[eddie]Awesome, congrats aaronpk! The Microsub stuff is all very easy but my Microsub Server got put on hold because the parsing stuff was so difficult!
[eddie]aaronpk: Yeah, with your progress, when I finish up my active work on Indigenous, then I'll probably switch back and install Xray locally and use some of your hardwork :)
ancardaI have a question around WebMentions and redirects; if the source sends me into an infinite loop (to try and be malicious), would that carry on until the curl timeout? Should I disable all redirects, or limit to something reasonable?
ancardaI need to buy a server first haha, but I can have something up by the weekend. Unfortunately I spend a lot of time afk so it’ll take some time for anything to be live
ancardaAre any of your websites open source? I was thinking of putting mine on GitLab (MIT license) as Zegnat seemed interested in how I was building it (e.g. the blog post editor I’m working on saves drafts automatically when you finish typing)
ancardaI was hosting my own so I could have CAA records and SSHFP (needs DNSSEC). CAA is now widely supported and SSHFP wasn’t that useful to me in the end
LoqiZegnat: tantek left you a message 10 hours, 37 minutes ago: is there a place on the IWC Berlin wiki page where it lists all the demos / code produced for it like your https://github.com/Zegnat/php-linkextractor ?
ancardacweiske, Zegnat: I wrote a very quick sample of what a class and a test often looks like: https://pastebin.com/W5wvbwJ4 this is with mocking an injected database object
ZegnatAll those shouldReturns are what I do not look forward to writing... So I would end up in a place where I am going to be generating the test files dynamically then
ancardaOne thing I do like is you write the test first, run phpspec, and it'll create empty functions for you, so it can somewhat make it nicer to work with
ZegnatI guess my main gripe is that I do not want to learn and conform to a testing framework if I am going to have to write 100% own logic to then handle my cases. Could just stick with phpt files then.
ancardaWhat do you think I should do about models? phpspec would have me mock the database object when I'm testing my blog class, is that the right approach?
ancardaMaybe run a script to create tables with a test_ prefix, assert they're empty (and were created correctly), run functions to create data, assert there's some data returned?
[eddie]hmmm I have an Indigenous user who has a profile at the root of their domain. Their blog is at domain/blog/. Their authorization server is set at domain/blog/ (it's indieauth), their twitter rel=me is set on their root domain.
[eddie]So I think the biggest question is what is the best recommendation to make to them. I'm assuming it's adding the endpoint code to the root of their domain
[chrisaldrich]It seems like the rel-me issue for this had been solved before so one could have their h-card/rel-me on one page but a blog feed on another.
[chrisaldrich]If they do have a static page on root and a WP install at /blog/ then their problem is the rough equivalent of having two separate WP installs at each.
[chrisaldrich]They might remedy the issue by manually adding the line: <link rel="micropub" href="http://example.com/blog?micropub=endpoint"> to the header of their static site if they need it for micropub.
eli_oatDoes anyone know of documentation for [omnibear](https://omnibear.com)? I'm interested in adding support for reacji, but not certain of what to add to my endpoint. The enty on indieweb.org is pretty sparse: https://indieweb.org/Omnibear
Loqireacji is an emoji reaction, the use of a single emoji character in response to a post, introduced as a feature by Slack[1] https://indieweb.org/reacji
eli_oat1It isn't an issue with emoji. I can post them just fine using quill and the micro.blog app. The issue seems to be that I can't post anything with omnibear
ZegnatDid you switch token endpoint at some point maybe? That would’ve made the token in Omnibear’s memory go stale, and I am not sure it actually checks for anything like that
tantek.comedited /Leaders (+293) "next IWS mid 2018 will likely have a LS, if you're planning an IWC and want to organize one, add it here" (view diff)
Loqiok, I added "https://twitter.com/martijnvdven/status/930878863302971392 Current Firefox extension is outdated" to the "See Also" section of /Reading.am
loqi.meedited /Reading.am (+99) "Zegnat added "https://twitter.com/martijnvdven/status/930878863302971392 Current Firefox extension is outdated" to "See Also"" (view diff)
tantek.comedited /WebRTC (+397) "is a spec, not just a "project", link to spec with status, move advocacy site to see also, spec status flow chart" (view diff)