2017-09-05 UTC
KartikPrabhu, [miklb], snarfed and tantek joined the channel
# 01:29 bear this webmention.rocks test #23 is seriously pissing me off
# 01:29 bear I have restructured my test code to only do a single GET and it still returns a 404
# 01:30 Loqi miklb has 9 karma in this channel (45 overall)
# 01:31 snarfed bear: consider just being incomplete. pretty much all spec implementations are anyway. :P
# 01:31 bear this is in the test code for ronkyuu to make sure I don't break something
# 01:31 bear so I don't want to consider it not supporting something that is an Official Test
# 01:37 snarfed eh. you can always choose not to support something
# 01:38 snarfed not ideal obviously, but priorities and tradeoffs
# 01:38 bear i'm also curious is if this is some PHPism that has snuck into what has been up until now a very language agnostic test
snarfed joined the channel
# 02:08 bear ok, have a basic test that is at least now returning 400 invalid_target
gRegorLove joined the channel
# 02:33 Ruxton aaronpk: posted a photo from my photos stream and OWG went down
# 02:35 Ruxton it happened on Friday too, came back today and all was good for 2 posts
# 02:35 aaronpk will take a look in a few, just heading back to my hotel
# 02:36 aaronpk What URL are you hitting where you see the timeout?
# 02:38 Ruxton I'd just posted a photo and it tmed out on refreshing of feed
# 02:38 Ruxton i dropped my session cookie and was able to log back in
# 02:39 aaronpk I wonder if it's timing out trying to talk to Instagram
# 02:41 Ruxton yeah that might make sense, started doing it again ;)
# 02:45 aaronpk That's one of the nice things about PHP, you can't really crash the whole app
# 02:46 bear ah, I think my problem with following that redirect is that I follow the redirect and also query it for webmention endpoint
# 02:50 bear so I get now, depending on each of the tests a 400, 404 and 410
# 02:53 bear I have a super simple python app to test now
# 03:00 Loqi [Webmention Rocks!] Discovery Test #23
gRegorLove joined the channel
# 03:06 bear the whole issue was because I was sending the webmention payload of the redirected target url and not the original
# 03:06 bear you probably did but my brain was down a couple rabbit holes and I didn't get context right
# 03:07 bear ok, now that I have a one-off that works, now I can see if ronkyuu needs any tweaks
# 03:16 aaronpk Ruxton: so i see the timeouts in the logs, but I don't understand why it's not timing out still
# 03:16 aaronpk also what's your IG username? can't find anything in ownyourgram that matches "ruxton"
snarfed1, snarfed, KartikPrabhu, gRegorLove, ben_thatmustbeme and EmreSokullu joined the channel
snarfed, snarfed1, EmreSokullu and tantek joined the channel
barpthewire joined the channel
tantek, [kevinmarks], [colinwalker], [pfefferle], jeremycherfas, EmreSokullu, EmreSoku_ and davidmead joined the channel
# 11:19 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 11:19 Loqi [jeremycherfas] Still happening even with redis and deleting `.jobs`
On another try, I noticed that `.jobs` was continuing to update, and at the end of the process contained
EmreSokullu and EmreSok__ joined the channel
# 11:58 schmarty !tell jeremycherfas I have definitely seen that error, and discovered like you did that processing was happening just fine despite the status updates failing. The BBC fork has pretty much always given me this error but produced a video eventually
# 11:58 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
jeremycherfas_, eli_oat, [colinwalker], singpolyma, jeremych_ and jeremycherfas joined the channel
# 14:34 jeremycherfas Zegnat: I managed to GET a return from the various WithKnown endpoints, and I am trying to make sense of them
# 14:34 Loqi jeremycherfas: schmarty left you a message 2 hours, 36 minutes ago: I have definitely seen that error, and discovered like you did that processing was happening just fine despite the status updates failing. The BBC fork has pretty much always given me this error but produced a video eventually
EmreSoku_ joined the channel
# 14:36 jeremycherfas Zegnat: The key point, I think, is that the payload must be a "JSON encoded string of variables"
# 14:38 jeremycherfas I guess that means that when I construct $known['body'] I have to make sure that the Description I want to send is the second element.
