oodaniam i correct in believing that there's currently no way for an e-* property in microformats2 to control which formats it exposes and what it provides for each format? for instance, my site's using markdown - there's no way to expose the un-rendered markdown source as a format in e-content?
oodaniit's a more accurate text representation of the content than is returned by textContent, and also, i'd like micropub clients to be able to pull that markdown when i update posts, rather than only the rendered html
[eddie]Your endpoint can return whatever text content it wants in the content attribute. Whatever gets returned from source would be available in the Micropub editor.
oodaniand yeah, there's no micropub clients that support markdown yet, but there's also no way to express explicitly' that an e-content value is markdown yet :o seems like editors will probably start adding that support if markdown e-content starts popping up in the wild
oodanisounds like tweaking my source endpoint will probably do the trick in any case. currently it's literally just parsing the requested page with mf2py, so it's identical to the output format :p
aaronpkThe query is meant to return the "editable" version of your content, whatever that means to you. If you return text, clients will treat it as text, butthat can be markdown text if you're willing to edit markdown like you edit plain text, which is what markdown is by design so it should be fine
j12tSpeaking of testing ... I just came across this behavior of the mf2py library: https://github.com/kartikprabhu/mf2py/issues/60. It would be very nice to have test cases for things like that, nicely annotated with explanations why this is the correct (or not correct) behavior for the library. Just saying ...
j12tWhy would they want to? It seems to me the microformats represent the semantics of the displayed content, and those are the same regardless of whether the theme is colorful or boring.
aaronpkI keep getting tempted to write a test suite for the Microformats for all the different kinds of posts on my site so I don't inadvertently break something when I make changes to my html
sknebelBiggest thing for that probably would be making sure all parsers have either conversion tools, or a standardized way of doing testing over HTTP or a command line interface or ...
aaronpkI'm not talking about parser level problems, I'm talking about vocab things and testing whether my html keeps mf2 classes in the right place when I make changes
ZegnatAn h-cite of an untitled thing might be a little weird, yeah. If you are pointing to a resource (a comment at an external URL) and also want to give that resource’s author information, an h-cite still seems right to me.
[eddie]Hmmm aaronpk no rush, but that IndieNews error is still happening, even though I no longer have doubled u-syndications: I’m sure it’s something wrong on my end but I can’t figure out what would cause it to 500 out: https://telegraph.p3k.io/webmention/12xmulNtxFMNOB8Tcx/details
tantekfrom #indieweb. e.g. if you try retrieving the source and get a server error (5xx), perhaps retry in 5 min, then an hour, then a day, then give up?
bearyep - we have had to make certain business decisions for what level of DDoS we can handle and have let our board know at what point we will just fall over
Loqi[Ryan Barrett] We are in the business of novel outages.
– Google Cloud SRE
…since ideally you find and fix each outage’s root cause. Admirable. Definitely the right idea!
snarfeddefinitely good to explicitly talk about "three 9s are enough." i wouldn't use it to drive retry/fallback though. ime more failures are either shorter (network, reboot, etc) or longer (bugs) than hosting provider outages.
aaronpkif I try to send a webmention to someone and get back a 500 server error or time out on the discovery, I would think I should try that again at some point in the future
LoqiIt looks like we don't have a page for "tinderbox" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "tinderbox is ____", a sentence describing the term)
LoqiIt looks like we don't have a page for "eastgate" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "eastgate is ____", a sentence describing the term)