#grantcodesCough cough alpha build. Use at your own risk 😂🔫
j12t_ joined the channel
#aaronpkgood thing my indieauth server issues limited-capability tokens! even if cleverdevil was able to get my access token from that response, he couldn't use it to create posts
#grantcodesAt the moment I think that would've been possible. I've been very lazy with the backend past getting it to a MVP state
#LoqiMVP is an abbreviation for minimum viable product, the concept and methodology of designing, developing, and deploying the smallest/simplest possible variant of a product as a first step to shipping, getting real world feedback, and iterating from there https://indieweb.org/MVP
#LoqiIt looks like we don't have a page for "capability token" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "capability token is ____", a sentence describing the term)
#grantcodesWell gotta go to bed, will try and get it fixed and back online tomorrow. Just see this as incentive to install it locally and then you can contribute code 😉
#sknebelconsiders trying again to install the dependencies
#LoqiIt looks like we don't have a page for "temperature" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "temperature is ____", a sentence describing the term)
#tantekGWG, want to stub an article about indieweb use of temperature? ^^^
#sknebel[cleverdevil]: last I tried yarn did not want to play ball and I gave up after one hour of not even getting the dependencies installed since yarn failed random ones each try. not sure what was up with that
#aaronpkGWG: I didn't add microformats markup to the output yet, although I am using experimental properties in my storage
#LoqiIt looks like we don't have a page for "transit" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "transit is ____", a sentence describing the term)
#loqi.meedited /Hashing (+24) "[kevinmarks] added "http://svgur.com/dweb" to "See Also"" (view diff)
#tantekit makes itself a "standalone" web app when you bookmark it (add to homescreen) which then does not have any way of asking for Geolocation API permissions and just fails
#tantek"Origina does not have permission to use Geolocation service"
#tantekwell, looks like after /contact and /pay I need to now build a /transit UI that is just a bunch of buttons of links to specific nextmuni.com prediction pages for routes / stops
#tantekthat way I can make that page itself open in Safari (rather than as its own process) and then tapping the links in it will get Geolocation inside Safari
#LoqiIt looks like we don't have a page for "transit" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "transit is ____", a sentence describing the term)
#GWGtantek: For now, I haven't built anything to display transit at all.
#LoqiIt looks like we don't have a page for "light rail" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "light rail is ____", a sentence describing the term)
#aaronpkit's gonna be a bit of a project to consolidate my 10 years of logs into a single place. it's a bit fragmented right now since I went through so many iterations of how I stored it
#tantekclearly aaronpk needs it for his train posts
#tantekaaronpk sharing that history (iterations) would be valuable too!
#aaronpk!tell tantek, the ellipsize_to_word function seems to allow a trailing "(", is that an easy fix? Just noticed one of my notes was truncated as "Just pushed some updates to IndieNews! Notes like this one, (..."
#Loqitantek: aaronpk left you a message 1 hour, 1 minute ago: ellipsize_to_word function seems to allow a trailing "(", is that an easy fix? Just noticed one of my notes was truncated as "Just pushed some updates to IndieNews! Notes like this one, (..."
#tantekaaronpk pretty sure that was deliberate, to more strongly indicate that hey a whole parenthetical follows this!
#tantekwell if you find a CMOS rule that says NOT to do it, I could change it. I did try to research existing ellipsing rules (which were scant) to implement them along with reasoning for additional special cases per-punctuation
tantek, gRegorLove, chrisaldrich, raretrack, snarfed, [colinwalker] and [cleverdevil] joined the channel
#LoqiThe Open Graph protocol (OGP) is an open* standard developed by Facebook for annotating the primary subject of an HTML page via a set of custom <meta> tags in the document head for the purpose of Facebook showing link previews https://indieweb.org/ogp
#LoqiTwitter Cards are Twitter's use of OGP and their own proprietary <meta> tags to provide link-preview information as part of tweets with links https://indieweb.org/Twitter_Cards
#tantekI think documenting that *minimum* would be very helpful in preventing people from wasting time over-adding all the crap
#Loqi[mapkyca] php-ogp: Simple PHP Open Graph Protocol parser library
#aaronpktantek: my <title> contains more than what og:title contains
#tanteksecond question, why do you need <meta property="og:url" content="http://example.com/post" /> ? doesn't it get it from the URL of the page that is being link-previewed?
