#dev 2018-05-24

2018-05-24 UTC
[quinnvinlove] joined the channel
so I have five people who use @ReclaimHosting test MicroPub functionality. We all run into the header issues. Is there any thing I can tell the team there that they should do?
[Natris1979] joined the channel
sure seems like Hugo + Micropub == headless CMS
[unoabraham], eli_oat and [jgarber] joined the channel
[aaronpk] Poking around with IndieLogin.com and noticing in both GitHub and Twitter flows that I’m getting the message:
```Your GitHub profile linked to https://sixtwothree.org but we were expecting to see https://sixtwothree.org/. Make sure you link to https://sixtwothree.org/ in your GitHub profile.```
Basically, is “significant trailing slash” a thing?
Jason Garber
Hello, Loqi.
[jgarber]: did you use the slash in the IndieLogin prompy?
[jgarber] hmm indielogin should handle that because it's about a default path "/" not "trailing slash" in general
that is, per URL standard, with or without the slash right after the domain name is the same
KartikPrabhu I did not, no. I entered `https://sixtwothree.org` without the trailing slash on the IndieLogin homepage.
Jason Garber
[tantek] Agreed!
right, that's a UI thing
just entering "sixtwothree.org" should be enough for it to "work"
[tantek] Also agreed! 😄
maybe I need to add that to the Web Sign-in spec
what is Web Sign-in?
Web sign-in is signing in to websites using your personal web address (e.g https://indieweb.org/Web_sign-in
So the ideal user experience is: a user enters their URL with or without protocol and the service determines the canonical endpoint for that domain name.
e.g. ol’ jgarber enters `sixtwothree.org` into the webpage’s form and the service does the digging and following of redirects to determine that the canonical, resolvable website is at `https://sixtwothree.org`.
Jason Garber
edited /Web_sign-in (-7) "fix dfn"
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[jgarber]: the without protocol might be problematic with the HTML form validation for a URL
I have encountered that before
not sure why HTML form validation for URLs is strict about protocoals
@KartikPrabhu Meaning something like `<input type="url">` ?
Ah, yeah, browsers went real strict on that implementation.
There are some interesting validation details for `<input type="url">` on MDN: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/input/url
oh yeah that's quite annoying
IMO that was a mistake (overspecifying) in the HTML spec
and resulted in crappier than necessary UI due to browsers following the spec details, interoperating, and now being unable to change accordingly
Yeah, seems you can’t short-circuit the protocol requirement on a `<input type="url">` field, even using the `pattern` attribute:
☝ Doesn’t work as you might expect…
```<input type="url" id="url" pattern="^(https?:\/\/)?.*" required>```
[jgarber]: correct
for an example of how to "make it work", see tantek.com/relmeauth
Trying to work with ReClaim Hosting to figure out why no WordPress install on their servers can micropub but Known installs can
(just enough JS to force input type=url to work more "nicely" for users)
[tantek] Always nice to see themattharris’ name showing up in miscellaneous places!
tbbrown joined the channel
anyone see this in quill: Invalid user
The user URL that was returned in the access token did not match the domain of the user signing in.
I am trying to see if WP 4.9.6 made micropub not work for us and I am trying to log on with a site I threw up real fast https://indiewebsandbox.jgregorymcverry.com
That is interesting.
ohh yeah no its not, it no rel=me on Twitter probably
I haven’t been offered GitHub as a choice for authentication in awhile, just Twitter I think
nope it was https://indiewebsandbox.jgregorymcverry.com using the credentials of admin (admin) not me.
that is just a nick name, maybe the hcard widget got set to admin?
leg joined the channel
[unoabraham] here is the repo https://github.com/idno/Known
[idno] Known: A social publishing platform.
if you are updating leave youg config.ini file and your upload folder alone
so what I did to make it into a bookmarking service was turn off all idno plug-ins but bookmarks. You can then set them to public or private. I then added the post to WordPress plu-in in case I ever want to write a reaction to a boommark
renem joined the channel
snarfed, I have another Bridgy Publish failure, this time a comment on an issue
looks like the log on brid.gy/github/tantek says "Processing" so I'll check again later
makes me wonder if it's the same issue as https://github.com/snarfed/bridgy/issues/824
[snarfed] #824 404s from github API for publish
!tell snarfed if the problem is one of "Allowing admins to approve or deny applications " per https://developer.github.com/changes/2015-01-19-an-integrators-guide-to-organization-application-policies/ - do you think it would be reasonable to write-up a brief "How to enable your organization's repos to allow Bridgy Publish posts" in the Bridgy GitHub docs?
