@dubberOccurs to me that rather than build a new Facebook, this would be a really good moment for someone to create an RSS reader that emulated a timeline and featured in-line comments. I’d probably post on my blog pretty much daily if that was the thing everyone used. (twitter.com/_/status/976139810317438976)
aaronpki ran phpmyopenid on my website for a while, but I never understood what that code actually did. the only reason I had my own OpenID was because someone made a one-file PHP script for it.
aaronpktrue, but you should expect nothing less than me not wanting to delegate that part of openid to a service I couldn't pay for (e.g. myopenid.com)
tantekdifferent expectations for different users, whether not wanting to delegate to a service, or not wanting to admin tax of maintaining your own 2FA
tantekselfdogfood << Beware of this trap: "only the people who wrote it can reliably use it" that OpenID fell into per twitter.com/elforesto/status/976177015958261762
Loqiok, I added "Beware of this trap: "only the people who wrote it can reliably use it" that OpenID fell into per twitter.com/elforesto/status/976177015958261762" to the "See Also" section of /selfdogfood
LoqiIt looks like we don't have a page for "Webstagram" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "Webstagram is ____", a sentence describing the term)
ZegnatI wrote most of the one-file PHP IndieAuth solution, so I know. This was specifically meant about relmeauth, as that’s what tantek is using and seemed to be refering to
barpthewire, [kevinmarks] and [adamrice] joined the channel
jeremycherfas!tell aaronpk looking into my problem with Quill not getting syndication targets from WithKnown again. Cweiske pointed out that ?q=syndicate-to gets the correct response, while ?=config seems to get nothing. is there anything I should check in Known, or might this be something to do with Quill?
Loqinanopub is a micropub-endpoint for use with Hugo (but should work with any static site generator) written by Daniel Goldsmith https://indieweb.org/nanopub
cweiskeattribute on img elements for which they have been unable to obtain a text alternative and for which they have therefore omitted the alt attribute."
skippyi've been fiddling with nanopub this week. Only just realized that because I run PHP in a container, that container has no easy way to invoke hugo to rebuild the site...
skippyi could cook up a cron job to check for new files on the host; but that means that micropub clients wont be able to resolve the 201 link from nanopub because the target wont exist yet.
[eddie]dgold: what specifics do you like about Unread? It’s one of the “inspiration feed readers” I have on my phone to inspire Indigenous development, so it’d be good to know what features about it you really like
[eddie]The gestures are nice. That may be one thing I try to shy away from currently just because it seems like they aren’t super intuitive. It took me a little while to figure them out.
dgoldincron is an "inotify cron" system, run as a daemon on unix-compatible systems. Controlled by a similar method to cron, except it deals with filesystem events rather than time periods.
tantek.comedited /content_management_system (+244) "/* Examples */ -- is better than nn for unknown, p3k is PHP and used by aaronpk, plus if Ghost can be here with zero users, Falcon can be here with one :)" (view diff)
LoqiGrav is a flat-file CMS built on PHP, with Twig templating, and YAML + Markdown for storing articles (YAML for metadata, Markdown for the content) https://indieweb.org/Grav
Loqiswentel: [eddie] left you a message 1 week ago: regarding tokens, etc. not optimal but how Indigenous handles it currently is when you log out, it will send a token revocation request. Besides that, it assumes tokens are valid, but will provide an error if your Micropub request has an authentication error. It is assumed for now that if you have an authentication error, you’ll log out and back in of Indigenous manually
swentelone thing I'm not sure off, the watchtower on aperture, does it read the rel="feed" links of a site, so basically a page with microformatted content?
Loqiaaronpk: jeremycherfas left you a message 4 hours, 14 minutes ago: looking into my problem with Quill not getting syndication targets from WithKnown again. Cweiske pointed out that ?q=syndicate-to gets the correct response, while ?=config seems to get nothing. is there anything I should check in Known, or might this be something to do with Quill?
aaronpkyou can install aperture yourself if you want, and if you want to work on a client then I am happy to host an account for you. i'm not opening mine up to general signups right now though.
Loqifeatured is a proposed mf2 property (typically as u-featured) for h-entry that indicates a representative image for a primarily textual post https://indieweb.org/u-featured
jeremycherfasIndeed, and I have, for example, implemented display of webmentions from Pelle's app. But I'm not yet a strong enough coder to work either on the existing webmention plugin (aaronpk and I tried that at Nurnberg last year) or to set out on my own.
[eddie]Hmmm, now that I have On This Day working to show posts that have occurred in the past, the thought comes to me that there are some posts that I might want to leave but might not want to be “reminded of”
Loqion this day is a feature on some silos and indieweb sites which show posts published on the current (typically Gregorian) day of the year in previous years; commons sites tend to show more general historical events that occurred on that same day https://indieweb.org/on_this_day
[eddie]Well since it seems like it’s an already known thing, I’ll try to resend the webmention and see if it works, because in the past that has worked for me