[xavierroy]xavierroy commented on eddie’s file Image uploaded from iOS: Wow that's a decade old photo of mine that micro.blog is displaying... Must update it
@_am1tExperimentation continues with IndieWeb projects – over to Webmentions. It is a really wonderful concept which enables responses to a post to be written on one’s own website. As Jeremy Keith wrote in one of his posts:
Basically, it’s an equivalent to pingback. Let’s say I w… (twitter.com/_/status/957646093730316288)
@_am1tI have enabled an extremely basic processing and display of two types of posts - likes and replies. However, am still not sure the possible activity types as responses from http://webmention.io in documentation. Any idea aaronpk? #journal (twitter.com/_/status/957661107853975552)
[eddie]KartikPrabhu: weird slack bridge integration. We should probably disable the ability to comment on uploads in slack because it doesn’t seem to bridge to irc well
aaronpkyes, all we really know is 'According to Apple, "The location manager uses the information in this property as a cue to determine when location updates may be automatically paused.".'
aaronpk"Because deferred updates use the GPS to track location changes, the location manager allows deferred updates only when GPS hardware is available on the device and when the desired accuracy is set to kCLLocationAccuracyBest or kCLLocationAccuracyBestForNavigation."
[eddie]aaronpk: let me know if you ever have questions about interface builder. I’d be happy to help. I love interface builder, though it is sometimes a little frustrating
[eddie]Makes sense, good luck! :) it’s good to have in your back pocket. The classes are pretty good at being topical so when I’m having issues in a specific area I’ll re-watch a video in that topic area.
aaronpkwant to do me a huge favor? take a look at this and fix up the layout issues? it's a pretty simple view structure, all done in IB not in code. :)
[eddie]I don’t know why Xcode would be lagging like that. Lol. I’m definitely on the way towards getting it fixed up. But I’m headed to out dinner so I’ll see if I can fix it up after