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
[Natris1979] and [miklb] joined the channel
jgmac1106: id be happy to debug the header issues if I can get a test account on their servers
[jgarber]: hm yeah that should have worked without specifying the default / path, I thought I had a test case for that when I was working on it but must have missed it somehow
cweiske, jeremycherfas, swentel, cweiske2 and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
uploaded /File:vHWC.png "�Screenshot of vHWC in progress on 2018-05-23 https://indieweb.org/File:vHWC.png"
AngeloGladding, jeremycherfas and marcthiele joined the channel
edited /Drupal (+166) "/* IndieWeb Examples */"
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edited /Drupal (+68) "/* IndieWeb Tools */"
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edited /Drupal (+96) "/* IndieWeb Tools */"
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tglobe and iasai joined the channel
↩️ For now I am going to use indieauth because it is the quickest solution to setup and in all likelihood I will be the only one to use this project.
!tell [aaronpk] No problem just send me your email address. I didn’t see one in your hcard.
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
jgmac1106: it's firstname@lastname.com (there's a rel=me on his homepage with it)
(given that fact I probably could have written it out, despite public logs...)
thx [sknebel] and if you want the job I hope you get it. Beating a test is better than failing it
Mixing up people again, jgmac1106? Or did sknebel also go through a job application? ;)
iasai joined the channel
yep [zegnat] luckily [sknebel] didn’t stumble into a channel where Loqi would wish him good luck today
[pilch] [mrkndvs] the plot thiickens: https://community.reclaimhosting.com/t/micropub-htaccess-and-reclaim-hosting/1576/11?u=jgmac1106 a clean install on ReClaim Hosting works
No it doesn't. He didn't try the Indieauth plugin with the local endpoint
He notes he set up his rel me, which means he is using Micropub by itself, which uses Indieauth.com
can I just do that?
That shouldn’t matter, surely, GWG? Micropub still requires the Authorization header to come through to post
That just says that the Authorization header isn’t the problem here. Or does WP have some other way of checking authorization on Micropub requests?
depends what the client uses?
that tripped us up the first time we had this header issue with the inbuild IndieAuth, the request was formencoded with the token in the params
We support both
Right. And if WP supports both, clients that put it in the body may work while clients that send the header may not work because of server settings.
So when are people going to stop using Apache? :P
when nginx speaks .htaccess :P
When somepne can figure out how to pronounce LNMP instead of LAMP
Question is, what do we do?
I believe quill uses formencoded for notes. So to be sure, they'd have to post something using html, so using the article editor
[unoabraham] joined the channel
I tried the article editor last night
↩️ @Lady_Ada_King @Xavier_Ho +1 for indieauth! It could use a bit more popularising. :D
answer is maybe leave WordPress
it's really not wordpress's fault (from what we can tell), everything behind a webserver eating the header will have problems
Take a clean setup on any server, run the diagnostics (https://gist.github.com/Zegnat/f4192c3cce05d847af3547eea80e383c) and if it comes back red you know the server is mangling your header somewhere. Basically all you can do.
but [zegnat] don’t forget I pass your header test
If it comes back green, then disappearing headers aren’t your problem
unless there's some wordpress-specific config by the hosting provider getting in the way
Sure. Yes. You need to run the diagnostics in the exact environment you are running WP in.
Maybe I should turn it into a WP plugin :P
Zegnat, might be better to build it in
GWG: did you look into getting clearer errors yet?
(I remember you mentioning some issue with that, but forgot the details)
Then unauthorized? Well, the issue is tricky
It might have to be a debug setting
if a dedicated testing endpoint is easier, that'd be cool too
Probably better, yes, GWG. I just don't see myself writing that PR anytime soon as I have zero clues about WP Dev and would not want to step into the IndieWeb plugins on first try.
Because when the authorization fails, it hands control over to WordPress to try other authentication methods
Which is what is supposed to happen, but that doesn't help this issue
can't override that for your endpoints?
sknebel, I can. Just needs to be a setting that can be turned off.
oh, are people using micropub etc with other auth?
sknebel, it isn't Micropub. It is the WordPress REST API
sure, but if you override it *for your endpoints only*, that shouldn't be an issue
That's what the Endpoint is built on.
has flashbacks to Known
I can, just going to be very fine grained with it
The problem is the Micropub Endpoint is independent of the IndieAuth endpoint
So I would have to be very careful with how I did this to make sure I get it right.
would it be easier to have one of the indieauth endpoints do it?
