#GWGsnarfed: If both the Micropub and IndieAuth plugins support logging into a WordPress site using IndieAuth, how do we avoid collision?
#snarfedthe usual answer to "how do two plugins coordinate" is hooks and filters
#GWGRight now, they use completely different ways of hooking in. So they can be installed independently. But I'd imagine that coordination will be needed in future.
#tantekforethought on considering indieauth login interactions across plugins
#KartikPrabhucan't micropub plugin depend on indieauth plugin?
#GWGtantek: Micropub uses a query variable to launch its interaction. Which means it preempts all traditional WordPress functions very early on. I hook in higher up.
#GWGKartikPrabhu: If only WordPress had dependency management of any kind.
#GWGKartikPrabhu: tantek was talking about the Indieweb Challenge, and Indieweb Commitments....I don't want to disappoint him by not adding it to the list
[kevinmarks], KevinMarks, KevinMarks_, [xavierroy], snarfed and John__ joined the channel
#ZegnatWhat is the problem you are seeing with Micropub, [xavierroy]?
#LoqiIt looks like we don't have a page for "problem you are seeing with Micropub, [xavierroy]" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "problem you are seeing with Micropub, [xavierroy] is ____", a sentence describing the term)
#sebselaaronpk You are using Laravel for your site, right? And you're using a file-system that is indexed by a database? I was wondering... are you using the Eloquent models at all?
#sebselI wrote a sort of HybridModel to handle it, but I am not sure if I still like it.
#aaronpktime to switch over to full wildcard https for my .dev sites
#sebselThat sounds even more complicated. I mean: the HybridModel I have now works like a charm, but it just hides so much information about which fields are saved where.
#sebselI am thinking about using a IndexedEntry class which extends Eloquent, and my own Entry class, which does stuff with the file.
#sebselBut it also felt like reinventing a wheel aaronpk might have solved, but apparently not, so I'll continue to look for other solutions :)
#Loqi[aaronpk] #95 use JSON response format for token check
#GWGsnarfed: Manual testing, definitely. As for unit tests...I was going to try to write some for the Indieauth plugin. Might as well write a token endpoint verification test and add it to both.
#loqi.meedited /best_nine (+55) "tantek added "https://www.instagram.com/explore/tags/2016bestnine/" to "See Also"" (view diff)
#loqi.meedited /best_nine (+422) "tantek added "Brainstorming: It should be possible to build an indieweb version into your own site, or even a service that asked for an indieweb site URL, checked all [[photo]] posts from the past year, created a grid of the top 9 posts by number of li..." (view diff)
#KartikPrabhuanyone here who can carry out s simple test for me on Safari?
KevinMarks, ben_thatmustbeme and [miklb] joined the channel
#[miklb]aaronpk weird. I assume that author url is a default WordPress path, should probably look at the template used for that or change the URL. Not sure why the redirects, I’ll look at my logs. I’ve seen some funky stuff with webmention end point and 500 errors. Concerned my config for caching is not properly optimized.