jeremycherfasI was thinking of spending an hour or so to see whether I could get Audiogram working, as per schmarty’s recent post. I’ve never used Docker before, but it seems from reading around that this would be the simplest approach, even if it is new for me.
ZegnatI also don’t like that Docker basically has you run a whole separate Linux build on your Mac, while your Mac has no problem running those same unix programs by itself :/
jeremycherfasBut as I do all my editing as WAV files, I am going to have to do some preliminary work before creating a shareable thing that I can actually use.
HTTP_____GK1wmSU, jjuran, davidmead, snarfed and [miklb] joined the channel
sknebelZegnats draft for a new IndieAuth page still is around as well, and should be used at some point (not sure if waiting for is useful/saving work/...?)
sknebelanyone experience with ? (looking into ways to test selfauth, and this seems to be able to do stuff like "press that button" without the overhead of phantomJS or so)
snarfed, [miklb], wagle, D33P-B00K, [chrisaldrich] and xyc joined the channel