I am trying to think of the best way
I know, I should stop asking questions and let you do what you think works ;)
I have an idea
The Micropub plugin has its own Indieauth client code
[jgmac1106] and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
a workaround for twitter not having html for user pages is to use the twitter user intent page
this is what unmung does
so if you have twitter.com/aaronpk you instead look up https://twitter.com/intent/user?screen_name=aaronpk
for tweets you could use the oembed endpoint to get back json with the tweet html in
Yep, tantek found that too. Which would be enough for rel-me profile equivalence, but wasn’t actually accepted by IndieAuth.com at this time
This is my calendar tomorrow. Giving a talk right before @barackobama #oktane18 #notevenkidding https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Dd3HT1GVAAEnkuF.jpg
[unoabraham] joined the channel
can I add a rel=me to GitHub?
one of the things that Indieauth.com/Indielogin.com support too
[unoabraham]: do you run your SSG on your own server, or are you using a service?
[jgmac1106]: http vs https
I couldn’t get local endpoints working trying the indieauth endpoints to see if that does anything at all, but I can’t get GitHub authentication to work
the bio won’t take html
you have set your url with http
and try to log in with https
that worked stupid mistake
but I get the damn header error no matter what I do, slowly backing away and going back to screenshottting each post kind and comparing how mark up renders with a theme a lot of friends use
Is it possible to turn an existing copy of a git repo on my server into a clone of the repo?
jeremycherfas: I don't understand the question?
That's probably why I can't find an answer in stackoverflow. :)
what do you want to be able to do and can't right now?
OK, I downloaded the zip of Known and then uploaded it to my server. So only my server I have a working copy, but it is not a clone of the original repo. So when there is an update to the master, I can't simply pull the changes.
If possible, I would like to make my server copy into a clone of the origin rather than a copy of the origin.
Does that make sense?
two remotes I guess
the zip doesn't have a git repository in it
just the files
and you can't clone known ?
so I'd just clone the repository, and if you made changes just copy your files over it and commit them
That's right. Only files. I CAN clone Known, but if it is possible to somehow make my existing copy into a clone, I was hoping to be able to do that.
not that I'd know
the easiest way is probably to move your files aside and make a new clone
what do you mean Clone it, why not just download it and upload it, would that not be a clone?
do you have bbedit/textwrangler? that has a good ui for finding and merging changes to an entire folder full of text files.
if you leave the config.ini and upload files alone you are fine, technically you can move the upload folder and the config.ini file in between Known instances
The main reason stopping me doing a new clone from scratch is that my existing files are already in the correct folder on my server. So I can only clone into a new foldername. Then rename that folder, I guess.
[jgmac1106] I want to be able to sync easily with origin/master
yep, renaming the folder works.
I do have BBEDIT.
[jgarber] joined the channel
So the git init stuff doesn't care about the name of the folder it is in?
[jeremycherfas] I miss with the days when ReClaim Hosting just updated to master for me. They stopped at 9.9.2
misses with the days when ReClaim Hosting just updated to master for me too
I have so many Known instances updating them all..
One reason I want to be able to sync for myself. Mapcyka just pushed a change that fixes the problem I was happening with tags in instagram
Loqi Jim Groom makes a a terrible master, he is into weird stuff
if you figure out a workflow please let me know,
Can’t you `git init` in the current folder you are using for known, then add the Known github repo as a remote, and fetch from there? That sounds like it should work.
No need to first move the current files I’d think. But I haven’t tested
Almost there with renaming the clone; just waiting for /uploads to upload
can anyone point me to the w3c community guide or dicumentation on post-kinds? I have the name wrong and can’t find the link in post logs
thx, will use this to see how well markup works on nonindieweb themese and make user guides “if you select note” don’t add a title
[gwg] needs another feature like another hole in the head nbut would love a bridgy to LinkedIn syndication
luckily gwg isn't working on bridgy ;)
I believe that has been an open request for years, but nobody wanted it strongly enough to build it
silo.pub didn’t do linked in either, did it?
