aaronpkAlso it's still possible that something will use relmeauth and not implement the IndieAuth protocol, so you might still end up needing relmeauth support
skippyI'm still trying to understand the intersection between Micropub and MF2. The MP spec defines the "create" action as operating on "h={Microformats object type}".
ZegnatYep. It is really up to end Micropub server to decide what it wants to understand. "entry" and "event" might be good starters, skippy, as those cover most posts we see today.
skippyan observation: if the MP spec explicitly uses "Microformats object type", it would be beneficial to use that same phrasing in the Microformats spec, rather than "vocabularies", because I never would have made that connection.
skippyand while I appreciate that MF2 is fluid, a more explicit connection between MP and MF2 would be super helpful to people creating tooling who are learning as they go.
skippyMF2 spec also says "h-* for root class names"; further confusing me, because the classes are used in HTML to identify things, and not "objects" in my mind. But maybe I'm splitting hairs.
ZegnatI think the "object" in the MP spec refers to the "{} structure" in the mf2 parsing spec. The type of said object is whatever the words in the "type" property are.
skippysure. And the "vocabularies" is not a great response, after all, because it's unlikely that anyone would Micropub an h-card, or an h-adr, or an h-feed.
ZegnatI wonder if it is worth starting a "mf2 JSON" page on the microformats wiki. For people who don't need to implement parsers but still need the info about the parser output. People like skippy who really just want to follow the MP spec.
aaronpkreally most people shouldn't have to worry about the state of microformats parsing or development of the vocabularies. for the most part there is a limited number of types and properties that are well supported between clients and servers and that's all most people need to worry about
ZegnatYou are allowed to have a private address book. You are also allowed to exchange this with yourself. As long as you don't offer it to others I don't see a problem.
@stavversOne of the best things about the GDPR is now every time a stakeholder at works asks me to do something I don't really feel like doing, I can go "um, I'm not sure if it's GDPR compliant, do you know?" and they'll give up and die before figuring it out. (twitter.com/_/status/987340474989142018)
ZegnatGWG, re the nickname thing. I would say it is a personal contacts book, which is not covered by GDPR at all. It isn’t “online”, it is just synced “to the cloud”, which most people these days are probably doing with their contacts in some capacity. You just happen to selfhost it in WordPress.
ZegnatIf people ask you about it, you can always ask them to thrash their address books :P GDPR also applies to paper copies, so if they think that applies, burn it all.
skippyIndieAuth question: how can I (easily) set up multiple sites I control to use the same silos for IndieAuth login? I dont want to maintain separate logins for different sites I own, if I can avoid it.
Loqi502 is an HTTP/1.1 Status Code returned from a webserver to signify that the Proxy Gateway for the requested URI was not found https://indieweb.org/502
Loqi429 is the HTTP status code returned from a server when the client is making too many requests and the server is throttling the client https://indieweb.org/429
tantek!tell jeremycherfas re: https://www.jeremycherfas.net/blog/improving-the-h-card-in-grav consider a slight improvement: a <span class="h-card"> with <data> elements for all the properties - that way you don't have to depend on CSS or use display:none which can count as a negative in some search engines
tantekalgorithmic feed << 2018-04-02 [https://www.ben-evans.com/benedictevans/2018/4/2/the-death-of-the-newsfeed The death of the newsfeed] <blockquote>This is the logic that led Facebook inexorably to the ‘algorithmic feed’ ... though, this approach has two problems. First, getting that sample ‘right’ is very hard, and beset by all sorts of conceptual challenges. But second, even if it’s a sucessful sample, it’s still