#j4y_funabashiI have been working on a new micropub client. If your micropub server supports the 'source' query it will display the posts you create with it
#j4y_funabashiyeah kind of, currently it only displays posts you have created with it as it saves the url returned in the Location header then uses that in the 'source' query
#j4y_funabashiOnce it is a bit more complete I want to add a 'list' query to my micropub endpoint so I can list all posts
#jeremycherfasCweiske: I managed to get a form onto my Grav blog, for submitting a comment from another site, and it works for me. Can you offer any advice for how to handle error messages better?
#jonnybarnesj4y_funabashi: could the enpoint provide any more info, or are you envisioning your client literally showing a list of just URLs?
#aaronpkyeah my first thought would be it might make sense to include more of the post's data in the response, since otherwise clients are going to fetch each post anyway
#j4y_funabashiYeah my reasoning was so we are not duplicating the data shown in the source query
#j4y_funabashiSo clients could fetch the list of urls with the list then ping the source query with each url
#aaronpkisn't that exactly the pattern that has caused people to move away from REST-like APIs and into GraphQL?
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#j4y_funabashiThe list query could certainly return a list of objects to save hammering your micropub server
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#j4y_funabashior we could extend the source query to allow multiple urls?
#j4y_funabashijonnybarnes: no the idea is to show the post in full, or at least a summary
#j4y_funabashiaaronpk: we could even return a list if no url is specified on the source query then there would be no need for an extra query command
#Loqi[aaronpk] ... we also ran into issues around how to federate delete objects. if you try to do best-effort deletion on a status it can easily not go to all the people the original status went to
#tantekespecially when you delete something that others have reposted. so you send webmention updates (salmentions) to all those reposting (or other responses)
#tantekoh right, yeah, quoting aaronpk quoting # social nickname nightpool
#tantekI wonder if we need more brainstorming around what responses should do when they receive webmentions from what they are in-reply-to
#tantek.comedited /like (+9) "/* The Most Liked Thing */ quoted Mandella according to NPR link" (view diff)
#mat.tlcreated /User:Mat.tl (+717) "Created page with "== Matt Lee == [[File:mattl.png]] I'm Matt Lee, one of the folks behind behind Foo Communications, a company/experiment in music and social media, including Libre.fm, a new..."" (view diff)
#tantek.comedited /Falcon (+1261) "/* Working On */ split Display Likes Reposts Facepiles into its own section since it has presentational scaling challenges too (100s of likes and reposts)" (view diff)
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#tantek.comedited /comments (+360) "move historical section to bottom, add Brainstorming / Scaling Presentation to capture the issue" (view diff)
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#tantek.comedited /Falcon (+613) "/* Display Likes Reposts Facepiles */ add inline JSON stats for mentions etc. for post permalink and homepage" (view diff)
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