What is silo.pub?
silo.pub is a Micropub endpoint for hosted blogs like Tumblr, WordPress.com, Blogger, and Twitter https://indieweb.org/Silo.pub
jgmac1106: I believe snarfed would welcome contributions to https://github.com/snarfed/bridgy
[snarfed] bridgy: Bridgy pulls comments and likes from social networks back to your web site. You can also use it to publish your posts to those networks.
leg joined the channel
[snarfed] #166 add LinkedIn support
[snarfed] bridgy: Bridgy pulls comments and likes from social networks back to your web site. You can also use it to publish your posts to those networks.
neither did I but my indieweb posts are getting more action there. I used to syndicate with jetpack but turned it off
[sknebel] I am not sure a new user could even get bridgy to twitter workign right now
Bridgy Error: Could not find Twitter account for indieweb.jgregorymcverry.com. Check that your Twitter profile has indieweb.jgregorymcverry.com in its web site or link field, then try signing up again.
and I can’t manually add the links here: https://brid.gy/twitter/jgmac1106#
no, they are not :( <a href="https://t.co/DS9BhCYHT2" rel="nofollow noopener" dir="ltr" data-expanded-url="https://indieweb.jgregorymcverry.com/" class="twitter-timeline-link" target="_blank" title="https://indieweb.jgregorymcverry.com/"><span class="invisible">https://</span><span class="js-display-url">indieweb.jgregorymcverry.com</span><span class="invisible">/</span><span class="tco-ellipsis"><span class="invisible">&nbsp;</spa
the href is t.co, not your actual site
yes, twitter broke their markup, same issue as with indieauth.com
it's neither your, not brid.gy's fault, this is twitter f*kery
[snarfed] #823 twitter html changes broke scraping for likes
That’s parsing likes specifically. But for validating new sites, there might also be an issue. Not sure how Bridgy is handling that.
apparently look for data-expanded-url first, than fall back to href seems to be a way to deal with it
petermolnar: they did t.co before too, the bigger problem is that they now do a stupid redirect through a JS-only site
yeah was just hoping that broke indieauth since bridgy still worked for me…it can’t going to go back to recommending different POSSE tool. What place nicer with mf2 SNAP or JetPack? I heard some folks say when you syndicate with JetPack it takes out mf2 and uses microdata..but I have no idea if that is true
it's not JS-only, there's a http meta refresh as well
but that's not much better
If you curl the thing without a cookie or session already set, you’ll get HTML like this petermolnar: https://gist.github.com/aaronpk/90f7d8493be2ba8836868c7cdac0d9f8
SNAP is a rather straightforward plugin, but god save us all from checking it's code
Which is why basically all validation code died. No more HTML to curl.
I didn't know that
that's.... I mean... I'm getting so tired of silos.
[petermolnar] that is why I walked away, it looked so messy I figure there had to be vunerabilities everywhere, and that is with my untrained eye
jgmac1106: I actually contributed to SNAP, and they even accepted it, but it really wasn't a pleasant thing to do
it was about pushing location data to flickr
jgmac1106, note that your syndication doesn’t have to be based on anything mf2-y at all. Nothing wrong with just looking for an unrelated LinkedIn syndication tool and using that
thx [zegnat] I did here that when you syndiated with JetPack specifically it messes with mf2 but I have no data to back up heresay claim, will soon and let folks know
I can’t imagine why syndication code would mess with mf2. Your mf2 is probably in your theme, and I doubt JetPack is first generating how your post would look in your theme and then pulling that HTML to syndicate. I expect syndication plugins to just use your post content and syndicate that, wouldn’t even see mf2.
as I said earlier, the workaround is to use the twitter intent page
so looking for advice then, Here is a post I made a theme I know a lot of friends use, while I can’t fix it (yet) I can tell the mf2 isn’t on point. What would be the best way to compare my “source code” to a way an aticle should be markedup https://indieweb.jgregorymcverry.com/blog/uncategorized/this-is-an-article-post-kind/#this-is-an-article-post-kind
yeah [kevinmarks] I saw that but for my audience I think it is just walk away from syndicating with bridgy, but I will try that for my testing purposes
jgmac1106: actually, when did you get that bridgy error? I might be wrong about it being related to the markup change
what were you doing
new instance
and what were you doing on that?
install wordpress>install theme>install plugins>authorize>bridgy>go to twitter change profile to add link to blog>FAIL>go to to bridgy and try to manually crawl>FAIL
did you log out of bridgy and log in again?
then try that
just did
will try to post again
↩️ @Lady_Ada_King It most certainly can. We use that in our project. See https://indieauth.com/setup
jgmac1106, not sure about “the best way to compare” article markup ... but there should be example markup on the wiki
okay that got me further but now I got: Bridgy Error: No microformats2 data found in https://indieweb.jgregorymcverry.com/blog/uncategorized/this-is-an-article-post-kind/
what is article?
