Loqi[crertel] I'm not sure that having folks meandering over to Lobsters because somebody linked their blog is a great idea--especially if it's just to fuel the outrage machine. Additionally, I'm not sure how I feel about having yet another way of opening up our d...
voxpellitantek: true, but I guess some deeper aspects would be shared with webactions being the declarative way of interacting with it and web share api possibly the programmatic way
tantekvoxpelli: if you mean the Google Web Share API proposal, independent of any comparison, I think the Web Share API is a poor design, it's based more around enabling large silos, instead of arbitrary sites becoming share providers
tantekI'll have to take a longer look at it later - I've been so far disappointed by Google efforts in this area, I kinda wish the folks working on it would start with their own indieweb sites first
voxpelliyeah, Chromes self-enforced requirement of having public support from other browsers before shipping new features probably pushes them into such interpretations :/
Zegnattantek, re HTML validation: WHATWG changed MAIN so it points at the main content of the current sectioning item (e.g. of an ARTICLE), but W3C says there can only be a single MAIN element on the entire page.
sknebel(I was under the impression that everything around sectioning/document outline is pretty academic anyways, since it has no implementations outside of validators?
voxpellione could argue that "living specs" are the only specs that actually describe the real world – other specs are just a snapshot of a distant past
voxpellisome problem with versioned specs are: 1. they describe a reality that might not match the actual implemented one 2. they imply a possibility of introducing breaking changes
voxpellicweiske: isn't that a rather sensible thing to do? to have specifications that's actually specify how things work rather than to describe some dream world that no one in practice actually will ever follow?
voxpellithe IndieWeb specs are a great example of living specs – we dogfood, we document, we iterate some more, we document some more – the specs always reflect what's actually going on right now and is open to input from everyone
voxpellicweiske: it wasn't implemented, because it wasn't acknowledged, HTML5/HTML Living Standard fixed that by acknowledging that broken behavior is something that browsers needs to handle and therefore something that a spec should deal with
tantek.comedited /Planning (+546) "/* 2017 */ sort by number of confirmed co-organizers, and put Brighton at end of 2017 possible previous sites due to "not happening any time soon", add possible dates for NYC" (view diff)
Loqiissue is a special kind of article post that is a reply to typically some source code, though potentially anything at a source control repository https://indieweb.org/issue
tantek.comedited /reply (+361) "/* replies showing up on your main website */ who? citations? contrary prior art, note also Twitter profiles do not show replies by default (in separate view)" (view diff)
eli_oat1Potentially stupid PHP question, but I can't figure it out for the life of me. I'm attempting to parse some XML and assign the content of various tags to variables. I, however, cannot figure out how to do this.
eli_oat1Potentially stupid PHP question, but I can't figure it out for the life of me. I'm attempting to parse some XML and assign the content of various tags to variables. I, however, cannot figure out how to do this.
Zegnateli_oat you probably want to look at DOMDocument, which can parse XML. You can then walk the tree, or use methods like “getelementbytagname”, or use XPath to find the right element. Once you have the element’s object you can set its value to whatever you like.