#dev 2018-01-30

2018-01-30 UTC
created /Google_Chrome (+77) "prompted by tantek and dfn added by tantek"
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[cleverdevil] joined the channel
edited /Google_Chrome (+295) "why IndieWeb, most recently IWC Austin used for demos. also downtime screenshot"
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Yeah, when I realized the standard was application/json I too hastily removed the urlencoded version which apparently is still used in Known, a pretty big IndieAuth provider. 😆 The lesson today is be careful about how quickly you remove legacy support
edited /timeline (+606) "more 2018-01 specs, Jekyll mf2 support"
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Yay for Version Control! I was able to pull the urlencoded code from beta 1 and copy it back into the project.
versioncontrol has 1 karma
edited /microcopy (+244) "MacOS good example"
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eli_oat and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
nothing like using spiderpig on a site authored by non-coders to find a lot of fun new exceptions
was it generated by a tool?
No, they managed to do things like paste a paragraph of text into the href, and make links with spaces in and so on
KevinMarks_ joined the channel
KevinMarks joined the channel
hm, and now the site is giving me 401 on every page
is http://the-toast.net/ working for anyone else?
heh maybe they noticed you were crawling it
edited /site-deaths (+608) "/* 2007 */ Fucked Company"
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edited /site-deaths (+475) "/* Upcoming */ 2019 TinyLetter per businessinsider"
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I was crawling it because the editors asked for help extracting their clips
snarfed joined the channel
even via a vpn I get a 401 😞
[kevinmarks]: 401 from here too
chrisaldrich and camb joined the channel
well bugger.
Now to write a 'get it from the internet archive if it is a 401' function
edited /Evergreen (+66) "chrisaldrich added "http://inessential.com/2018/01/25/evergreen_diary_9_on_indieweb" to "See Also""
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edited /site-deaths (+104) "/* Upcoming */ date/link MailChimp Acquires TinyLetter"
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edited /bitcoin (+494) "Criticism / Insecure Wallet Services, two citations"
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snarfed joined the channel
Thanks @snarfed. Will look.
edited /TinyLetter (+44) "acquired by mailchimp"
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lots packed into this reply from Estelle: https://twitter.com/estellevw/status/957496743255408640
@ChrisAldrich Yeah, i used it as a diary. Much easier than updating my own site. But, when it goes down you realize the easy route isn't always the best.
edited /Microsub (+150) "audio description of microsub"
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[eddie] joined the channel
aaronpk: On a scale of Never to Tomorrow, how open would you be to Overland becoming a swift app? 😉
that is a very large scale! infinitely large I might add
edited /lost_infrastructure (+28) "adding Microsub"
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that is true
edited /Lanyrd (+41) "read-only, not quite dead yet"
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edited /chat (+25) "tantek added "https://xkcd.com/1782/" to "See Also""
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[cleverdevil] joined the channel
uploaded /File:Lanyrd-in-read-only-mode.png "Screenshot of the top of Lanyrd's dashboard page indicating it's in "read only mode" during it's sunsetting. (Perhaps "death watch mode" would have been more apt?) https://indieweb.org/File:Lanyrd-in-read-only-mode.png"
edited /Lanyrd (+251) "/* Downtime 2018-01 */ screenshot of Lanyrd in read only mode"
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highly recommend anyone who used Lanyrd go sign-up on notist and do the import
directions on the wiki are fine
the notist HTML export has decent mf2 h-event but has significant opportunity for improvement and I think even richer data from Lanyrd
let's help improve this
I suspect it was Drew's build out of webmentions for Perch that may have gotten him into it, but I'm not sure who may have helped him if was anyone here. Maybe aaronpk or adactio perhaps?
[eddie]: oh gosh, that sounds drastic
@ericlbarnes I’m using it. I likely won’t get much value out of it until I set up webmentions on my blog and hook things together with https://brid.gy. If you’re really interested in it, you should read up on the #IndieWeb project. That might make you even more interested.
chrisaldrich: I think Drew's familiar enough with microformats to get it on his own initially :) (drew's been involved with #microforamts since at least 2007, perhaps earlier)
#microformats that is
Has Swift stopped changing every Xcode version? The thing that was super frustrating about Swift a few years ago was that the language kept changing and so you'd have to rewrite your app like every year in order to be able to compile it
It has stopped changing SO much.
@davidhemphill @JacobBennett @ericlbarnes There is a tool to import your Twitter archive into http://Micro.blog, though it couldn’t handle my archive going back to 2007, so I wouldn’t recommend it. You can use http://Micro.blog with your own blog, if your blog supports webmentions.
There are still some minor changes but most of them are done
I would have suspected as much, but wanted to help find the nudge. Impressive that they've gotten so far with that project.
[eddie]: what would be the benefit of switching?