An article is a kind of post that typically has more structure than a simple note https://indieweb.org/article
mf2 plug-inis installed but maybe this theme will just be too different to ever bring in hte fold
Bridgy is not wrong, there are no mf2 objects on that page :P
I do not know what the mf2 plugin does and doesn’t do. But adding the classes to your theme shouldn’t be too hard
yes and forgetting Bridgy for a bit, that is what I am trying to do. Just document where the mf2 is wrong in each post kind
(so bridgy doesn't rely on parsing page, which makes sense given the flow. (and I somewhow though jgmac1106 was trying to add a new twitter account, not a new domain). Just needed reauthorization to check again for URLs, like the error message said)
[zegnat] where could I find a “best case” of what each post-kind “should” look like
Lots of post types will have example markup on their wiki pages, like this: https://indieweb.org/note#How_to_publish
thx, the goal is to fire upmy text editor and show, “This is what happens” and this is “What should happen” and then fall flat on my face trying to convert “should” into “does"
Ah, that is always a little harder. Basically you can read the post-type-discovery algorithm and it tells you what properties it expects to see for each post type. Then you can run your HTML through a microformats parser until you see the properties you expect.
Where do I find “ post-type-discovery algorithm”
What is PTD?
Post Type Discovery specifies an algorithm for determining the type of a post by what properties it has and potentially what value(s) they have, which helps avoid the need for explicit post types that are being abandoned by modern post creation UIs https://indieweb.org/PTD
okay and a fav microformats parser/
I use https://pin13.net/mf2-dev/ a lot, as it is the bleeding edge PHP one
(Or actually run a copy of that locally, but the online version is just as usable.)
That would be a cool session for HWC/IWC, if you have a lot of WordPress users attending: have a sit down and fix the mf2 in the themes :D
thx [zegnat] and this is a good idea for a session, I would learn alot
I am always happy to have a sit down and going back to just the HTML and mf2 side of things. Sadly I will not physically be at IWS.
and the west coast time zone gonna be a killer for you
Not really, I’ll just swap time zones to participate remotely. Did that last time as well.
I suspect Zegnat will be living on west coast time for a few days
It does help that it doesn’t really get completely dark around here by that time of year ;)
on a seperate note I throught https://bookmarks.jgregorymcverry.com up as a PoC for [unoabraham] I like the workflow so much I might just keep it as my bookmarking solution…in the end I will probably just go back to a dual solution of WordPress for long-form writing and Known (or somethign Known like) for everything else.
but as I said yesterday this is just will update to latest and greatest from [mapkyca] soon
you need an h-entry
then [zegnat] we could also add to the https://indieweb.org/post-type-discovery/#examples be nice if each psot-kind had an h-entry example and other types under consideration are now being used so they need to be moved
They are being used, but I guess they aren’t actually part of the algorithm yet
With PTD also being published to W3 at https://www.w3.org/TR/post-type-discovery/ I am not sure how freely people should/can come in to update the algorithm with post types in use
I know [kevinmarks] this is a theme alan levin @cogdog is developing. My first step is documenting what is missing
If you click through to any of those post types most of them will have markup example up top. E.g. bookmarks: https://indieweb.org/bookmark#How_to_markup
if you meant the Known bookmarks site..I will get to that. Hoping when I update to 9.9.9 the bookmark will get wrapped in h-entry
it's aaaaaaaal much easier with drupal ;-)
[swentel] that is my next two week indieweb experiment after WordPress wraps up
[zegnat] how did you find that link form here: https://indieweb.org/post-type-discovery
I can just guess with the url but where is the page that links to all of these how to mark up pages
jgmac1106, scroll to “Other Types Under Consideration”, click “bookmark”, scrolls down to “How to markup”, which is included even before the TOC
My university is moving to Drupal and I have built massive drupal sites in the past so learning curve shouldn’t be steep
There is https://indieweb.org/Category:PostType which links to several post types people have experimented with
Whether all of them include markup examples I don’t know. If they don’t, it should probably be added.
