[manton], [mrkrndvs], [miklb], KartikPrabhu, [jeremycherfas], tantek, KevinMarks, cweiske, bengo, jeremycherfas, KevinMarks_ and loicm joined the channel
#@kevinmarks#FHIRdevdays17 @Grahamegrieve: This means that the server doesn't have to handle passwords. I have an option where I can give you a token directly over Skype so you don't have to authenticate [this sounds like indieauth] (twitter.com/_/status/931085538622353408)
[colinwalker] and KevinMarks joined the channel
#ZegnatThat auth is interesting, I didn’t know OAuth also used HTTP Basic. Or is that an FHIR extension? I’ll have to reread OAuth, again.
KevinMarks, KevinMarks_, [mrkrndvs] and [colinwalker] joined the channel
#Zegnatjeremycherfas you also gave me a crazy idea. I want to test a passthrough service that will accept reading.am webhook calls and convert them into micropub calls to your server.
#jeremycherfasThat doesn't sound crazy, but it does sound difficult.
#ZegnatI talked it through with sknebel, and we both thought it sounded feasible and relatively easy. It would simply forward all the webhook calls, but as read post (which I believe is an h-cite?)
#ZegnatIf I can get the Firefox extension fixed I might give it a shot, would be interesting if you wanted to test it when you return home again :)
[pfefferle] joined the channel
#jeremycherfasI would be hapy to test. Even while I am away!
#ZegnatEven better! I wasn’t sure how off-the-grid you were going :) I’ll let you know if I get something running then
#Loqi[strugee] lazymention: Support WebSub and Webmention on a static site
#Loqiok, I added "https://github.com/strugee/lazymention app that can handle webmention sending and websub hub pings when notified of new deploy" to the "See Also" section of /static_site_generator
eli_oat, snarfed, [kevinmarks], KevinMarks and KevinMarks_ joined the channel
#ancardaIs anyone working on a task tracking microformat? I found http://microformats.org/wiki/task-brainstorming which says "Proposed Next Steps: PHP and/or XSLT developer wanted!" -- is this something I could help with? I'm interested in moving task tracking to my website
#tantekancarda - I think various folks have expressed interest / looked at it but the wide variance has made it difficult
#tantekusually such systems are so personal that there's not as much opportunity / incentive for formats for interoperability across different implementations / people etc.
#tantekancarda, I'll take a look at that wiki page but those proposed next steps sound a bit dubious/premature
#tantekancarda, as a positive step forward, take a look at what a bunch of us are using our User: pages for on the IndieWeb wiki for tracking our "Working On" and "Itches" etc.
#ZegnatJust grabbing whatever previous work people have done
#tantekeither way, if you're looking to work on a format for sharing information, start with just sharing the information with simple text and see how that works in practice
#Zegnat[eddie]’s task post as documented on the indieweb wiki is probably the only on-a-blog in-the-wild example we have anyway ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
#Loqiissue is a special kind of article post that is a reply to typically some source code, though potentially anything at a source control repository https://indieweb.org/issue
[miklb] joined the channel
#tantekancarda, back to your original request - what are your goals for moving task tracking to your website?
#tantek.comedited /task (+935) "stub why, how to, move TOC, brainstorm challenges, start with wikifying, communal tasks" (view diff)
[manton], eli_oat, [pfefferle] and snarfed joined the channel
#ancardatantek: I don't think I can add myself to that page until my website is live (I can't login to the wiki)
#tantekancarda - a-ha yes! that's a good thing to start with - a simple home page to get going :)
#ancardaI was mostly interested if it was possible/supported, as I saw a page and thought I could move a few issues I've created on various trackers (I have a private JIRA/silo I'd like to move stuff out of). I'm just very new to microformats and IndieWeb in general
#tantek[manton], you're exactly right about RSS, "not obvious how to include ... in that" sums up precisely why RSS became a dead-end from a format perspective
#tantekin contrast to why we actively discuss, experiment, find consensus, document, and specify how different post types are published with microformats
#tantekwhereas e.g. photos, we have a defined way to use h-entry and explicitly u-photo to reference photos that are part of posts (rather than just all img tags which might be decorative / theme stuff etc.)
#tantekand if we're missing anything, we document it, so h-feed and h-entry keep iteratively improving, openly, here in the community
#tantek(and on those specs themselves, openly via github issues etc.)
