[eddie]!tell aaronpk: I did some brainstorming on how I might replace Instapaper with Indigenous/Aperture. When you get a chance let me know if my thinking here: https://github.com/EdwardHinkle/indigenous-ios/issues/100 matches up with Aperture’s approach. I know read/unread isn’t available yet, but I’m wondering if the rest will work?
ZegnatIIRC: aaronpk wanted to use the name Monocle for a reading application again (as it was used before), so he renamed the WebSub implementation to Aperture to free up the name again.
Loqigrantcodes: aaronpk left you a message 1 day, 21 hours ago: I'm doing something drastic and renaming the server that is currently at monocle.p3k.io, so you'll need to update your microsub link tags to point to the new address: aperture.p3k.io.
aaronpkcompass is Lumen, which they merged with Laravel one version later. Lumen was supposed to be an API-focused version of Laravel, before Laravel had some features needed for an "API" vs website
aaronpkbut keep in mind that running Aperture (and Watchtower) is gonna be a bit of a cat and mouse game for now, since i'm reserving the right to make drastic changes to both of them in the immediate future.
[eddie]dgold: it was fairly easy to install. I think the only thing that should make you hesitate is the fact that aaronpk is in active development and things can happen (like an app’s name change 😉)
[eddie]If I wasn’t actively developing Indigenous as a Microsub reader I’d probably have held off. But if I’m gonna be working on a Microsub reader I figured I’d go ahead and run my own instance of the server
[eddie]The share sheet especially feels weird, but I’m not sure what to do with it yet. Might just make it a centered modal instead of a full-width bottom drawer
[eddie]I always run the TestFlight beta on my iPad and my latest dev copy on my iPhone, that way I get to experience what everyone else is experiencing while still testing out new changes
[eddie]If in the share sheet, at the bottom of the share sheet it provides an “account” item that when clicked allows you to change the account. You want to change the account before you click the “Reply” button
[eddie]Hmm, I haven’t been able to test that very much because I don’t know when new posts appear, although logically it should work. I definitely need to figure out how to test that
loqi.meedited /Squarespace (+253) "tantek added "https://www.squarespace.com/keanu/ - Keanu on Squarespace, site example in Squarespace Superbowl LII ad https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WqnhN2Rzaqc "Pick the right domain name... select a template... choosing photos... tell the world your..." (view diff)
tantekjust realized, Twitter's new 280 chars, and their autolinking of all domains (including naked pathless ccTLDs) means POSSE tweets with permashortlinks are limited to 256 chars exactly! (280-23-1)
@RichGriese@aaronpk what about getting Twitter to buy into Webmentions? They could implement it system wide, so that anyone that tweets with a URL could show up as a comment on that's domains Webmentions. It would be appeal to Twitter cause it would be their competition to FB comments. (twitter.com/_/status/960956228775051264)
Loqi[Tantek Çelik] Great post by @Dries “To PESOS or to POSSE?”! #openweb #indiewebGo for it @Dries. POSSEing to Twitter^1 and Facebook^2 totally works.Whether notes^3 / status updates (since 2010), or photos^4 (since 2015), it’s totally doable, and brings incred...
loqi.meedited /Leaders (+177) "/* tantek added "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WqnhN2Rzaqc 😂 (in case we forget)" to "See Also" */ new section" (view diff)
tantekalright, gotta run, now to see how long moderation approval takes - someone want to check/reload https://dri.es/to-pesos-or-to-posse every 30 min or so to see how long comments take to show up?
snarfedi can definitely imagine a vouch extension that uses silo APIs to fetch followings/followers and use that to bootstrap vouch networks, but i'm guessing that's not what you mean either
tanteksnarfed I mean literally using the POSSE copy permalink as the Vouch URL, and one of the methods of "accepting" a vouch, especially from someone you've never heard of before, is by confirming original post discovery and that they have connected their post to a silo copy
tantekthe implication is that their link to the POSSE copy is using the silo (which you presumably POSSE to as well), including threading with your POSSE copy
tantekit just depends on you and them both treating the silo as a trusted intermediary as in a silo that is good at banning / blocking abusive accounts
tantekand this is expanding to more of a financial intermediary analogy, where instead of having a social trust intermediary, there is some form of instituional trust intermediary
tantekwhat inspired this Vouch thought was the fact that @Dries replied to my posse Tweet reply but hasn't yet approved my manual copy of the comment on his own blog post!
gRegorLoveInteresting, tantek. I kinda like it. /OPD could be a tricky task if there isn't a permalink in the POSSE copy. I don't usually link back to my original in my POSSE copy, unless it's truncated.
tantekthough actually you do want to do OPD for every webmention comment you receive, so you prefer the original instead of a POSSE copy when displaying / linking on your original
gRegorLoveWith me, you'd have to check my homepage linked from Twitter, wouldn't find the note there, follow the rel=feed found on that page, then find it in my notes stream.