Loqitantek: snarfed left you a message 1 hour, 20 minutes ago: yes! indie map does count responses by type, both overall and per site. http://www.indiemap.org/docs.html#stats . see the "mf2 class frequency" and "mf2 class frequency by site" graphs
tantekso either something like moderation, or a delay before displaying (and perhaps reverifying the source links to the target say a few hours later) would work
oodaniWhoa, new problem in the currently live version of Woodwind: it uses response_type=code when it's IndieAuthing, but it doesn't pass any scopes to request from the user. My understanding is that the scope parameter is mandatory when you use response_type=code, since there's no sensible default for it.
oodaniOddly enough, IndieAuth.com actually *does* send a scope parameter (which is empty), but *doesn't* send a response_type, so the scope gets ignored.
LoqiZegnat: snarfed left you a message 8 hours, 30 minutes ago: btw http://www.indiemap.org/ is a good source for the kinds of stats you all were idly guessing about while debating authorship and representative h-card. easy to data mine w/SQL. happy to help!
[miklb], [pfefferle], jeremycherfas and loicm joined the channel
www.arush.iocreated /User:Www.arush.io (+691) "Created page with "<span class="h-card">[http://www.arush.io/ Amanda Rush]</span> == Itches == * Create a more seemless workflow for posting content to my site to help transition from silos * Crea..."" (view diff)
loicm, John__, snarfed and [eddie] joined the channel
[eddie]miklb Quick question. One focused goal for "likes" and "bookmarks" was I wanted to make it as easy as possible to post. So one goal was to have it one click if possible. With that in mind I have to ways I'm thinking about adding "extra options" to likes and bookmarks in Indigenous.
[eddie]Options A: Posting has an "auto-post" timeout where if you don't select any options it just auto-posts within like 5-10 seconds (similar to Instapaper's share extension). Option B: You would have a "Send" button on the options screen, requiring two taps but still operating pretty quickly if you don't want to add options.
aaronpkone trick with using syndicate-to for that is there is no association between syndicate-to targets and URL patterns, so a client wouldn't know that uid=xyz corresponds to twitter
aaronpki've started to do some of that kind of automation in mine, for example when I reply to an indie post that is syndicated to twitter it knows to match up the tweet URL and also reply on twitter
[eddie]That makes sense, and that's some nice automation. I do feel like syndicate-to is a decent option for a like because you might want to syndicate to github, for example. But I don't know if we want to assume that everyone will be able to automate? But they might be able to add syndication targets.
aaronpkwell my thinking was that since syndicate-to is just telling the micropub server to do something, it's not a huge stretch to imagine that the server could set that automatically
aaronpksince it's very unlikely that you'd ever want to like a twitter URL on your site and *not* also like it on twitter, it might as well be done automtaically
aaronpkwhat i've done with quill is have it fill out the name, URL, (and if you've selected text on the page, then it includes that) for bookmark posts automatically, so that by the time you're on the quill bookmark interface you can just click the button to create the bookmark
aaronpkquill does yeah, because you have to give it your twitter oauth permissions, and then it looks for a "like-of" url that matches a tweet permalink
ZegnatIs there any place where you can bookmark without an intermediate screen? Even hitting the browser’s bookmark keyboard shortcut (in both Firefox and Chrome) will have the bookmark popover show in case I want to edit some details. Unless you are doing some sort of “read later” feature, I think it is almost expected to show an intermediate screen for
aaronpka micropub client doesn't know which of the targets is a twitter one, and you might even have more than one twitter target, so which would it use then?
aaronpkone way Indigenous could do this is to ask which of your syndication targets it should use for tweet permalinks and save that in the preferences
[miklb]Right now, WordPress plugins really only have the bridgy publish syndication targets. I’ve added a hacky one to use shpub to like/star GitHub repos.
[miklb]my GitHub target doesn’t actually do anything yet, I’m curling silo.pub in same shell command as I’m sending the micropub like to. I need to figure out the WordPress micropub client more to understand how to trigger my action for my custom target
aaronpkif [eddie] is up for building out the logic for saving a default syndicate-to target for certain URL patterns, then the server wouldn't need to do anything special, just recognize the syndicate-to parameter like normal
[miklb]If it is determined it’s better done on the micropub server side, I’m all for working with snarfed to implement that for WordPress. We’ve discussed better syndicate-to support in the plugin already, this would just be a logical next step.
[miklb]I certainly would prefer my server knowing if I’m liking a GitHub repo to use the silo.pub target, and if it’s a tweet to use the appropriate target for that as well.
[eddie]That all makes sense. I'm also happy to build in things that might make stuff easier for people when they are in earlier stages of development. So having some type of "default" syndicate targets make sense. I think the tricky thing is to determine if there are a set number of items (twitter, github, etc) or if you can do a basic pattern matching in the config. I feel like having hard-coded is more user friendly and then in the end I could expand
[eddie]Speaking of what sknebel just mentioned about browser bookmarks is basically what I was thinking about, a screen that allows short-term option selection but also can be ignored
aaronpkhm if you want to be able to actually ignore it, then you need to actually create it first and update it later, but that'll require the micropub endpoint to support updates
aaronpkfor the other question, i'd say basic hard-coded pattern matching is a good place to start. I'd expect to see an interface like "choose your syndication endpoint for tweet permalinks" and "for github repos"
[eddie]I guess the main question is for something like bookmarks, do you all think that would make it more difficult by having to enter info within a certain amount of time?
[eddie]That makes sense. The timer cancellation is a definite. I had thought about the display of the time and not displaying the time, couldn't decide which felt better to me
tantekbecause superfeedr prefers Atom and tantek was too lazy to write the additional code path to generate event-post-specific content for Atom entry elements
grantcodeshey aaronpk random microsub thought for the day: Is there a way to know if a user has already liked a post or any other "actions" seems like quite a vital feature for readers to keep track of.
schmartyaaronpk: i was able to find it by going to a page and using the share action. it was a listed as "Micropub" in the list of apps, not the list of actions on the bottom.
[eddie]aaronpk: right now it only supports urls, so it can only be activated inside of a Share url context. As I add text sharing and image sharing in the next updates it’ll show up in more contexts
[manton]eddie Congrats on the beta. I guess I should've tested before linking Micro.blog users to it... ? Doesn't appear to be compatible with Micro.blog yet. Can it send regular posts, or just like/repost/bookmark posts for URLs?
[eddie]Hmm that brings up something interesting. Should there be any fallback in micropub if likes/etc aren't supported or those are typically standard enough that there doesn't need to be a fallback?
Loqi[cleverdevil]: [eddie] left you a message 3 days, 22 hours ago: FYI, I'm opening up the beta of Indigenous for iOS. Before anyone gets too excited it currently supports using the share extension when activated against a URL (in safari or other apps like TweetBot) for the following actions: Like, Repost and Bookmark. The next build will hopefully support posting notes and replies. The micropub media endpoint stuff will be in the third build (timeline undeterm
Loqi[cleverdevil]: [eddie] left you a message 3 days, 22 hours ago: FYI, I'm opening up the beta of Indigenous for iOS. Before anyone gets too excited it currently supports using the share extension when activated against a URL (in safari or other apps like TweetBot) for the following actions: Like, Repost and Bookmark. The next build will hopefully support posting notes and replies. The micropub media endpoint stuff will be in the third build (timeline undetermined
[eddie]Awesome ? Sorry to hijack your plans ? But I think that seems like a great direction to head. I wasn't sure if the lack of likes was intentional or not