[eddie]Yeah, when I realized the standard was application/json I too hastily removed the urlencoded version which apparently is still used in Known, a pretty big IndieAuth provider. 😆 The lesson today is be careful about how quickly you remove legacy support
chrisaldrichI suspect it was Drew's build out of webmentions for Perch that may have gotten him into it, but I'm not sure who may have helped him if was anyone here. Maybe aaronpk or adactio perhaps?
@ramsey@ericlbarnes I’m using it. I likely won’t get much value out of it until I set up webmentions on my blog and hook things together with https://brid.gy. If you’re really interested in it, you should read up on the #IndieWeb project. That might make you even more interested. (twitter.com/_/status/958164514704363527)
tantekchrisaldrich: I think Drew's familiar enough with microformats to get it on his own initially :) (drew's been involved with #microforamts since at least 2007, perhaps earlier)
aaronpkHas Swift stopped changing every Xcode version? The thing that was super frustrating about Swift a few years ago was that the language kept changing and so you'd have to rewrite your app like every year in order to be able to compile it
[eddie]Cool, nothing that needs to happen tomorrow, I really enjoy Overland but also think there are some cool things we could do with it, so I’d be excited to work on it from time to time. So something to think about.
[eddie]Two things to think about: first, I can read objective-c just not write it. So there is potential that I could help with the conversation. Second, you CAN mix Swift and ObjC in the same project. So we could leave the existing stuff but write new stuff in Swift in the short term
[eddie]Yeah. That makes sense! I think keeping the tracker classes in Obj-C is good. I think the views and app delegate are the big part that is beneficial for Swift.
@alambertso, you avoid vendor lock-in by building your own. and then later realize you still have vendor lock-in, but you're the vendor, and there are no other customers. oops. (twitter.com/_/status/958050456101642241)
barpthewire, EmreSokullu, EmreSoku_ and raucao joined the channel
[eddie]If you set a “podcast” as a “priority podcast” all the new podcast items that come in appear in the top of the list, all non priority podcasts appear beneath them. There is no dilation within the list itself, but it basically ensures that the things you ALWAYS want to see/listen to you see/listen to first
[eddie]Allowing a user to set preferences for who and what types of content are priorities for them, and then allowing the system to maintain that. Pretty interesting in my opinion 🙂
[eddie]It’s an interesting concept for Readers, because it’s kind of heading down the “Facebook” algorithm path while providing full control to the user.
ZegnatI meant something along the lines of https://www.newsblur.com/api#/reader/save_feed_order , where it seems possible to not only order the folders (what would be channels) but also the feeds (what would be follows) within the folders
jeremycherfasIt would be nice to see if I can find the bit of NewsBlur code that used to share to ADN and see whether it could be adapted to share to Micro.blog or more generally.
[eddie]aaronpk: Indigenous forces the need for a read scope in order to use the reader. When I just started logging in to Together, I don’t see it requesting a read scope. Does Monocle expect the token endpoint to return a read scope currently?
snarfedaaronpk et al, just fyi re microsub, one feature i like in my reader is that it surfaces feeds that start failing, e.g. when an RSS feed HTTP fetch starts 404ing
KartikPrabhu, dougbeal|mb1, snarfed, tbbrown and chrisaldrich joined the channel
[eddie]Ahh, gotcha. That’s not a big deal, I just noticed Together wasn’t requesting it, and while debugging Known, it wasn’t providing a “read” scope, so I figured I should check in on things.
[eddie]Well that’s strange.... Xcode is claiming I don’t have an iOS distribution certificate... if not, how did I publish Indigenous on TestFlight several days ago??