#sknebelMHTML is an archive format to store an HTML document and the resources it includes in a single file. It's formatted the same way as an HTML e-mail. tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2557
#[manton]It's great to have a community and process in place for it. I have a feeling WordPress's RSS export (they call it WXR) hasn't had much attention in a long tie.
#Loqiok, I added "https://petermolnar.net/making-things-private/ - {{petermolnar}} used [[Chrome]] to save MHTML copies of many of his [[bookmarks]]." to the "See Also" section of /MHTML
#schmartyi'm now storing webmention data from webmention.io in a format compatible with jekyll and hugo's data folder structures.
#schmartymention content is stored in the jf2 format available via wmio's API (and how it's delivered by webhook) in .json files named by the hash of the source+target.
#aaronpkeep I hope that format is the way I actually want it
#aaronpkoh yeah, it mostly is, with the exception of the duplicate data in content that I have for backwards compatibility with tools using the first version of that jf2 format
#Loqischmarty has 7 karma in this channel (47 overall)
KevinMarks_, KevinMarks, brobertson and tantek joined the channel
#tantek!tell schmarty did you have any follow-up experiences regarding our conversation about productivity systems? in particular any thoughts on where use of your own website could help?
#Loqischmarty: tantek left you a message 1 minute ago: did you have any follow-up experiences regarding our conversation about productivity systems? in particular any thoughts on where use of your own website could help?
#tanteksknebel: what do you think of "publish delay" as a more indieweb-centric way of saying "send delay" ?
#schmartytantek: i recently went "back to basics" and restarted my text editor notes system that compiles into a private website.
#LoqiA draft in the context of the indieweb refers to a draft post, a post that an author has partially written, or otherwise does not consider finished https://indieweb.org/draft
#schmartyso most of the tooling is vim with some shortcuts to make TODO lists easier, then hugo running in dev mode to view them in the browser.
#tantekI'm still in just using a text editor notes system, where I try to push out longerterm (public) tasks to the web for public participation, collaboration, inspiration (forking), or help
#schmartyi also set up a .onion domain to view them from my mobile device (worked great on android, less so on ios where i don't think it can be configured to access stealth onion services.
#tantek!tell skenebel would you mind if I moved "send delay" to "publish delay" for a more indieweb-centric term? e.g. in contrast to /draft etc.
#schmartythings that i like so far are that the tabs are super lightweight, so i can have a tab of today's notes and todos, an ongoing "doing" list of active projects that i review once a week, and any project-specific notes for ongoing projects.
#schmartyi also made a template for week-to-week repeating TODOs that i can pull into vim in a couple of keystrokes
#schmartythere are still some big gaps here like capturing new TODOs while mobile, and finding a way to access the notes via my iOS device
#schmartybut so far so good. i think i'm still in the honeymoon period where things are sometimes hard but spending the time and energy on keeping myself organized is also building the habits and keeping me more on track. :}
#tantekschmarty, I have found the "Notes" app syncing between iOS and MacOS useful for this too
#tantekthough it would be nice to do that with my own site instead of iCloud
#tantekon a separate topic, I had the thought of using X-Ray synchronously at Publish time to grab info to save for the /reply-context of a /response post - has anyone else used X-Ray in that way?
#schmartytantek: notes with sync sounds pretty good. i choose to suffer without iCloud for personal ideological reasons, haha.
#schmartytantek: i use X-Ray for storing reply-context info on my personal site
#tantek(i.e. the reply-context info would just be saved along with everything else saved in the /response h-entry, a static snapshot of information (including external image src - though may leave that out unless it's an obvious logical URL like /photo.jpg/logo.jpg that I can expect the publisher to update as needed instead of breaking)
#tantekso if I were to build this, I would "detect" Twitter profile absolute URLs, and see if I could figure out what the username is and switch to the logical URL instead
#snarfed...which is a dealbreaker for most of us, given how much usage is on mobile. e.g. bridgy doesn't use logical twitter profile urls for exactly this reason.
#schmartyran JSPWiki for a while because i was doing lots of java work so it was "easy" and "lightweight". in seriousness i liked it because it used flat file storage.
#schmartyalso ran Trac for a while which consolidated all of my personal software projects into SVN with a wiki "for free"
#sknebelmoinmo.in is basically unchanged, they talked about v2 in 2010 already and it still doesn't seem to exist, so who knows how well maintained it is but as long as it works... also python and flat-file
#sknebelTiddlyWiki seems to have gotten better server-side hosting features, that is interesting
#sknebelmediawiki is around and will be around, can do everything (especially if you go SMW), but the biggest maintenance investment