[miklb]I did not, but still plan to compile nginx so I can add pagespeed. I’ll make a note to look at that module as well. I’m open to suggestions for other nginx modules I should consider.
vanderven.se martijnedited /blockchain (+521) "/* See Also */ Link to Tony Arcieri’s great take on blockchain vs ledgers that have existed for years." (view diff)
[eddie]Looks like it might be almost time to re-do my "On This Day..." code. Last Spring I added an On This Day feature that showed any posts from the previous year. This worked because I didn't have almost any posts on my site from 2016. However, 2017 was common to have near 20 posts per day... lol So looks like i'll have to add some filtering to my On This Day feature
[eddie]Yeah, and third maybe using post type discovery to give certain post types a higher priority. For example: An article I posted with no one tagged should probably be higher than a movie I watched with my wife
aaronpk[eddie]: I was thinking about somehow getting weather info into my main Compass location database, that way the weather info is always accessible to anything that has access to my location. it would simplify my micropub endpoint code a lot to have that weather info already available. is that something you'd find useful as well?
[eddie]aaronpk: Yeah, that would definitely be useful. I store quite a bit of data from dark sky in regards to weather but most of it is just so I always have it if needed. The main things that I currently use or have active plans on using are: apparentTemperature, icon, moonPhase, nearestStormDistance, precipType, summary, sunriseTime, sunsetTime, temperature, visibility,
[eddie]So if the phone losses internet, do you lose weather tracking or does it just collect all the non-weather locations when you get internet again?
aaronpkwell before we get that far, I was also thinking about how to handle caching/rate limiting. the weather APIs have pretty low limits of how often you can ping them, certainly much less than looking up every record
[eddie]Yeah that might make be a bit nervous for my phone. I try to be somewhat conservative with my GPS tracking. (I have it pause when I'm at locations for an extended period of time)
aaronpkthe caching i'm imagining would be time *or* distance, so it would try to get new weather every 5 minutes, but also if you moved more than 5km in 5 minutes
aaronpksince Compass writes to append-only files, it can't really go back and update records that are already written to disk. this means it has to fetch the weather info before it writes to disk
aaronpksince the app may send very large batches of locations that require multiple weather lookups, it obviously can't do the weather lookup in the same HTTP request that the phone sends
aaronpkso this implies Compass needs to take the locations from the phone and write them to a temporary location, probably a Redis list to make things easy
[eddie]Hmmm yeah. That is tricky. As I was reading though that, some kind of queue came to mind, aka Redis list. So that definitely makes sense, but I definitely see how that can be a lot of added complexity to the system
aaronpkbut again since Compass writes to append-only files, this process can't happen in parallel like I'd normally do, it has to be done with only a single background process in order to avoid conflicts writing to the file
aaronpkZegnat: I already have a separate DB for the weather data, but right now the problem is keeping the two relatively in sync and it makes my micropub code a lot more complicated to pull the info from two places
[eddie]Does this sound do-able at all? Compass receives data from Overland, it writes location data to location.db. Periodic background task in Compass fetches the last entry from weather.db, grabs all locations from location.db that are more recent. Fetches weather for those locations and appends them to weather.db
[eddie]If you used Dark Sky's API, you could use the timestamp from the location data when querying it, so then you could ensure it had the same timestamp
aaronpkanother thought: Compass could use MySQL as the queue and temporary storage, since I can write to MySQL in parallel. so Compass receives a batch of locations and writes it to a MySQL table, then hangs up the HTTP connection and kicks off a background process. That starts querying the weather API for each location (with the 5min/5km buffer) and writes either the successful weather info or a failure code
ZegnatI don’t have a stake in this as I am on Android, but I would say whatever you come up with that saves the phone from doing the network requests is the right move
ZegnatAlthough constant GPS tracking is definitely something I am interested in doing. The timed GPS polling my phone does now doesn’t really give me a lot of data.
ZegnatIt also seems that if the GPS chip isn’t constantly running and looking for signals, it is simply less accurate. When it gets turned on and has limited time to figure out where you are before being shut off again it isn’t going to be as accurate.
aaronpkZegnat: yeah that usually has to do with the type of location the app requests. that's why I have all the little toggles in Overland, so you can customize it
aaronpk[eddie]: I was actually thinking about making a separate tracking mode in Overland that doesn't request location updates at all and only uses the significant change and visit APIs. it would basicaly use no battery at all.
aaronpkI know some people are using the app to get location data on people for studies, and that often involves needing to know just rough location liek whether they're at work or at home
tantekaaronpk, then keep using @-nickname for user-entry, but just for lookup in your nicknames cache and then display their actual name, linked to their site
tantekin a post when you reference someone you really should link directly to them, not to a local page about them, that also seems like the kind of thing a silo or SEO-skeezy site would do
ZegnatI meant he is generating URLs because the h-cards in his system have a URL. Not that he would explicitly refer to those h-cards. Sorry for confusion.
