Loqischmarty: [eddie] left you a message 1 hour, 24 minutes ago: Nope, haven’t gotten to that yet. The biggest thing around that is I need to extend my Xray instance to parse Overcast. (Originally I built the Overcast parsing directly into my micropub server)
schmartyi had been putting off adding a featured image upload option to /Screech thinking i should tackle that along with micropub media endpoint support
schmartyKartikPrabhu: i'm open to using "featured" instead, but am not sure what micropub server support for that attribute would be (vs. "photo" which i think is more widely supported)
gRegorLoveRe: Indieauth naming stuff, I have a plugin for logging into a ProcessWire site using indieauth.com. What would be the clearest name for it going forward? Currently it's IndieAuth for ProcessWire. IndieLogin?
schmartyi *think* myindieauth.com is going to be for cases like the indieweb wiki, where you have a service and you want to let people login w/ their own sites.
schmartyKartikPrabhu: regarding featured vs photo - i am going to stick with the more common attribute name for now, since i have not seen another micropub client that sends "featured"
aaronpkwhereas if you want to just not deal with managing a password to your own site, or if you want to take advantage of the oauth stuff that the service provides, then you choose an authorization server and delegate your site to it. that's myindieauth.com
gRegorLoveIt's the latter I think. It's a narrow use-case of letting existing users in ProcessWire log in using their domain. It's hard-coded to use the indieauth.com authorization endpoint right now in the plugin, so I think the user logging in only needs the rel-me.
aaronpkDoes this plugin add the <link rel=authorization_endpoint> tag? So that logging in to apps that support IndieAuth will use this site's configured auth endpoint?
gRegorLoveNo, but I had already added that <link> on my site so I probably didn't think through that fully at the time. The login form posts directly to https://indieauth.com/auth, the plugin verifies the code with the same URL, then uses the "me" param to find the PW user.
sknebelhm, am I missing something or can you not directly get the information which tab was active when the extension button was clicked in the popup? I guess you could message your background script which then could check focus and assume that happens fast enough, but ugh...
ZegnatOne of those things where you have to keep reminding yourself that you aren’t working with just a DOM tree for microformats, but working with HTML.
ZegnatHere is a fun one for the webextension people: closing the front most browser window will automatically bring you to the window behind it and focus the last focussed tab there, all without triggering the “onActivated” event on said tab.
[eddie]miklb awesome! I also added a debug view in settings where if something isn’t working we can have a way for people to send me more details about what their account is doing
[miklb]awesome. I only poked around a bit pre-morning coffee, so will take a closer look. I see a few UI things still, but suspect some are related to my larger text. Quite a bit of iOS doesn’t play well with that.
[eddie]Ohhh yeah I definitely haven’t optimized for larger text yet but it’s great to have a user that has larger text! Definitely let me know any of that stuff you find 👍