#GWGsnarfed: I always worry about blasting you when I'm feeling motivated though. I know you always say I should just keep going, but still worry. It's my nature.
#GWGIs location-visibility too much of a mouthful?
#loqi.mecreated /toast (+268) "prompted by tantek and dfn added by [kevinmarks]" (view diff)
#GWGIn WordPress, the unofficial standard is geo_public 0 or 1. The 0 or no property is assumed to be public. I added 2, which is text based location but not coordinates.
#GWGReferring to it as public, private or protected.
#aaronpkbtw, for anyone who has been reading my book or oauth.com, i'm going to be publishing an updated version in the next month or so, so let me know if you see any typos or if anything needs clarification! :)
#aaronpkI'm hoping to have time to expand out the IndieAuth chapter now that there's a proper spec I can reference :)
#aaronpkhm maybe that's a good excuse to email my list
#aaronpki never know what to do with that list, because my only intention of creating it was to tell people when the book was out. then it came out and i didn't take down the signup form, and people keep signing up
#tantekdid you change the text on the signup form?
#GWGaaronpk: Quill is saying a post has been generated for an itinerary because a location header was returned, but the log on my end shows no location header
#[miklb]I mostly want to be able to test posting via micropub and sending a webmention to another local site. I know snarfed’s micropub plugin will work on local testing, but not sure about the part of sending the webmention to a local site
#[miklb]I’ll just jump in. Might not really need to send the webmention for my testing purposes, I just need to “see” it fire
aniruddh, barpthewire, leg, [miklb] and snarfed joined the channel
#dansupwriting a new websub library for php that uses guzzle
#Zegnatjalcine, yes, aaronpk built them so it would be easy for people to test spec compatibility and file implementation reports against the spec :) They are great tools!
#Loqibus factor is a relative measurement of risk concerning a project or service's potential fragility judged by asking the question "Will a project (or service) fail if one of its members is hit by a bus?" Also known as train factor, lorry factor, and other variations https://indieweb.org/bus_factor
#GWGaaronpk, pfefferle for IndieAuth, snarfed for Micropub
#GWGsnarfed, do you want to turn the plugin over to the Indieweb community account and have PRs community reviewed?
#GWGI would gladly transfer mine to the community if anyone ever starting sending PRs in any volume
#GWGaaronpk, although like most of the Indieweb repo stuff, any community member can approve, pfefferle was having problems, so I want him to see if it works for him before shipping. I should prepare a blog post though
loicm, KartikPrabhu, j12t, [miklb] and AngeloGladding joined the channel
#GWGStill having trouble deciding what to do next.