sebselYeah I notice I don't use any UI from the Kirby CMS now, so in a way I'm not really using the Kirby CMS, only the Kirby Framework. And it's just not that good at being a framework.
schmartyaaronpk: (and other folks that use framework-y PHP). after some success with a simple receiver in PHP, i am interested in doing more PHP stuff w/ my site. i see that many of your PHP projects are either Laravel- or Slim-based. Do you have any current feelings about these?
aaronpkLaravel is a more complete framework, it includes a database ORM, caching, a job queue, a template system, etc etc. Slim is just the router part so you'll need to put a lot more pieces together yourself with that
schmartyi also want to add in intermediate steps like fetching /link-preview content for posts that are in-reply-to other posts on the web, which should also be job-y.
sebselI believe the goal of Lumen is to be a small variant of Laravel. Any Lumen application can be used with a Laravel vendor folder and still run, so the upgrade is very easy
ZegnatI am with aaronpk on the “use [framework] when I'm making something that will use at least a few of its major features”. Most of the time I find I don’t need a full framework and much rather pull in just the parts I do need.
ZegnatSlim is pretty good for normalising a router with PSR-7 compatible HTTP Request and Response objects. Which is pretty nice, and I find it is the basis I want for most sites.
ZegnatFor I just pull the parts I wanted in separately: FastRoute for routing (which is the code that is used by several frameworks anyway) and Nyholm/psr7 for the HTTP objects.
ZegnatI see too many people making assumptions about that. Those trailing slashes aren’t optional, but because of years of URL rewriting some people treat them as if they are
Zegnatsebsel has a bug open on the current in-development upcoming Kirby about how they do not map GET and HEAD requests to the same thing. I have one about how they are limiting HTTP methods to a small predefined list and uppercasing the methods.