2017-07-18 UTC
tantek, [miklb], dougbeal|mb1, snarfed, dougbeal|mb1`, zoglesby, sebboh`, jonnybar1 and myfreeweb joined the channel
tantek and dougbeal|mb1 joined the channel
# 03:29 Loqi [prtksxna] #98 Fix typo in "Adding a syndication URL"
# 03:31 aaronpk i have yet to see what the process is for updating a REC with typo fixes
# 03:32 aaronpk i think it's possible if it's actually a typo and not a stylistic change or a functional change
# 03:39 Ruxton aaronpk: can you yell out here when you update OwnYourGram with the PR change i put through? Just wanna test it works
tantek joined the channel
tantek, Defenestrate, snarfed, cweiske, barpthewire, [pfefferle], KartikPrabhu and j12t joined the channel
raucao, KevinMarks, KevinMarks_ and Defenestrate joined the channel
j12t, Defenestrate, jeremycherfas and [pfefferle] joined the channel
# 11:15 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 11:16 jeremycherfas So now to decide whether and how to switch over to use Xray rather than wrestle with the very variable results returned from the native plugin’s use of php-mf2
# 11:23 Loqi Zegnat: jeremycherfas left you a message 8 minutes ago: I have solved the local testing of the grav webmention plugin, by specifying the route as /grav-admin/mentions/
[pfefferle] joined the channel
# 11:24 Zegnat XRay has easier to handle output for sure. php-mf2 is just more stuff that you still have to write your own handling code for
# 11:25 jeremycherfas In webmention.yaml. Easier to add there than work out why the base_url() function wasn’t doing it. Although the answer to that might be to use base_url_absolute
# 11:25 jeremycherfas “The {{ base_url_absolute }}
returns the base URL to the Grav site, including the host information.” from the documentation
# 11:26 jeremycherfas “The {{ base_url }}
returns the base URL to the Grav site, whether or not this shows the full URL is dependent on the absolute_urls option in the system configuration.”
# 11:26 jeremycherfas Zegnat: Yes, that’s where I began, with wanting the standard simpler output that xray can provide.
j12t joined the channel
# 11:43 Zegnat Oh, no, those shouldn’t make a difference. base_url_absolute will just always include the schema and domain (http://example.org/ ) while base_url will default to the relative URL unless you turn on absolute urls in your config file :(
# 11:45 jeremycherfas I didn’t try changing the PHP, because changing the yaml was easier and it worked.
# 11:47 Zegnat Yeah, should be fine :) Just remember that you should change it back for your live site
# 11:48 Zegnat You are seeing webmentions coming in now between the offline sites? Then it is time to focus on getting XRay in :D
# 11:59 jeremycherfas Yes, I am seeing webmentions received from local Known to local Grav. Next I will text send from Grav to Known.
# 12:00 jeremycherfas Although that will mean tracing back the differences between the current 1.1.0 of the plugin and the version I worked with in Nurnberg with aaron.
KevinMarks and j12t joined the channel
KevinMarks_ and j12t joined the channel
snarfed joined the channel
barpthewire and singpolyma joined the channel
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
[shanehudson], j12t and Defenestrate joined the channel
tantek and jackjamieson joined the channel
# 15:22 tantek now that I've built an RSVPs facepile embed with wmio and stmbu I'm thinking about a likes facepile
# 15:23 tantek checks to see if Bridgy is seeing my IG likes
# 15:32 prtksxna tantek: So I am just copying real world posts as test cases
# 15:32 tantek prtksxna: over here for Post Type Discovery test cases
# 15:32 tantek prtksxna: yes we will need probably one per post type discovered simple cases like that
# 15:33 prtksxna tantek: Right, and then the complicated ones, I suppose
# 15:33 tantek right now one of the big questions I still have is how to treat summary / fallback
j12t joined the channel
# 15:34 Loqi [tantek] #25 Response Type: consider "reply" for 2nd to last for fallback use-cases
# 15:36 prtksxna tantek: Hm. Do you think going through all the data that snarfed crawled will help us figure out what is more common?
singpolyma joined the channel
# 15:46 tantek odd, looks like Bridgy only picked up about 1/3 of the likes from latest IG POSSE copy
snarfed joined the channel
# 15:50 aaronpk hm, trying to think of user-facing services for login / identity
KevinMarks joined the channel
# 15:51 aaronpk others are tied to companies like Facebook Connect, Google Authenticator
# 15:52 aaronpk there are some that are marketed to business/enterprise, which is at least not developer focused: Okta, OneLogin, Plivo
barpthewire joined the channel
# 15:56 sebsel tantek re IG likes: Brid.gy only sees the first 10 likes, because those are the only ones Instagram gives users for.
