#schmarty!tell eddie got an error creating a new post through Indigenous. My endpoint returned a 202 status code, which i think is legit, but Indigenous showed a red bar and returned me to the editor with content intact
#Loqi[eddie]: schmarty left you a message 9 minutes ago: got an error creating a new post through Indigenous. My endpoint returned a 202 status code, which i think is legit, but Indigenous showed a red bar and returned me to the editor with content intact
#Loqi[eddie]: schmarty left you a message 9 minutes ago: if i am reading this right, HTTP 202 is legit for a site like mine which is going to go away for a while before the post is done https://www.w3.org/TR/micropub/#response
#Loqi[eddie]: schmarty left you a message 8 minutes ago: (the post went through just fine)
benwerd joined the channel
#[eddie]I do need to read through the full standard and look at Indigenous to see where it might not match up
#mblaney!tell snarfed I left you a message in #bridgy the other day about running a dev version, but I think running the tests will be enough for my changes.
[xavierroy], snarfed and eli_oat joined the channel
#sknebelfelix' blog post about his library is interesting, e.g. it seems fully working embeds in wordpress require the oembed to be on the same domain as stuff linked to from it
#snarfedanyone here have experience with the github v4 api's rate limiting?
#Loqisnarfed: mblaney left you a message 15 hours, 48 minutes ago: I left you a message in #bridgy the other day about running a dev version, but I think running the tests will be enough for my changes.
#snarfedthinking about github backfeed in bridgy...if i estimate a poll will cost ~22 points, and i poll hourly, that sets a scaling celing of ~227 github accounts. beyond that, i have to start dropping poll frequency. :(
#aaronpkyou determined there isn't enough in the web hook api to avoid polling?
#snarfedmaybe they expect to talk to individual apps once they get big and raise their limits individually?
#Loqi[snarfed] particularly interesting: the v3 API has [webhooks for many events we care about for backfeed!](https://developer.github.com/webhooks/) e.g. new issue comments. not for reactions though.
#snarfedi also can't tell from the docs if you can register for a webhook programmatically, or if users would need to go into their github settings manually and add it themselves
#tantekmaybe that's the first time I've indie RSVP'd to my own indie event, and I'm the first person to indie RSVP to one of my events while POSSEing the RSVP to Twitter?
#aaronpkshould be pretty seamless I think. tho I actually installed a new one from scratch when I moved mine.
#[eddie]Yeah, one major benefit is because the name is changing, I’m changing the url too, so as you said, it’s kind of just like creating a second instance and then removing the first
#tantekjjuran note the irony of *securityweek* being on http (not https)
#[eddie]Gotcha 🙂 no worries. Just glad I wasn’t losing my mind
#ZegnatHmm. I’m thinking about retiring some rel-me links. Because RelMeAuth is a thing, I would really only want to allow that from silos that support 2FA. Anyone else thought about that?
#sknebelZegnat: I asked ages ago about a way to specify the trust of rel=me's but nobody seemed interested, and I think I saw a similar request recently
#Loqi[Dan-Q] #175 Allow site owners to mark some rel="me" links as being unsuitable for contacting them
#aaronpkI don't really want to add that to relmeauth implementations, I'd be more interested in adding that kind of thing to myIndieAuth.com so you can really control it better
#ZegnatOn one end I feel like removing them is counter their use of distributed verification, but as long as RelMeAuth is a thing I also feel a need to point out those I do not trust enough to handle authentication on my behalf.
#aaronpkIt's an interesting question for relmeauth
#sknebelguess the question is "do we assume RelMeAuth is actually thing outside indieauth.com, or don't we? :P
#jjuranWhat about using rel=“auth”, and deprecating rel=“me” for authentication?
benwerd joined the channel
#aaronpkRelmeauth is certainly a thing outside of IndieAuth.com
#aaronpkAt least in spirit if not in number of implementations
#sknebelthen such a request is still relevant even if indieauth.com wants to solve it somewhere else
#aaronpkYeah I'm more saying it's an issue for the relmeauth spec rather than IndieAuth.com
#ZegnatOh yes, I do not think this is up to indieauth.com (or any implementation) to solve
#jjuranYou could even switch seamlessly: Ignore rel=“me” for auth if any rel-“auth” is present, otherwise use rel=“me”.
#[eddie]aaronpk: The “channels” action requires a “channels” scope. Even if you are just doing a read… is that right, or should I create an issue for that?
#aaronpkoh yeah, listing channels should require read scope not channel scope. channel scope is for managing channels.
#tantek.comedited /cross-posting (+108) "linky, note original pesetas use-case (one place to follow for all the things), and reword the worst option for a more memorable acronym" (view diff)
#tantekhey folks, keep a lookout for @Dries showing up as I invited him to stop by and chat here as he implements POSSE in Drupal for his site (and hopefully for Drupal in general) https://dri.es/comment/134641#comment-134641
#Loqipay for reach is a business practice by Facebook, Twitter, and other social media silos, whereby they charge publishers (ask them to pay) to have their posts be shown to users on their site, even if the users have already opted-in (followed, subscribed) to posts from those publishers https://indieweb.org/pay_for_reach
#LoqiIt looks like we don't have a page for "why post" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "why post is ____", a sentence describing the term)
#LoqiIt looks like we don't have a page for "reach" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "reach is ____", a sentence describing the term)
#tantekreach is usually used to refer to the number or extent of people that see or are at least shown a specific post (of yours) in whatever aggregator or [[reader]] app, site, or home (news) feed feature of a silo that they use to view posts. Many [[silos]] use algorithms (like [[The Facebook Algorithm]]) to limit which posts are shown, as one method to pressure publishers to [[pay for reach]].
#LoqiIt looks like we don't have a page for "The Facebook Algorithm" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "The Facebook Algorithm is ____", a sentence describing the term)
#LoqiIt looks like we don't have a page for "The Master Algorithm" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "The Master Algorithm is ____", a sentence describing the term)
#LoqiFacebook Master Algorithm is the name given to Facebook's algorithm for determining what content to show in Facebook's reader (AKA News Feed shown on their logged-in homepage), also adopted and tweaked by Instagram for their reader (app home screen) https://indieweb.org/Master_Algorithm
#LoqiFacebook Master Algorithm is the name given to Facebook's algorithm for determining what content to show in Facebook's reader (AKA News Feed shown on their logged-in homepage), also adopted and tweaked by Instagram for their reader (app home screen) https://indieweb.org/Facebook_Algorithm