j4y_funabashiI have been working on a new micropub client. If your micropub server supports the 'source' query it will display the posts you create with it
j4y_funabashiyeah kind of, currently it only displays posts you have created with it as it saves the url returned in the Location header then uses that in the 'source' query
jeremycherfasCweiske: I managed to get a form onto my Grav blog, for submitting a comment from another site, and it works for me. Can you offer any advice for how to handle error messages better?
aaronpkyeah my first thought would be it might make sense to include more of the post's data in the response, since otherwise clients are going to fetch each post anyway
Loqi[aaronpk] ... we also ran into issues around how to federate delete objects. if you try to do best-effort deletion on a status it can easily not go to all the people the original status went to
tantekespecially when you delete something that others have reposted. so you send webmention updates (salmentions) to all those reposting (or other responses)
mat.tlcreated /User:Mat.tl (+717) "Created page with "== Matt Lee == [[File:mattl.png]] I'm Matt Lee, one of the folks behind behind Foo Communications, a company/experiment in music and social media, including Libre.fm, a new..."" (view diff)
tantek.comedited /Falcon (+1261) "/* Working On */ split Display Likes Reposts Facepiles into its own section since it has presentational scaling challenges too (100s of likes and reposts)" (view diff)
tantek.comedited /Falcon (+613) "/* Display Likes Reposts Facepiles */ add inline JSON stats for mentions etc. for post permalink and homepage" (view diff)
arush, barpthewire and [kevinmarks] joined the channel