# 15:57 sebsel There is a total number on their JSON somewhere, but no links to WHO did the liking.
# 15:57 tantek sebsel oh dear really? so you have to poll for more?
# 15:57 aaronpk oh that must be because the interface says "a, b, c and n others liked this"
# 16:00 tantek sebsel are those the 10 most recent or 10 oldest?
# 16:02 sebsel adds adding a name to note-less photo's to the todo
# 16:07 sebsel I was wondering if I wanted to poll Instagram myself for that like-count and display it as "and ".($count-10)." others"
# 16:07 sebsel seems like the API has an endpoint for it, but I understood it's hard to get a key?
# 16:08 aaronpk you can get an API key that can access your own account without being approved
# 16:08 aaronpk but to publish an app that others can use you have to submit it for review
snarfed and singpolyma joined the channel
KevinMarks joined the channel
# 16:13 tantek aaronpk oh? you can get an API key to do your own IG backfeed?!?
# 16:13 aaronpk i don't know how much more data is accessible that way but you can at least get your own api key to use the real api
# 16:17 tantek tries to remember when he switched to manual IG POSSE
snarfed joined the channel
KevinMarks joined the channel
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# 16:43 sebsel but /users/self/media/recent works, so I guess they see other people's likes as other peoples property, because they posted it, and your likes also other people's property, because it's their photo.
# 16:47 snarfed yup. if you're open source/hobbyist, ie not BizDev/Brand, don't expect to be able to use IG's API for much of anything at all any more
# 16:47 Loqi scraping has -1 karma in this channel (-3 overall)
# 16:50 tantek sebsel can you add to ^^^ what you observed above?
KevinMarks joined the channel
snarfed joined the channel
snarfed joined the channel
[miklb] and snarfed joined the channel
[chrisaldrich] and j12t joined the channel
KevinMarks_, snarfed and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
# 18:21 [miklb] huh. If I add Quill to my home screen I can’t authenticate with indieauth, but can in Safari iOS. Doesn’t redirect back to the home screen app.
# 18:22 aaronpk unless there is some iOS trick I don't know about
# 18:22 aaronpk but there's an "add to home screen" button inside of quill
# 18:22 aaronpk which adds a shortcut with an autologin token to your home screen
# 18:23 aaronpk tho i'm thinking about changing it to not launch a chromeless browser, so that the cookie is shared with main safari
# 18:24 Loqi aaronpk has 65 karma in this channel (1381 overall)
# 18:32 aaronpk what would it take to take selfauth and replace the password function with Google's OAuth API?
# 18:33 dgold can I ask for a recommendation for automating _sending_ webmentions, preferably php?
# 18:33 aaronpk Depends on what you mean by automatic, but there is a PHP library for sending webmentions
# 18:36 dgold i managed to get replies working in my webmention implementation, displaying well as well
# 18:38 Loqi replying to a post on unrelenting.technology
Nice catch, Greg, thanks! I’d moved some code around when working on bringing micro...
# 18:39 dgold works on the index page also, and greg's bug-notice meant I caught a mf2 failure
singpolyma joined the channel
# 18:46 Loqi [indieweb] mention-client-php: Client library for sending webmention and pingback notifications
# 18:51 sknebel aaronpk: extending self-auth should be fairly easy still. what for? ;)
# 18:51 aaronpk google has probably the most secure account protection stuff out of anyone, so i was thinking about making an indieauth authorization endpoint that piggybacks on that
# 18:52 aaronpk and then realized that selfauth has already done all the indieauth bits in a very good way, so it makes sense to use that
# 18:52 sknebel it might make sense to try structure selfauth in a way that the actual authentication method can be easily swapped out
