#schmartyaaronpk: been thinking about changing how i handle WMs from webmention.io. was thinking about grabbing existing WMs in a backfill pass, then storing new ones from the webhook. however, the data format is different.
#schmartyaaronpk: is there a quick and dirty mapping from the wm.io data (with keys like activity, data) to or from the webhook notification data (with keys like "post", and full mf2 wm-property names)?
#schmartycurrently my main site grabs the most recent page of mentions from the API on each compile
#schmartyand my podcast site uses javascript, so every page view is another wmio request :|
#schmartymy hope is to have this hook store them all in a way the static site generators can read, and trigger a rebuild on new wms, so they show up immediately.
#tantek"youve never heard of" triggers my click bait article name detector
#schmartyaaronpk: any chance of getting the create or verified date in the jf2 output format? lots of posts have no published time and that makes them hard to sort :/
#00dani.meedited /User:00dani.me (-4) "/* itches */ remove broken link to "post types", it's clear what i'm talking about from context anyway" (view diff)
#sebsel!tell sknebel I did send a webmention via Telegraph, but it gave a 302 redirect, which it didn't follow. That's because I mentioned the http-version, not the https. I think you can solve it by using an absolute URL as endpoint, with https.
#[eddie]Also, definitely not a near term thing, but I've been trying to figure out how to get my Apple Health data into my possession. I'm thinking forking Compass into a health-focused app might be pretty good. The storage seems good for tracking step counts, heart rate, etc. Plus it allows me to keep all of my data, and then I could create custom rules to send Micropub posts (for example, sending my sleep data to my website, or at midnight, sending a
#[eddie]steps for the day. Things like that. Compass (or at the least Quartz) seems like a good starting place for something like that.
#aaronpkI was thinking a slightly different approach for the app, basically making it continuously export data from HealthKit to Micropub
#[eddie]would you be storing that in your website or a Quartz like database? One of the things I've thought about is step counts. Throughout the day that goes up
#aaronpki haven’t figured out how I want to represent steps on my site yet...
#aaronpki think it doesnt fit well into the “post” format, although most of the apps end up with a post per day kind of display
#aaronpkcould just update that post throughout the day
#aaronpkNot sure where I’d want to sort it tho, probably at the end of the day
#[eddie]Ahh gotcha. As I've thought about it from my side it seems helpful to have a fully private database (like Compass) that can store everything. Then the things I was to "post" can happen. For example, at midnight, it could grab my last step count total, grab the time I took my last step and use that as the created time for the post
#LoqiFirefox Social API is a Firefox browser feature from Mozilla for interfacing with social APIs, on silos, servers running open source installations like Known & WordPress, and servers supporting open protocols like micropub https://indieweb.org/Social_API
#tantekand need to update that as being dropped as of FIrefox 57
#Loqi[tantek] #24 Support W3C Micropub standard for publishing to sites and OSS
#sknebelsebsel: I rather filed that as a bug against Telegraph ;)
#Loqisknebel: sebsel left you a message 3 hours, 2 minutes ago: I did send a webmention via Telegraph, but it gave a 302 redirect, which it didn't follow. That's because I mentioned the http-version, not the https. I think you can solve it by using an absolute URL as endpoint, with https.
#sebselbut... you liked to an endpoint that did not exist?
#[eddie]cleverdevil / grantcodes I was checking out together. I like the different views (photos, checkins, etc). I'm curious, are those supposed to be different "channels" in the microsub sense? Or are those filters on a single channel?
#[cleverdevil]We've discussed having "channels" as well.
#[cleverdevil]But, there isn't anything like that just yet.
#[eddie]Gotcha. So those are filters. aaronpk have you thought through filtering? I'm wondering if we do something like list a "required" attribute when making a timeline call. For example: /microsub?action=timeline&filter=photo would only return posts that contain a photo property?
#[eddie]Because as it is now a microsub server would respond to a timeline request with say the last 20 posts in the timeline. If you filtered those down to photos on the client side you might end up with 5 posts in your timeline before requiring another call to action=timeline