[miklb] and jeremycherfas joined the channel
KevinMarks joined the channel
# 15:00 seblog.nl edited /IRC (+795) "bring back some of the "Install an IRC app" + move the app that was only mentioned above to the Clients-section" (
view diff )
EmreSoku_ joined the channel
snarfed joined the channel
# 15:42 sknebel jeremycherfas: no, json_encode turns an object into a JSON string. how are you generating what you send and how do you send it?
tantek joined the channel
# 15:52 sebsel jeremycherfas You are aware you just shared your Known API key? Better change that now.
# 15:54 sebsel In that case, it would be something like: $mybody = ['link' => $mylink, 'description' => $mydescription]; // array to send
# 15:54 jeremycherfas A message payload containing the variables expected by the handler, if applicable. This may be in the format of URL encoded variable strings, or a JSON encoded string of variables.
# 15:57 sknebel I'd read the docs the same way, although they annoyingly don't show an example of a JSON request
# 15:59 jeremycherfas If I send just the link as a single element in the json_decode, it works OK.
# 16:02 sknebel weird, might be a special case for bookmarks. the examples in the docs clearly show key:value pairs being send ( that's the only thing you can do in formencoded)
tantek, KevinMarks and [colinwalker] joined the channel
snarfed, EmreSoku_, [cleverdevil] and tantek joined the channel
jeremycherfas joined the channel
# 17:24 Loqi [aaronpk] #89 what should senders do when they receive a 3xx response from the webmention endpoint?
# 17:25 snarfed Zegnat: yup, iirc i asked aaronpk the same thing when i saw wm.io do it, which prompted that issue
# 17:26 snarfed (it's both unusual in the wild and not in the spec :P)
# 17:26 Zegnat Is it unusual? I thought several people with input boxes for URLs (like sebsel has) do the redirect? You would know though, I guess, you have the data :P
# 17:27 snarfed yup, unusual. web forms are the most common cause, but afaik only the minority handle automated wms and interactive form posts with the same code path
KevinMarks, [kevinmarks], snarfed and EmreSoku_ joined the channel
# 17:52 sebsel snarfed Hmz, I have no idea why it 302ed. It should not do that.
# 17:57 sebsel And because of the way I used Kirby's router, it hits that redirect when it tries to find the Page-object that corresponds to the URL via the router.
# 17:59 sebsel re-crawling my site does not make Brid.gy see the new URL
snarfed joined the channel
# 18:04 sebsel oh no, what have I done. I now get all webmentions twice, because I changed the URL.
# 18:05 sebsel I will try and capture this in a Github Issue, then see what parts are wrong and where.
tantek joined the channel
# 18:16 Loqi [sebsel] #769 Changing URLs (use uid)
snarfed and EmreSoku_ joined the channel
# 18:35 snarfed sebsel: thanks! out of curiosity, should your site have de-duped the wms? since it knows the two target URLs are the same post
# 18:38 sebsel But if it didn't, it would dedupe right after.
# 18:38 sebsel Since it finds the same post, and then handles the webmention on that post.
# 18:41 snarfed i'm confused. so the problem is just that bridgy sent dupes at all, which could be avoided?
# 18:41 Loqi [Sebastiaan Andeweg] #hliversum #nijmegen
Maar zo kan hij ook.
# 18:42 snarfed great! ok. bridgy sometimes sends more than one wm POST even for the same target URL. preventing some or all of those isn't a high priority right now, since receivers are expected to handle them.
# 18:42 sebsel No it does not seem like a priority indeed, now that you say this.
# 18:42 snarfed also bridgy only occasionally fetches target URLs, and to de-dupe by uid, it would always have to fetch them, which i'm unlikely to add
# 18:43 sebsel No I guess it's fine to have brid.gy know multiple URLs of posts.
# 18:44 sebsel So then I just need to fix my bug. We can close the issue then.
jeremycherfas, tbbrown, KevinMarks_, KevinMarks and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
tbbrown, [cleverdevil], [colinwalker], KevinMarks, snarfed, jjuran, [manton], EmreSoku_, KartikPrabhu and tantek joined the channel
EmreSoku_ and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
KevinMarks and EmreSoku_ joined the channel
davidmead, KevinMarks, [kevinmarks], EmreSoku_, EmreSok__, tantek and [cleverdevil] joined the channel