# 18:52 sknebel since you are not the first to ask about things like this ;)
# 18:53 tantek does Bridgy enable blocking particular twitter profiles from backfeed?
# 18:54 aaronpk hm bridgy uses your twitter api credentials when fetching posts, right? so if you block something on twitter then it should also affect bridgy
# 18:54 Loqi [kylewm] #473 Twitter: do not backfeed from blocked accounts
deep-book-gk_ joined the channel
# 18:55 loqi.me edited /User:Kaja.sknebel.net (+129) "sknebel added "use selfauth instead of custom, DB-based auth endpoint? (with shared secret it'd be easy to generate the correct signed token)" to "See Also"" (
view diff )
# 19:01 Loqi [tantek] This is currently a blocker (no pun intended) for me implementing showing any kinds of comments (including from Bridgy via Twitter), and likely even reposts/likes (because I'd really like to avoid having a direct link from my site/permalinks, even in...
# 19:02 Zegnat That would be interesting to do aaronpk. Because of the 1 file system it isn’t super easy to swap just the password form. The password validation on the otherhand is already a nice separate function that you can swap out.
# 19:07 sknebel Zegnat: yeah, we'd have to pull more stuff into functions, or at least define a structure we stick to to make it easy to define patches. Or use a class you can derive from to allow overriding parts?
# 19:08 aaronpk ooh a class to be able to override parts sounds like a good approach?
# 19:10 dgold aaronpk: webmention-client-php; can I pass an url & content directly through the client, or is it dependent on parsing the outputted html?
# 19:11 aaronpk you're trying to send a webmention from your URL that is in-reply-to something else?
# 19:12 dgold well, I was looking at implementing the mention-send as part of my post-creation/micropub script
# 19:12 dgold reminds me, need to actually post about that.
# 19:14 Loqi [indieweb] mention-client-php: Client library for sending webmention and pingback notifications
# 19:14 Loqi [tantek] #85 Feature request: filter out webmentions from particular domains / sources
snarfed joined the channel
# 19:21 voxpelli tantek: a block list should be possible to create with Micropub, right?
# 19:21 voxpelli So one can do it from within eg an indie reader, just like one can do in Twitter
# 19:22 voxpelli Quick thought would be: h-block, p-author=<author-to-block> But that needs dogfooding
# 19:24 voxpelli snarfed: yeah, noticed that, feels like the blocklist container doesn't work that well though, the block should probably be self-contained
# 19:24 snarfed is happy to implement whatever mf2 people settle on
# 19:25 Loqi [kylewm] #473 Twitter: do not backfeed from blocked accounts
# 19:25 voxpelli schmarty: webmentions endpoints and indie readers are likely consumers
# 19:25 schmarty snarfed: since bridgy is already using twitter APIs I would assume the quickest way to check if a twitter user is blocked is to keep using those twitter APIs?
# 19:26 Loqi [kylewm] #473 Twitter: do not backfeed from blocked accounts
# 19:26 voxpelli snarfed: I wonder if Bridgy could make Micropub requests to sync a block list to an indie site?
# 19:26 snarfed voxpelli: probably out of scope for bridgy, but something definitely could!
# 19:27 voxpelli should stop coming up with ideas now and reread the issues before continuing
# 19:27 voxpelli realizes the time is late in Europe and postpones to another day
# 19:28 voxpelli First step for my webmention endpoint would be to start doing indieauth anyway, so dogfooding is past that in the future
# 19:32 tantek I think minimum viable blocking for Bridgy should be to "just" automatically filter out anything that the user has blocked on the silo. that should "just work" without any reconfiguration, and I think that's what issue 473 is about but I'm not sure from having read it (discussion is much broader)
# 19:33 tantek then there is minimum viable response deleting which is a bit different, and probably something webmention proxies need to implement (not Bridgy)
# 19:33 snarfed tantek: right, i think that's the big remaining todo
# 19:34 tantek this is the plumbing/service equivalent of when you (as an author of a post) delete comments on your post
# 19:34 snarfed right. and only applies when you use an external wm service like wm.io
# 19:34 snarfed bridgy backfeed filtering should already be happening now, since blocked users on twitter can't interact with your tweets, right?