#aaronpkoften sites will include the site name in <title> (mine included)
#tantekotherwise you end up down the rathole of Dublin Coreing all the things etc. and before you know it your <head> is bigger than your <body> :P
#schmartyweird. here on the matrix irc bridge i am not seeing everyone's updates. i don't see messages from tantek at the moment. :/
#aaronpkalso it's not just facebook that implemented these tags, Slack and Twitter did too
#tantekalso if the first image on the page is > 600x315 then you don't need og:image as that will automatically be picked up (I know this from my posts)
#tantekSlack and Twitter will implement whatever FB implements, not the spec
#tantekthe only use I can think of for og:image on a properly structured post is setting it to "" so nothing happens in cases where you don't want one
#tanteke.g. a high-resolution profile image in your h-card
#aaronpkI actually set the og:image of my review post to a totally separate image that is not in the main post which is a tiled composition of all the post's actual images
#tantekan image that may be a composite of various images in a blog post, suitable for use as a preview, but might not itself be visibly present in the full length blog post
#tantekthen schema came along and had to gunk it up even worse
#aaronpkit seems like none of the fancy stuff in ogp ever got used. turns out the only thing that matters is if the tag can be used to enhance the display of it when people look at it
#aaronpkdon't need any of these complicated og:type stuff, since in the end they just show a featured image and title/description for everything
#aaronpktwitter has gone a little farther with it and lets you make "player" cards that contain videos, but that's it
#dgoldaaronpk: sending 'like' to micro.blog - is that a webmention-sending operation?
#ZegnatNeeded to move HTML around, since <link rel="canonical" class="u-url"> isn’t valid in mf2.
[eddie] joined the channel
#[eddie]Wow I uploaded Jekyll on my server to a minor version upgrade for a new config setting that I didn't even end up using but it cut my rebuild time from 20 minutes to 7 minutes!!
#Zegnattantek, interesting. “RESOLVED at 2015-01-20 meetup. Make link consistent with a.” - but not in parsing spec?
#[eddie]Wow, that does seem pretty good. I have considered potentially moving to hugo at some point. I can't decide whether to do dynamic page rendering in node.js or hugo rendering. 0.5s IS pretty good
#tantekbut maybe my bad for failing to edit the spec accordingly!
#tantekor I can categorize it as one of the sources of "Note: This specification is only marked as a "Draft Specification" because of pending edits from resolved issues before 2016-06-20. "
#dgoldi was on pelican, but aiui the issues people find are similar
#[eddie]ohhhh. I guess by biggest question is on templates. I'm wondering if I'm going to have to change all my templates. Jekyll uses Liquid, not sure what Hugo uses
#dgold[eddie]: sarah soueidan wrote up her experience recently:
#LoqiIt looks like we don't have a page for "Edmunds" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "Edmunds is ____", a sentence describing the term)
#Loqiok, I added "https://strugee.net/blog/2017/12/announcing-lazymention-elegant-outbound-webmention-for-static-sites" to the "See Also" section of /lazymention
#Loqi[AJ Jordan] Announcing lazymention: elegant outbound Webmention for static sites
#tantek.comedited /The-Open-Graph-protocol (+1739) "actually, in practice they're all optional, clarify why you might want to use each property instead of blindly following a spec" (view diff)
#tantekgRegorLove thanks for noting you use meta description successfully. incorporated that into the update ^^^
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
#gRegorLoveNice! I wasn't sure how to update that part of /OGP so put it off :)
#LoqiThe Open Graph protocol (OGP) is an open* standard developed and controlled by Facebook for expressing the primary subject of an HTML page in custom <meta> tags for the purpose of Facebook showing link previews; in practice only a couple are even sometimes necessary for that use-case, and you can use existing open standards instead https://indieweb.org/ogp
#tantekgRegorLove: feel free to review my edits ^^^ pretty sure I captured what we discussed in the channel today
#tantekyeah I didn't want a major update to go out that overstated how necessary FB controlled OGP was for even the FB linkpreview use-case
#tantekmight be worth a blog post just to debunk all the SEO garbage articles out there