LoqiAn algorithm is a series of steps used to to automatically perform some computation and/or other operations to come up with a result https://indieweb.org/algorithm
LoqiFacebook Master Algorithm is the name given to Facebook's algorithm for determining what content to show in Facebook's reader (AKA News Feed shown on their logged-in homepage), also adopted and tweaked by Instagram for their reader (app home screen) https://indieweb.org/Master_Algorithm
schmartyjeremycherfas: I need to write up the results from IWC Baltimore hack day. I was able to patch it to use a local running copy of Gentle to turn plain text into aligned transcripts for the editor.
jeremycherfasI'm just making one now and thought I would try your version, but I'd be happier to have instructions and not be bothering you constantly.
ZegnatAlso made it relatively easy to see where there are overlaps with what some IndieWeb sites are doing and where ActivityPub went a different route.
LoqiPortable Contacts (often abbreviated as PoCo) is/was a proposed 2008 specification for exchange of contact info that uses a one-off JSON format https://indieweb.org/PoCo
tantekthe analogy fits. they did *die*, they come back looking sorta like they did before, but oddly broken in various ways, and they suck CPU (brains)
tantekzombie is in the context of the web a website that had died ([[site-deaths]]), perhaps due to domain registration neglect, and has been brought back by some other looking sorta like it did before, but oddly broken, often with spam pages/links added, and eats a lot of CPU likely due to abusive scripts.
Loqiok, I added "https://a.wholelottanothing.org/2018/01/19/seo-spammers-wearing-a-printout-of-my-face-as-their-mask/" to the "See Also" section of /zombie
Loqi[Nelson Minar] Free business idea: a domain parking service for people who want to retire a website but want to keep it online and out of the hands of SEO spammers.Take a one-time static snapshot of the site when it is parked. Serve that very cheaply as static file...
Loqibusiness models are ways to offer indieweb products and or services that users pay for both for their own benefit, and in support an open indie web https://indieweb.org/business-model
Loqi[Nelson Minar] Free business idea: a domain parking service for people who want to retire a website but want to keep it online and out of the hands of SEO spammers.Take a one-time static snapshot of the site when it is parked. Serve that very cheaply as static file...
ZegnatWell. I have to go. Early riser and a 6am bus to uni tomorrow. But I am happy to debug some more Omnibear in the afternoon :) I might try to beat Keith and Grant with some PRs.
ZegnatI can confirm that user sender.tab.url does seem to work for the unfocus-then-focus, sknebel. But feels a little weird as you still need to upgrade the page script to trigger this focus function on history change.
aaronpkwhoa "With its business under pressure, Xerox dabbled in financial services. It bought a casualty insurer, Crum & Forster, and an investment management firm, Van Kampen Merritt."
schmarty!tell eddie: have you implemented the overcast share parsing that you mentioned awhile back? i am interested in that for "listen" posts on my site.
schmarty!tell eddie: also, thanks for the indigenous update! editor now fits on the screen. also interested in "listen" as a type of response, there. ;}
gRegorLoveIf you declare CSS `font-family: Lato, sans-serif` and use a Unicode character that isn't in Lato, the browser should fall back to the system sans-serif font to show it, right?
tantekkevinmarks - I don't know what Christensen's disruption is, and naming a phrase after a person is a much worse methodology than just naming it what it is
[eddie]!tell schmarty,gRegorLove Nope, haven’t gotten to that yet. The biggest thing around that is I need to extend my Xray instance to parse Overcast. (Originally I built the Overcast parsing directly into my micropub server)
Loqi[eddie]: schmarty left you a message 26 minutes ago: have you implemented the overcast share parsing that you mentioned awhile back? i am interested in that for "listen" posts on my site.
Loqi[eddie]: schmarty left you a message 25 minutes ago: also, thanks for the indigenous update! editor now fits on the screen. also interested in "listen" as a type of response, there. ;}
[kevinmarks]the idea of companies focusing on innovations for their current customers, and missing the bug change where a cheaper worse product takes over from below sounds like the competency trap framing
aaronpkseems like an opportunity to say hey look at how little you have to do to make this machine readable? it's not like we're asking him to make an entirely different endpoint for it
[eddie]That said, he is starting to use micro.blog, and you have a valid point that having an iOS app that’s interested in consuming the data (and thus driving more Overcast usage) might be possible