# 19:35 tantek or rather, on FB if you block someone, they cannot @-mention you
# 19:35 snarfed right, that's the one remaining thing. but supporting homepage webmentions is very rare, so i think we can deprioritize that part of block filtering a bit
# 19:35 snarfed tantek: e.g. i assume you'll implement rendering responses on posts way before on your homepage, right?
# 19:36 Loqi [tantek] #85 Feature request: filter out webmentions from particular domains / sources
# 19:36 tantek snarfed, short of implementing auto-twitter-block-list-blocking, then yes, #85 is needed
# 19:37 snarfed just to check, auto-twitter-block-list-blocking would also be in wm.io, right? since bridgy can't claw back wms retroactively
# 19:37 tantek it's pretty clear we have a lot of work to do to get blocking working in any reasonable way in the indieweb ecosystem
# 19:37 tantek and I'm happy to be the canary in the coalmine for this
# 19:38 tantek if we want anyone other than highly privileged classes of folks using indieweb tools / ecosystem / techniques (POSSE & backfeed), we MUST solve block etc.
# 19:38 tantek snarfed, I think explicit block lists may be a distraction frankly
# 19:39 tantek because it's yet more maintenance for the user
# 19:39 aaronpk ...there has to be a list of accounts blocked in order for webmention.io to block things
# 19:39 tantek aaronpk, for there to be a list, there must be a UI for maintaining that list
# 19:40 tantek therefore any talk of format is frankly premature :P
# 19:40 tantek the twitter use-case should be handled automatically by bridgy backfeed without *any* need for an explicitly published list anywhere
# 19:40 voxpelli I can agree with Tantek here, dogfooding blocking with only data from Twitter to dog food with doesn't result in any good dogfooding
# 19:41 aaronpk yeah there's definitely something bridgy can do without any new format or trying to share any of these block lists
# 19:41 aaronpk stays out of this discussion until it becomes relevant to webmention.io
# 19:41 snarfed ...just to confirm, do we all agree that bridgy backfeed already seems to handle twitter block lists, *except* @-mentions, which are maybe not top priority since homepage wm support is so rare...right?
# 19:41 Loqi [tantek] #85 Feature request: filter out webmentions from particular domains / sources
# 19:41 tantek aaropnk, wm.io needs to implement persistent webmention delete
singpolyma joined the channel
# 19:42 aaronpk has anyone actually confirmed that bridgy doesn't send webmentions from blocked accounts? I assume that would be the case if the twitter API works like I expect, but not totally sure
# 19:43 tantek voxpelli: is there a wm heroku issue on that?
# 19:43 voxpelli tantek: Bridgy probably won't delete tweets from before you block someone, does wm.io provide a moderating UI?
# 19:44 snarfed tantek: by auto-block-twitter-blocked-users, you mean just @-mentions, right?
# 19:44 Loqi [tantek] #85 Feature request: filter out webmentions from particular domains / sources
# 19:44 snarfed how can bridgy claw back wms that have already been sent?
# 19:44 Loqi [voxpelli] #5 Support all CRUD operations
# 19:44 tantek aaronpk: yes it does, it has permalinks for all of them
# 19:45 aaronpk bridgy could 410 those URLs and then send webmention updates
# 19:46 aaronpk to delete all the webmentions when you block an account
# 19:46 snarfed ok. i understand, and it's technically possible, but realistically i highly doubt i'd ever implement that
# 19:46 snarfed i understand flickr may do it, but they own the storage, which makes it way easier
# 19:46 tantek snarfed, Bridgy owns the storage of Bridgy permalinks
# 19:47 snarfed yes. again, i understand, and it's doable, but very unlikely that i'll actually implement it
# 19:47 tantek and I'm saying it is going to be (is) a user expectation of how block works
# 19:47 aaronpk any time you try to recreate a silo feature in a distributed context it's going to be much harder, so it's not fair to say "silo X does this, so it should be easy for indieweb site/app Y"
# 19:47 Loqi [kylewm] #473 Twitter: do not backfeed from blocked accounts
# 19:47 tantek aaronpk, wrong analogy. we're talking centralized (Twitter) to centralized service (Bridgy) here
# 19:48 Zegnat snarfed, do you currently keep webmention permalinks in storage for ever?
# 19:48 voxpelli It would be very interesting if two users with lots of history have one block the other :/
# 19:48 tantek on Flickr, you can block someone to remove *all* their responses/interactions from your photos
# 19:49 voxpelli With block list at receiver it would be no issue, with block list at sender it could result in thousands of pings from a single block
# 19:50 snarfed yeah. silo backfeed is already clearly incomplete and lower fidelity in a number of ways. given that, i'm not entirely convinced that users will expect every action inside a silo to seamlessly work and propagage correctly into their site.
