creating a post.
ZegnatKaku seems to use its own event system, queues a create event and then returns a 202 + Location. The “location” value is stored within the post metadata, it seems.
ZegnatAruna also seems to use a job queue, but its URLs are simply a hardcoded https://j4y.co/p/ + $uid, so that is what always gets returned for the Location header.
ZegnatTransformative seems to use octokit, which I think is a GitHub client, to store a post in a repo. I am guessing this is a 202 because the actual storing happens asynchronously (I did not dive into octokit). The location is taken from an absolute_url field on the post object, and I am not sure how it is getting filled.
tantek[chrisaldrich] noted that he wants facepiles to aggregate all the likes/reposts etc. responses out of the flow of the comments (e.g. on his FB mom-likes post)
snarfedmore broadly, expiring ssl certs definitely hurt site longevity, but i think they're an argument for cert automation like let's encrypts, more than an argument against ssl