LoqiIt looks like we don't have a page for "text interface design" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "text interface design is ____", a sentence describing the term)
mblaneysure, I don't know why two events get fired in your browser but that is the behaviour I see that causes the bug, and a case I can protect against pretty easily.
KartikPrabhualso noticed that hitting "Enter" inside the form field does not submit the form. I have to click the button. I don't know if this is related
[eddie]I’ve set up a test IndieAuth/micropub/microsub endpoint for Apple’s Beta testing of Indigenous and submitted a new build to be reviewed for beta testing… here’s to hoping this one doesn’t get rejected, now that they can properly test the app.
[eddie]It’s not open source yet because the micropub is a bit glitchy, but enough for Apple to use it since Indigenous doesn’t display your post from your website. But I’m gonna take this base and build on it for my two cat’s sites. So once I get it polished up so it can actually be fully functional I’m gonna open source it
[eddie]Yeah, it’s really nice having that local. I’ve got my main microsub, this test microsub and I’m probably gonna set up an account for my wife to use as well
LoqiIt looks like we don't have a page for "basis for the rejection" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "basis for the rejection is ____", a sentence describing the term)
[eddie]So now I have a test url that supports IndieAuth via a simple password, and I provided them that url and password so they can login and fully do their tests. The funny thing is the first Beta I guess they didn’t bother trying to test.
[eddie]Speaking of Microsub. I’m curious what you all think about discoverability of responses. The Twitter iOS app and Together have the “like, bookmark, reply” buttons available all the time. Tweetbot and Twitterrific hide the response buttons until the item is clicked.
[eddie]Awesome. That’s good to hear. I felt like having buttons at the bottom of every table view cell didn’t seem like a good idea. But I also didn’t want to necessarily hide it all away
[eddie]Great. I’m one that feels like the tap on cell to reveal response options is pretty safe (Tweetbot, Twitterrific and Overcast all do this). So I’m thinking I’ll go with one of those options.
[eddie]Tweetbot and Overcast add an extra bar below the cell when you tap on it. Twitterific just overlays the bar on top of the “date-time” info. I think I’m leaning towards adding a bar below initially
LoqiIndigenous is a native app for iOS currently in beta that supports posting your website using Micropub and a built-in reader that supports microsub https://indieweb.org/Indigenous
LoqiIndigenous is a native app for iOS currently in beta that supports posting your website using Micropub and a built-in reader that supports microsub, there are also plans to develop Indigenous for macOS as micropub menu bar/share sheet application https://indieweb.org/Indigenous
[miklb]other way to look at it is if Indigenious is on macOS for micropub, he doesn’t have to build it in and can focus on Microsub. Just added `h-feed` support
[eddie]Yeah, I think getting Evergreen to support Microsub and Micropub like Together and Indigenous for iOS is the way to go. At least initially. I envision Indigenous for macOS just as a light weight Micropub client. Maybe a system wide key shortcut to open the posting interface and a share sheet