# 19:50 aaronpk yeah i think i'm more likely to implement blocking at the receiver end. i see why snarfed has no interest in implementing that in bridgy
# 19:50 aaronpk webmention.io being one of the receivers. so if i can get the information that someone blocked an account, I'd happily wriite something that deletes all the webmentions from the database
# 19:50 tantek snarfed, I'm not talking about "users will expect every action inside a silo to seamlessly work and propagage correctly", I'm talking about users will experience pain (abuse) and want it to go away as quickly / easily as possible
# 19:51 tantek and one of those is abusive responses showing up on their own site via Bridgy
# 19:51 voxpelli aaronpk: or probably rather just marks it as ignored, as a block can always be unblocked
# 19:51 tantek since we know Twitter is a cesspool of abuse, this is inevitable
# 19:51 aaronpk blocks one of his own accounts and hopes this doesn't trigger something bad
# 19:51 snarfed tantek: understood! it's definitely a noble goal. it's just also a substantial project, and requires bridgy to scale on at least a couple dimensions that it doesn't now.
# 19:51 tantek I expect, to everyone, but certainly to less privileged individuals first
# 19:51 tantek snarfed, in that case, it may be worth setting those expectations up front
# 19:51 snarfed honestly i'd like to see the native indie version of this retroactive block behavior diagrammed out and prototyped in at least one CMS first
# 19:51 Zegnat If snarfed has a webmention page that mentions multiple people he can’t 410 it just because one of the people has the sender blocked though.
# 19:51 aaronpk also that requires that webmention receivers know how to interpret the http 410 and can handle a sudden flood of incoming webmentions lol
# 19:52 aaronpk Zegnat: i thought the bridgy URLs were scoped to the account that's receiving the webmention
# 19:52 snarfed hah good point Zegnat. i suspect very few CMSes support 410 webmentions. maaaybe known? any others?
# 19:52 tantek snarfed, may be good to have Bridgy have a warning about abuse / blocking from silos
KevinMarks joined the channel
# 19:52 tantek *before* people connect their backfeed from a silo to their personal site webmention receiving
# 19:53 aaronpk types a reply on twitter for the first time in... years? and is horrified by the inability to remove people from the reply chain
# 19:53 Loqi [sknebel] #25 allow using other auth methods
# 19:53 tantek and then that makes the persistent-delete-webmention more important
# 19:53 snarfed tantek: sure! in practice, i expect that surprise doesn't really happen now (yet), since almost no one supports homepage wms...but still, understood
# 19:53 jjuran aaronpk: You can remove people, but you have to click on a thing to do it.
# 19:53 voxpelli snarfed: retroactive block by 410 would only be a solution for solo -> indie, not for indie -> indie
# 19:53 Zegnat aaronpk: a homepage mention from a tweet “Hi @aaronpk @t love you guys” I would expect to get 1 page on bridgey but mention both? Not sure how much support Bridgy has for that
# 19:54 aaronpk Zegnat: i think bridgy creates two URLs for that? (correct me if i'm wrong)
# 19:54 snarfed yup. native indie blocking is either entirely inside the receiving CMS, or btw CMS and wm.io (etc)
# 19:54 Zegnat Yeah, not sure, I was mostly thinking outloud, aaronpk. Hoped snarfed could confirm ;)
# 19:54 tantek snarfed, more worried about permalink backfeed abuse
# 19:54 tantek which is where it is happening on Twitter now
# 19:55 aaronpk i think it'd be reasonable for bridgy to 410 those URLs, but I don't think it's necessary for bridgy to also send webmentions for that
# 19:55 tantek before the targeted user can block all the abusers
# 19:55 tantek then all those backfeed wms make it to their personal site
# 19:55 tantek at a minimum we have to make cleaning that up easy
# 19:55 voxpelli aaronpk: if it 410:s with no ping, then what impact will it have?
# 19:55 tantek hence we need simple/fast UIs for persistent-delete-webmention
# 19:56 aaronpk voxpelli: at least someone else couldn't send a webmention for it
# 19:56 Loqi [snarfed] hey @aaronpk, would you consider consuming mf2 blocklists as a way to implement this filtering? if so, i'm happy to prioritize snarfed/granary#40.