Just more likely that I would be able to chip in code from time to time. lol
Selfish reason 😄
[eddie]: lol
I only learned a little bit of Swift but I like it better already
Rewriting that main tracker class would be a bit of work
The rest of the app is simple UI stuff
But yeah I'd be open to it if it means getting more help with the app :-)
Cool, nothing that needs to happen tomorrow, I really enjoy Overland but also think there are some cool things we could do with it, so I’d be excited to work on it from time to time. So something to think about.
Two things to think about: first, I can read objective-c just not write it. So there is potential that I could help with the conversation. Second, you CAN mix Swift and ObjC in the same project. So we could leave the existing stuff but write new stuff in Swift in the short term
created /Mapzen (+192) "prompted by tantek and dfn added by tantek"
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So that doesn’t mean you’d have to sit down and rewrite everything from scratch, it could be incremental
edited /site-deaths (-8) "/* Upcoming */ linky Mapzen"
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The easy thing to start with would be replacing the views with swift versions. I'd have no problem with that
I'll have to get better at Swift so I won't be much help with that for now tho
But I'd be a lot less nervous if the tracker classees don't have to change for now
renem and eli_oat joined the channel
Yeah. That makes sense! I think keeping the tracker classes in Obj-C is good. I think the views and app delegate are the big part that is beneficial for Swift.
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
whee, now spiderpig is using an internet archive proxy I just added to mention.tech to repair the fiels that got 401 versions
as the proxy returns the exact file contents, it doubles as a relative URL breaker
Main Page
and just realised that I can stop using anonymous functions for callbacks and fix the DRY problem
camb joined the channel
@ericlbarnes It appears to work really well for hooking things up for the sake of webmentions.
AngeloGladding joined the channel
"We should not seek to build software. Software is the currency that we pay to solve problems."
tantek, KevinMarks, [mrkrndvs], [jeremycherfas], snarfed, EmreSokullu, j12t_ and cweiske joined the channel
Face palm emoji URL seems right now, tantek
EmreSokullu, snarfed, tantek, jeremycherfas and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
so, you avoid vendor lock-in by building your own. and then later realize you still have vendor lock-in, but you're the vendor, and there are no other customers. oops.
barpthewire, EmreSokullu, EmreSoku_ and raucao joined the channel
edited /Medium (-150) "move custom domains to /* issues */ (1/2)"
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edited /Medium (+215) "/* Walled Garden / Content Farm */ no custom domains anymore"
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jeremycherfas, sebsel, [miklb] and [mrkrndvs] joined the channel
edited /Microsub-spec (+179) "/* Brainstorming */"
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aaronpk is that `_` prefix to be like the `mp-` prefix in the Micropub spec?
kinda yeah
tho with mp- that's about giving a command to the server. in this case it's the server returning extra data
Ah, gotcha
edited /Microsub-spec (+976) "/* Brainstorming */ channel order"
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snarfed, leg and AngeloGladding joined the channel
edited /Microsub-spec () "(-11617) move all discussion to github issues so it's easier to follow"
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eli_oat joined the channel
starts watching repo
I wonder if people would want to order their follows too, thinking of people who are used to the old feeds-in-folders structure.
Do any readers allow sorting of feeds within folders?
eli_oat and [eddie] joined the channel
Wow! Microsub repo already has 13 people watching it!
That is an interesting concept. Almost like “Priority Podcasts” in Overcast?
bengo joined the channel
Not sure, I do not know Overcast
If you set a “podcast” as a “priority podcast” all the new podcast items that come in appear in the top of the list, all non priority podcasts appear beneath them. There is no dilation within the list itself, but it basically ensures that the things you ALWAYS want to see/listen to you see/listen to first
Allowing a user to set preferences for who and what types of content are priorities for them, and then allowing the system to maintain that. Pretty interesting in my opinion 🙂
Ah, that’s interesting! Not what I meant though
It’s an interesting concept for Readers, because it’s kind of heading down the “Facebook” algorithm path while providing full control to the user.
tantek joined the channel
I meant something along the lines of https://www.newsblur.com/api#/reader/save_feed_order , where it seems possible to not only order the folders (what would be channels) but also the feeds (what would be follows) within the folders
You can indeed drag and drop feeds into the order you want within folders in Newsblur. I sometimes even remember to do that.
good morning #indieweb-dev
really enjoying watching the /reader discussion :)
ohhh gotcha!
jeremycherfas, good to know! I couldn’t get it to work on my free Newsblur account of yesteryear
Now you have made me nervous. Off to check.
I was wrong. You can sort sites by various criteria, but it does not look as if you can do anything arbitrary.
It would be nice to see if I can find the bit of NewsBlur code that used to share to ADN and see whether it could be adapted to share to Micro.blog or more generally.
aaronpk: Indigenous forces the need for a read scope in order to use the reader. When I just started logging in to Together, I don’t see it requesting a read scope. Does Monocle expect the token endpoint to return a read scope currently?