Just as easy to type in the post-kind into url, but there is a another good #indieweb-meta goal a directory of post kinds with links to exemplars on marking up
Most of them just come down to standard h-entry markup, with a specific property added.
cool so us making example of every kind should not be difficult
it is probably somewhere on the wiki. often feel I need a wiki for the wiki
article is basically just a note but with a title
https://indieweb.org/note#How_to_publish - but put the p-name class on the element that is your title, instead of having the name and content be on the same element. Then you are done
you can say that but showing it to people like we do here: https://indieweb.org/bookmark#How_to_markup is best approach IMHO
Yes, I am a little surprised article doesn’t have an example listed
Can probably copy the example from http://microformats.org/wiki/h-entry#Example
[Tantek Çelik] h-entry is a simple, open format for episodic or datestamped content on the web. h-entry is often used with content intended to be syndicated, e.g. blog posts. h-entry is one of several open microformat standards suitable for embedding data in HTML. ...
add it to the punch list for me, I already went way beyond my two hours the morning , but my goal is to create a directory of all post-kind markups that I could point WordPress theme developers to and say “your templates need to render like this”
thx for the help [kevinmakrs] [zegnat] and [sknebel] I would hand out Karma but I think Loqi being stingy today
you're welcome
loqi has 7 karma in this channel (453 overall)
[unoabraham] joined the channel
…but I so want to go update my bookmarks page to see if I get the h-entry….shutting down all communication so I am not tempted
edited /article (+602) "add basic example from microformats wiki - could be expanded with category etc"
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Sounds like you want to create a pattern library for post markup, jgmac1106 ;) Could be a fun project.
<— googling pattern library
what is pattern library
It looks like we don't have a page for "pattern library" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "pattern library is ____", a sentence describing the term)
Surely that was the term. Hmm
Search through adactio.com, he probably wrote loads about it
ClearLeft build this: https://fractal.build/
Now if only I could come up with a good definition to give to Loqi ...
A pattern library is a collection of reusable pieces (often code) of a website
created /pattern_library (+104) "prompted by jgmac1106 and dfn added by Zegnat"
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Make that a big ol’ {{stub}}
Known bookmarks have had h-entry forever.
everyting I am reading makes it just a front-end UI guide. A long time ago we used to call things like this “directions” you computer folks usually say “documentation” indieweb folks” say its some page somewhere on the wki give me as sec”
[jeremycherfas] I pushed a very old version through installatron. I was in a car, sftp, github, etc not possibel
good morning.
guten morgen
my bad it does <div class="row idno-entry idno-entry-like h-entry idno-bookmarkedpages idno-object">
with the h-card immediatley following [kevinmarks] must have been refferin got he WordPress post
[Jeremy Cherfas] "American culture* and platforms for consumer creativity (case study 4)"
jgmac1106 left the channel
jgmac1106, it is a UI guide of sorts. But it will often include the specific code that is expected to be used on a site. So a generic IndieWeb pattern library would say things like “if you want to include a bookmark, here is the HTML to use”
how might i get one Micropub endpoint to syndicate to another one? Can I register a token (say, in mintoken), and pass that from the source micropub server to the target one?
Sure. Take the incoming micropub request on server one, if it has a syndication for an outside micropub endpoint, just pass it along. Either with the same token (if the second endpoint uses the same token endpoint) or with a pre-set token.
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
And maybe drop things like mp-syndicate-to out of the payload, else the second endpoint may try to syndicate as well.
Zegnat: hrm. i want to post a photo to skippy.is, then have that site tell skippy.net to post to twitter, so that the source tweet is retained at skippy.net....
I did exactly the same thing this morning with https://indieweb.jgregorymcverry.com/blog/ that he did with https://indieweb.jgregorymcverry.com though do not know what @timmyboy did differently than me
skippy, interesting. Any reason why you do not just post to skippy.net and have it syndicate to both twitter and skippy.is? If the post is going to live in skippy.net anyway?
gRegorLove joined the channel
i want the photo post to live at skippy.is. i want to post to twitter that I made a new post there. i want to POSSE all tweets from skippy.net.
so when i say "syndicate from one micropub to another" i'm probabyl overloading the term "syndicate"
i dont want to tweet from skippy.is and then backfeed that tweet into skippy.net.
I think syndicate is fine for that
as a term
Yeah, I’d probably have skippy.is generate a micropub request to skippy.net then. Probably just a note post that can be syndicated to Twitter as is?
seems legit.