# 19:56 aaronpk :sigh: i sent a webmention for the blocked post from the bridgy URL thanks to my twitter search script
# 19:57 voxpelli snarfed: aaronpk: keep me in the loop if you work on any of that, would very much want to get something like that working before KevinMarks mentions GamerGate or something again :)
# 19:57 tantek voxpelli: interesting question, perhaps there's another way to trigger this
# 19:58 aaronpk it found the tweet even though it's from a blocked account
# 19:58 aaronpk yep, confirmed bridgy does in fact send webmentions even if i've blocked the account
# 19:58 snarfed i wonder if twitter api search doesn't filter by the auth user's blocklist
# 19:59 tantek waits for aaronpk,snarfed,voxpelli to consider the implications of "delete as a response"
# 20:01 tantek a block UI action may cause deletes (per Flickr implementation)
# 20:02 tantek aaronpk, ever deleted a comment someone made on an Instagram post of yours?
# 20:02 tantek well, in that scenario, who is the author of the delete?
# 20:03 aaronpk eh, i'm not sure i'd say i created anything by doing that
snarfed joined the channel
# 20:03 tantek aaronpk: in short, you are the author of the delete, and your delete is a response to the comment you are deleting on your post.
# 20:03 Zegnat I’d say that is literally deleting the local copy of the comment. I wouldn’t see that as a response per se.
# 20:04 tantek Zegnat: "local copy" is something you can't conclude from that because that's a plumbing detail
# 20:04 aaronpk also if i'm deleting a comment, i probably don't want to keep anything around that shows i deleted it
# 20:04 voxpelli (And actually, our "block" is probably more a "mute" than a "block" in the Twitter sense as a "block" is to stop others from reading your stuff)
# 20:05 Zegnat So what would a delete response say tantek? “I received your comment, then I removed it from displaying on my end”?
# 20:05 tantek there is no "our 'block'" unless you can point to someone's implementation
# 20:05 voxpelli But in the Twitter sense, we never block anyone from reading our stuff? Or should a block list also apply to eg a webmention sender?
# 20:06 tantek Zegnat, there's the webmention a delete response would send, and there's what would a delete response look like in markup.
# 20:06 tantek voxpelli: Twitter is a poor implementer of block, bad to use that as example
# 20:06 Zegnat no, that is plumbing, as you always say, tantek ;) What would you mean by that response?
# 20:07 tantek first things first, I need to file the persistent-delete-webmention feature requests of proxies
# 20:07 voxpelli I don't like the idea of a delete response, but it so is interesting how a block would interact with Salmentions *runs and hides*
# 20:08 Zegnat No. What are you trying to tell the recipient with that, was what I meant. A webmention from an in-reply-to would say “I replied to you on this page”. So what would a delete response say?
# 20:08 tantek "Your response was deleted by the author of the post"
# 20:09 aaronpk i'm just going to say again that I don't want to create a permalink when I delete a reply
# 20:09 aaronpk if i delete something from my site, i don't want to leave a trace that i deleted it
# 20:09 tantek then a site like Bridgy, when it receives one of those, could actually 410 its synthetic backfeed webmention permalink!
# 20:09 Zegnat It would be interesting to receive a webmention telling me my response was deleted. Not sure what I would do with that.
# 20:10 tantek aaronpk: what happens when you receive the webmention again? and it shows up again?
# 20:10 tantek you going to just keep deleting it in the UI whackamole style?
# 20:10 voxpelli wonders if a block should retroactively apply to all Salmentions sent and thus trigger Salmention pings for all affected pages
# 20:11 Zegnat voxpelli, wow, that would be pretty horrible for almost everyone involved xD
# 20:11 tantek likely, let's try to get the simple scenario working
# 20:12 voxpelli has to leave discussions for today, need sleep before work tomorrow
[miklb] joined the channel
# 20:16 aaronpk if you block an account in webmention.io, should it continue to process and store future webmentions from that account in case you unblock the account later?