[miklb] joined the channel
@fulc927 @gchampeau Pour la dopamine, on a les #webmention , bon, il faut tout faire soi-même, mais si ça marche, c'est encore plus gratifiant https://indieweb.org/Webmention
aaronpk ^^^ worth translating if you haven't already :)
actually that whole thread from the top - so much RSS handwringing drama lol
and JSON feed and gems like this translation:
"the general public never really used the rss feeds" - said in a few ways by a few people
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
wired is now a PWA, so when i clicked on my faint design essay it prompted me to install
worth reading from top of thread (with Twitter translation as necessary) https://twitter.com/gchampeau/status/958051546222211073
La plus grosse erreur collective sur Internet aura été d'abandonner si facilement l'usage du flux RSS, au profit de plateformes qui décident ce qu'on voit et ce qu'on ne voit plus. https://twitter.com/eparody/status/958050765964218368
KevinMarks, your essay got upgraded to an app?
Well, the app is all of wired
snarfed joined the channel
@hsablonniere I finally watched this talk by @adactio Thanks for sharing it! Inspiring intro, details and demos about the Indie Web building blocks (PESOS/POSSE, Micropub, Webmention...) 💯
created /User:Hans.gerwitz.com (+36) "My First Page"
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snarfed joined the channel
aaronpk et al, just fyi re microsub, one feature i like in my reader is that it surfaces feeds that start failing, e.g. when an RSS feed HTTP fetch starts 404ing
KartikPrabhu, dougbeal|mb1, snarfed, tbbrown and chrisaldrich joined the channel
edited /ind.ie (+42) "chrisaldrich added "https://indienet.info/" to "See Also""
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gRegorLove and snarfed joined the channel
good idea snarfed
[eddie] oops that might be a "todo" with monocle... I dont think it checks scope at all yet!
this is why it's not even alpha yet 😂
snarfed and [eddie] joined the channel
Ahh, gotcha. That’s not a big deal, I just noticed Together wasn’t requesting it, and while debugging Known, it wasn’t providing a “read” scope, so I figured I should check in on things.
I should bump that up in the priority list :)
cleverdevil I *think* I have your issue fixed. I’m gonna push 0.2.2 with a login fix, hopefully Apple gives a quick turn around
[cleverdevil] joined the channel
Awesome, thanks eddie. Looking forward to giving it a shot!
replying to github issues from my site 🎉
is jealous
[snarfed] #333 add GitHub support
coincidentally i shipped github support in oauth-dropins (a necessary first step) just this morning: https://oauth-dropins.appspot.com/
aaronpk: you're using (your own) silo.pub, right?
syp1 joined the channel
aaronpk: do you read things on GitHub.com or do you have it in Monocle somehow?
KevinMarks joined the channel
[eddie]: github has rss feeds for notifications (issues, PRs, comments, etc)
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
I haven't found a good feed from github at all
What I want is a feed of everything they send me an email about
Loqi, any messages?
aaronpk: agreed. one thought: we could use a dedicated email address, and connect it to an email-to-rss gateway
j12t and j12t_ joined the channel
I was thinking about doing that for myself, but that could be an interesting service
j12t__ joined the channel
I still don't understand why https://github.com/notifications is different
lots of email to rss gateways exist afaik
it's kind of the same info, but that page is grouped by project, which actually isn't helpful in this case
yeah I woke up t 19 emails from microsub repo
yup agreed
j12t_ and j12t joined the channel
haha sorry KartikPrabhu
no worries. but for a second I thought something was messsed up at work
j12t__ joined the channel
I guess if you have "automatically watch repos" on that would happen, since I just created that repo this morning
yeah I think it was from being in the indieweb "organization"
j12t, j12t_ and bengo joined the channel
j12t, j12t_, tantek and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
edited /net_neutrality (+192) "tantek added "2018-01-25 LA Times: [http://www.latimes.com/business/la-fi-net-neutrality-burger-king-20180125-story.html Burger King ad explains net neutrality with flame-grilled Whoppers] (photo, video)" to "See Also""
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tantek joined the channel
edited /planet (+221) "OPML file of some Indie sites for subscription in a feed reader"
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edited /Indieweb_for_Education (+2611) "MLA Commons, Science Sites -- (Gen2+ platform possibilities); Workshop of one's own; WPCampus Online Conference"
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edited /Posts_about_the_IndieWeb (+280) "The "Indie" Fallacy by Julien Genestoux"
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[eddie] joined the channel
Well that’s strange.... Xcode is claiming I don’t have an iOS distribution certificate... if not, how did I publish Indigenous on TestFlight several days ago??
lol did it just forget?
edited /Dopplr (-4) "unlink dfn [new domain owner], note domain in text of dfn"
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It expired two days ago :( you’d think Xcode could auto-renew?????
Well this is a first, I’ve never had to renew an iOS certificate before. Haha!
Apparently you don’t renew them. You just create new ones
Oh nice
Yeah, that was annoying when I ran into that earlier this year.
Happy XCodeiversary
🎉🎉 thanks. Haha
KevinMarks joined the channel
j12t and KartikPrabhu joined the channel