[gerwitz] joined the channel
edited /Google_Play_Music (+554) "Added section about recent tracks on TristanHavelick.com"
(view diff)
edited /Google_Play_Music (-16) "/* Tristan Havelick */ Remove broken link"
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[Natris1979] joined the channel
jgmac, Bridgy features are snarfed. I just do the WordPress UI
dougbeal|mb1 and [eddie] joined the channel
@gwg did you my post from @ReClaim? Can not figure out why everything works with Micropub except when I do it
[kevinmarks], snarfed, [tantek] and [kim_landwehr] joined the channel
snarfed: tantek left you a message 14 hours, 31 minutes ago: if the problem is one of "Allowing admins to approve or deny applications " per https://developer.github.com/changes/2015-01-19-an-integrators-guide-to-organization-application-policies/ - do you think it would be reasonable to write-up a brief "How to enable your organization's repos to allow Bridgy Publish posts" in the Bridgy GitHub docs?
once we've confirmed that, sure
barpthewire joined the channel
created /lastcast (+171) "stub"
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AngeloGladding joined the channel
↩️ bueno aparte da microsubárea de hermisente creo, que ten 6 sibilantes hahahahaha pero iso, que será o 2% do territorio lingüístico total hahaha
[jgmac1106] and snarfed joined the channel
!tell tantek interesting. looking at the logs from your recent bridgy publish github comment failures (at the bottom): "Although you appear to have the correct authorization credentials, the `whatwg` organization has enabled OAuth App access restrictions, meaning that data access to third-parties is limited. For more information on these restrictions, including how to whitelist this app, visit https://help.github.com/articles/restr
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
icting-access-to-your-organization-s-data/ "
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
↩️ yeah, it really doesn't; they're separate things, and way less in-depth, I think. But I hate the disqus style of thing, and mine's static so I didn't want real comments. This is why I did webmentions, but they are too far from critical mass so I hardly get any :)
snarfed joined the channel
↩️ one nice thing with webmentions (apart from the indieweb crowd feeling a bit like the way the world was when we all got into this in about 2003) is that bridgy exists so all the twitter/etc comments show up as webmentions.
snarfed, jgmac1106_, redaxo_schorsch, maingo and [keithjgrant] joined the channel
OK omnibear people. I added logging. Not in a released build yet, but this is now in master branch
I'm particularly interested to see if this sheds some light for those of you having authentication problems
[miklb] joined the channel
how might I install that build into FF?
pull down the repo; Navigate to "about:debugging"; click "Load temporary add on"; select dist/manifest.json file in repo
(you might want to disable your currently installed version so you don't get the two confused)
sure. thanks
the logs actually store a little more data than is currently displayed. I still need to add that to the view
redaxo_schorsch and [grantcodes] joined the channel
keithjgrant has 8 karma in this channel (21 overall)
btw: info/warnings are NOT saved until you check the box in settings
(errors are)
weird. it works with that version.
interesting. maybe a recent version bump of the micropub library?
at least it sets an auth token in settings now
Let me try publishing
As long as no major bugs pop up in the next day or two, I'll release this
well, I’m able to post, and seeing an error in logs about retrieving syndicate-to links, but I’m also seeing a fatal error in my logs for indieauth WP plugin, so I’m going to have to look at this tonight. Thanks for the help with debugging.
keithjgrant has 9 karma in this channel (22 overall)
not able to post
OK. Let me get the full log data displaying, then e can see what the error is, hopefully
(it did log an error?)
yes, logged an error.
This is the bug I’m experiencing in WordPress https://github.com/indieweb/wordpress-indieauth/issues/45
[idallas] #45 Fatal Error when attempting to post via micropub
Hm. So it's maybe on the WP end?
possible, or a combination. I’ll keep chipping away at it. I’ll have some free time next week in the evenings while I’m in Oakland (hope to get over to the HWC in SF) and will have more time to work on my site/stuff.
barpthewire joined the channel
[miklb] I wonder if it is related to my problems. Don't know if you are following that thread. Worse folks behind my shared hosting went in and were able to successfully post to micropub doing exact same thing I am doing.
one way to find out is turn on debugging and check your debug.log in wp-content directory for same error message
okay doing some coaching with teachers and then have to actually coach baseball but will look tonight. https://community.reclaimhosting.com/t/micropub-htaccess-and-reclaim-hosting/1576/13?u=jgmac1106
redaxo_schorsch joined the channel
actually [miklb] I got this site working https://indieweb.jgregorymcverry.com/uncategorized/9/ but not https://jgregorymcverry.com so maybe I can figure out what is different
hello all
updating to 4.9.6 and seeing if that breaks it, then will add indieweb plugins one by one to see if there is a conflice
askimet did not break it
yippeee. I now know the indieauth plug-in is what breaks it
I just set up pouchdb to sync with my app. Authenticated using IndieAuth so I hold no passwords. It was amazing to see changes made in Chrome appear in Firefox in realtime!