# 20:16 aaronpk or should blocking the account make it ignore future webmentions from that account?
# 20:16 aaronpk and if you unblock it later you don't suddenly see a bunch of new webmentions
# 20:17 Loqi [tantek] #86 Feature: persistent webmention delete
# 20:18 Loqi [aaronpk] Step one for me in webmention.io would be adding a way to have block lists internally at all. I'd start by implementing a minimal UI for managing which things are blocked, similar to how this works on Twitter. Then I could definitely see syncing that...
# 20:19 aaronpk needs to do some cleanup on webmention.io before he starts adding new features
# 20:19 tantek there's a big difference between deleting things with permalinks (and ignoring future webmentions from them), and ignoring *everything* from a particular domain/source/author
# 20:21 tantek I'm really trying hard to minimize these features down to what would be actually useful right now
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# 20:24 tantek on my site, visually when I see something abusive (like a bad/garbage comment), I would have a close box / trashcan etc. UI to delete that abusive response
# 20:24 tantek then upon clicking that, my site would generate a capability URL that doesn't show up anywhere else, that has a delete response in-reply-to (or delete-of?) the permalink of the abusive response I'm deleting
# 20:25 tantek and then it would send a webmention to where I got the abusive response from, e.g. Bridgy backfeed
# 20:25 tantek Bridgy upon receiving it, could/would realize hey I got a delete response from the original post, I should remove / 410 my copy of the backfeed
# 20:26 tantek this is basically an alternative to moderation, wherein people have to approve every comment
# 20:30 aaronpk does this still make sense to send to other indieweb sites?
# 20:31 tantek I wouldn't send it to someone I've blocked obviously
# 20:32 tantek yeah, figured I'd start with braindump in chat
# 20:32 tantek because we're going to need UI for deleting individual responses
# 20:32 tantek this is what I'm *actually* running into while trying to implement showing responses to my own posts
# 20:33 aaronpk i have a bunch of responses i'd like to delete too
# 20:33 tantek I want to remove some of them (from spam/bot/pr0n accounts)
# 20:33 aaronpk since i've improved my comment handling since originally receiving the comment
# 20:33 tantek use-case: a family member is reading my public post, sees the facepile of people liking it, sees an "interesting" avatar/icon in the facepile, clicks it, and sees a BUNCH of ugly things
snarfed joined the channel
# 20:34 tantek then getting the "phone" call of - I clicked this thing on your post and saw somethings very nasty - why did you link to it from your post?!?
# 20:35 tantek I'm just going to say point blank that this is *essential* to go beyond gen 1/2
# 20:35 Zegnat Also note that in some countries you might be responsible for what you link to. I believe Germany has something weird about that. Though for those countries I would just advise moderation queues.
# 20:36 tantek imagine an avatar/icon of something banned in Germany for example
# 20:38 tantek (the account that is. the permalink is fine, which is all I intended.)
# 20:38 aaronpk am i gonna have to implement blocklists on the IRC logs?
# 20:39 tantek well that text "UI" would be one way of doing it
# 20:40 Zegnat Such example links might be better to just remember to put in chat. If you *must* share them. Or share them by another temp page, e.g. I have shared a FB page I did not want to have the URL logged from by putting the URL on my wiki and then giving the URL to my wiki.
# 20:53 snarfed so users can expect bridgy to seamlessly support their silo block lists, but realistically it still won't for the majority of silos
# 20:54 snarfed tantek: i couldn't find it when i searched their API docs in 9/2015. details and links in that issue. i'd love to find out it does though!
# 20:57 snarfed on the plus side, unlike twitter, the other silos' APIs are all sane and let me get a post's comments directly, so there's a good chance they filter by block lists themselves
# 20:57 tantek snarfed, huh, odd about that in the API - I'll hunt a bit. thought for sure it was there - since it's so well exposed in their UI around contacts
# 20:58 snarfed yeah UI sometimes but definitely not always implies API
# 20:58 tantek agreed. though knowing a bit about how they built Flickr, that's why I'm surprised.
# 20:58 tantek I bet it's there and "just" a documentation issue
# 20:59 snarfed pls do post on the issue if you find that's true!
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# 22:46 tantek no luck snarfed, I can't find it after some digging. odd.
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# 22:56 tantek no variant of "block" or "ignore" worked. oh well.
# 22:56 tantek (where you would otherwise specify "friends" or "family")
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