tantekI like the Wikipedia (and frankly journalistic approach) in articles, first reference is full name ("name") linked to their site, subsequent references can use just given name if informal (a friend) or family name if a more formal reference (someone you don't know and you're citing them)
tantekthat may be a reason to distinguish, depending on length? like if a microblog post gets long enough with enough paragraphs it starts to feel more like an article
tantekhow do @-names in your posts work when you POSSE to different destinations? do you have to keep a list of translations? what about passive POSSE e.g. micro.blog where it just reads your feed?
tantekeither you have to deal with @-name clashes across services like that, or you come up with something else (which is why I like @-domain as a indieweb-aware way of doing it)
[eddie]If someone is at least a casual acquaintance, I typically use @Firstname unless there is a first name conflict, then I add @FirstnameLastname or some other identifier like I use my niece's @FirstnameMiddleName
Loqischmarty: [eddie] left you a message 4 days, 16 hours ago: While parsing https://martymcgui.re/2017/12/26/102358/ I realized that your dt-published date is ISO8601, but the dt-start is Jekyll’s offshoot date where you place the “T” with a space and add a space between the time and the timezone
LoqiIt looks like we don't have a page for "prefetch" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "prefetch is ____", a sentence describing the term)
LoqiIt looks like we don't have a page for "rel-prefetch" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "rel-prefetch is ____", a sentence describing the term)
[keithjgrant]eddie Thanks! I listen for clicks on links; if it's to a same-domain url, I prevent navigation and load the page via AJAX instead. All pages have a few key classnames ("js-main" or something like that) to help find the key part of content to transition in.
[keithjgrant]My one big compromise is I couldn't put an `h-entry` on the <body>, since some pages need it and some don't. So I had to nest that more deeply, but I think it works out okay this way
ludovicchabantAh thanks Zegnat ! But AFAICT Bridgy is generally for the other way (i.e. getting pings back from somewhere onto your website's IndieWeb endpoints)
ludovicchabantBut then later, "Mastodon: replies, likes, and reposts aka boosts, both directions, via ActivityPub".... I guess "both directions" is the key here
ludovicchabantok so if I understand this correctly, both Bridgy versions will crosspost on various services if you send them a webmention to tell them to crosspost a specific URL, is that correct?
Loqifederation in the context of the indieweb refers to services and features on indieweb sites that work directly with other indieweb sites peer-to-peer, without having to setup or create accounts in both places, and without being bottlenecked by any kind of centralized service or silo https://indieweb.org/federation
LoqiIt looks like we don't have a page for "crossposting" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "crossposting is ____", a sentence describing the term)
ludovicchabantso cross-posting means "copy the whole thing" (assuming it's under 280 chars or whatever the limit is) and make it look as if you posted it natively on Twitter/Mastodon/etc?
LoqiCross-posting is the social media practice of syndicating or placing the same content, possibly slightly modified, on numerous different websites https://indieweb.org/crossposting
ludovicchabantoh right Zegnat -- yeah it's especially confusing since I don't know if "federation" for indieweb has the same meaning as for Mastodon/GNUSocial/etc. :)
snarfedludovicchabant: federating doesn't necessarily change how the content of a post shows up. it has to do with how the underlying sites interact. kinda subtle.
ludovicchabantah ok, so yeah in my case I already have a Mastodon instance myself... so my indieweb site "identity" is different from my Mastodon "identity"
ZegnatAnother interesting question is if you need a separate Mastodon identity if your posts on your website all are compatible with other Mastodon instances already 😉
ludovicchabantZegnat: my use case is that i want to treat Mastodon the same as, say, Twitter... which is that the fact that I own my Mastodon instance is irrelevant and just a “coincidence”
ludovicchabantThe reality is that after thinking about it for a while, I don’t think I want to centralize as much of my content on my website as so if you do... I want to cross post, but then I want to “engage” with other services’ users directly on the services themselves, rather than from the confines of my indie web site
snarfedludovicchabant: you can still do that! eg i generally POSSE everywhere manually, and often like/reply within those services (and automatically PESOS those back)
ludovicchabantThere’s also the fact that I’m using a static website so unlike, say, Wordpress, I don’t have the concept of “publishing an article” in the same sense
ludovicchabantI do think that static/dynamic has a bit to do with it since some services like Bridgy support automation based on some CMS sending a POST request on publish
tantek.comedited /IndieAuth (+237) "/* how to should include endpoint definition */ stop suggestion extra steps for the 99% that are only needed for the 1%" (view diff)
tantek.comedited /IndieMark (+159) "/* draft levels */ note setting up IndieAuth can be done easy with rel-me, or harder with local provider support (no obv how to on [[IndieAuth]] to link to, so yeah, much harder)" (view diff)
LoqiIt looks like we don't have a page for "channels" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "channels is ____", a sentence describing the term)
tantek.comedited /discuss (+575) "/* Chat Channels */ add brief descriptions for related channels used by the community and available in Slack #microformats #knownchat #bridgy" (view diff)