↩️ My brain is fried! It was a huge pain in the arse to rewrite the URLs to map IndieAuth codes to the correct database. Code is itty bitty but I kept trying to do it in Express which wouldn't work ended up rewriting the urls in the node http server before giving to express.
okay couldn't get it working as I lose my indieauth endpoints, Really wish GitHub allowed more than one url so I wouldn't have to keep switching urls, but I am getting way closer. Need to figure out how https://indieweb.jgregorymcverry.com is authorizing without indieauth installed, but I do now know adding indieauth plug in breaks my micropub endpoints
May I recommend just not using indieauth.com for the authentication if you are having troubles connecting it to social media accounts?
Not sure if anyone has actually tried selfauth combined with WP. But I don’t see why that wouldn’t work.
WP’s Indieauth plugin can be used to auth with a micropub client directly, not using indieauth.com. There’s a bug in the plugin causing a fatal error with micropub publishing. There’s an open ticket for it. Fix just needs to be pushed.
@zegnat but what is weird is why is https://indieweb.jgregorymcverry.com is authenticating on Quill with nothing but a rel=me on GitHub yet if I try the same thing on https://jgregorymcverry.com after removing indieauth quill says my endpoints are missing
eli_oat joined the channel
I tried to manually add my local endpoints in my header but that just did this: {"code":"rest_no_route","message":"No route was found matching the URL and request method","data":{"status":404}}
thx [miklb] I need to go back to my strategy of just walking away and letting smart people figure it out. I just stink at walking away. Especially now that I can build a site where it doesn't happen and can't make my other sites behave the same way with the same set up
off to tball, atleast I can watch kids at bad at baseball as I am at debugging
[Natris1979] joined the channel
there are a lot of moving parts right now in this workflow and while it’s frustrating at times, the work debugging and rolling with the punches is worth what the end result will be. IMVHO
I agree, I wouldn't be doing it all the time if it wasn't best way to learn
but an unsolved puzzle is an itch and figuring out why I can have two sites be the same but behave differently...well I have scratched the bone, have a good rest of your day all, may get back to working on the library thingy we discussed this morning
↩️ Hey @noahread what plugin do you use for webmentions in @CraftCMS 3? I can only find stuff for Craft 2 :( I suspect I'm SOA...
sebsel, snarfed, renem, KartikPrabhu, [jgmac1106], [Vanessa], [miklb] and barpthewire joined the channel
↩️ Hey guys! A rewrite of my plugin (https://github.com/matthiasott/webmention) is still on my list but I did not find enough time yet… Would love to upgrade to Craft 3 myself 😅
[tantek] joined the channel
Who here has implemented notifications or thinking about doing so? I have a flowchart for you: https://twitter.com/mathowie/status/837735473745289218
[tantek]: snarfed left you a message 5 hours, 29 minutes ago: interesting. looking at the logs from your recent bridgy publish github comment failures (at the bottom): "Although you appear to have the correct authorization credentials, the `whatwg` organization has enabled OAuth App access restrictions, meaning that data access to third-parties is limited. For more information on these restrictions, including how to whitelist this app, visit https://help.github.com/articles/restr
When Hacker News commenters say "I could build that app in a weekend!" I think of this chart of how Slack decides to send a notification. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/C6A7smLUsAAzJeS.jpg
that truncation tho
Snarfed, can such an org owner whitelist apps? Or is it all or nothing? I’d like to document a simple request template and how to enable access to Bridgy Publish to share when this happens (has happened now twice this week)
[tantek]: no clue
Yeah that truncati
honestly i don't know that i'd prioritize researching it thoroughly. i'll probably surface the error but just point to that github help page
Right I want to research it to document on the indieweb wiki so others that encounter it can ask the org owners to whitelist Bridgy
great! thanks!
Self-interest but leaving a trail behind that can hopefully help the next person
strugee, snarfed, tantek and [jgmac1106] joined the channel