#dev 2018-05-26

2018-05-26 UTC
[cleverdevil], [jgmac1106] and snarfed joined the channel
edited /videos_about_the_indieweb (+183) "Jeremy Keith: Taking Back the Web from Webstock '18"
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renem, snarfed, eli_oat, [tantek], [Natris1979], tantek_ and toomim joined the channel
Is anyone (besides adactio) POSSEing to Facebook using IFTTT? https://indieweb.org/Facebook#IFTTT
I'm curious if it would be possible to setup POSSEing events this way
AngeloGladding and [dougbeal] joined the channel
[dougbeal]: [eddie] left you a message on 2017-11-09 at 9:48pm UTC: FYI, I'm opening up the beta of Indigenous for iOS. Before anyone gets too excited it currently supports using the share extension when activated against a URL (in safari or other apps like TweetBot) for the following actions: Like, Repost and Bookmark. The next build will hopefully support posting notes and replies. The micropub media endpoint stuff will be in the third build (timeline undeterm
[dougbeal]: [eddie] left you a message on 2017-11-09 at 9:51pm UTC: FYI, I'm opening up the beta of Indigenous for iOS. Before anyone gets too excited it currently supports using the share extension when activated against a URL (in safari or other apps like TweetBot) for the following actions: Like, Repost and Bookmark. The next build will hopefully support posting notes and replies. The micropub media endpoint stuff will be in the third build (timeline undetermined
[dougbeal]: [eddie] left you a message on 2017-11-09 at 9:51pm UTC: I didn't see a /contact page on your sites so if you want to send me your email to eddie [at] eddiehinkle [dot] com I'll send you the TestFlight invite (this includes anyone else that is interested but hasn't expressed interest previously)
tantek, barpthewire, renem, KartikPrabhu, [chrisaldrich], sebsel, tae, jeremycherfas, [quinnvinlove], eli_oat and iasai joined the channel
Does anyone know why Firefox seems to be styling a paragraph of text based only on the language it is set in? This has been driving me nuts. https://i.imgur.com/U1DX1KV.png / https://codepen.io/anon/pen/NMQbKz?editors=1000#0
because browsers pick fonts/settings based on the lang to get the best display for the lang. "non" being different sounds questionable though (is "non" specified somewhere as a language code?)
Yes, it is Norse
No idea why Firefox would do this though. Worst thing is, I can’t even seem to get it to render the right font size
Why are the previous paragraphs set monospaced? Inheriting from somewhere?
jonnybarnes joined the channel
No, that’s my browser default
What happens if you change your browser default?
Everything except the lang="non" seems to change then.
OK. So it really is something to do with the "non" specifically.
I set Firefox to have Courier Prime as default font for serif, and Courier Prime Sans for sans-serif. Both set to size 22. Defaulting to sans-serif if no font is set on the page.
What if you set lang=non in the HJEAD?
But for the lang="non" paragraph, it is not applying my default font size (22), and is not applying either of my default fonts. Instead falling back to whatever that serif font is
defaulting to a font that has better runic support than it's default fonts? (I know for some asian fonts there's rules like that). or just a forgotten edge case?
Looks at first glance like Times.
do the dev-tools show where the style comes from?
No. I can’t find browser default styles anywhere in the Firefox dev tools anymore?
Does it make any difference if you wrap in DIV rather than SPAN?
Even worse is when I use <i lang="non">heiðr</i> in running copy (which is my actual usecase) it will inherit the correct font-family from the paragraph, but it will still be set in a smaller size. And there seems no way around that.
No, elements seem to have no effect on any of the styling Firefox is applying
I mean rather than p
Guess I am going to have to figure out how to file a Firefox bug
ok, the font size changing really seems wrong
Huh, it seems Firefox is doing it for all language codes it doesn’t know
Getting the same behaviour with total garbage codes.
that sounds like "bug: use default font for unknown language codes"?
Oh, hang on, I think I might know what is going on.
This is the most counterintuitive thing I have ever seen
(At least today.)
Now to see if it is possible to set the *actual* defaults somewhere.
(although posted under the wrong domain :P)
None of my blogging experiments have supported images so far :P
What exactly is a longblob in mysql?
Could a longblob contain the actual binary of an image?
BLOB/LONGBLOB are binary data
Trying to wrap my head around how Known creates a Photo post from OYG and it is really hard to intercept what OYG is sending. But have now discovered function like imagecreatefromjpg etc
OK, officially giving up on this, for now. Editing audio is so much simpler ...
iasai, [kevinmarks] and [kim_landwehr] joined the channel
I often see the terms like h-feed and p-name and I am wondering if there is a page that would have a short definition for them or when they are used
leg joined the channel
[kim_landwehr]: the core documentation for that lives on the microformat wiki, e.g. http://microformats.org/wiki/h-feed#Properties . but we have examples on the indieweb wiki too for some things. and when in doubt, ask! (and we can try to clarify/better document)
snarfed, Kyle-K and barpthewire joined the channel; Kyle-K left the channel
heh, this is new: exception=ImageError("width or height exceeds limit `/web/...`@ error/cache.c/OpenPixelCache/3802",) - looks like a 19000px wide panorama is too much for imagemagick
maingo, sebsel, barpthewire, AngeloGladding and jalcine joined the channel
ImageMagick has limites?! I thought it much more likely that it would take down your entire CPU trying to handle it
xabras and sebsel joined the channel
TIL that webmention holds aliases to images vs holding them
my site's CSP is breaking on that :(
you can disable that if you want, but youll get even more CSP warnings if you are hotlinking everyone's images from their own domains
aaronpk: jeremycherfas left you a message 1 day, 6 hours ago: For some reason, after an update to Known, pictures from OYG no longer show up. The post is there, with tags, but no image. I reconfirmed by signing out, revoking the token, and signing back in again. Resending still has no image. Not sure where to start looking to debug.
!tell jeremycherfas that sounds like a change in Known, probably worth asking about any recent changes to photo posts or the micropub integration
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
These are the kinds of "comments" I am getting as webmentions @jeremycherfas. By settings, I mean "what settings will block these comments but allow the good ones." May have to take a whitelist approach. https://microblog.phoneboy.com/2018/05/26/1247/
🤔 are those *really* webmentions? aren't those just regular wordpress spam comments?
My guess is trackbacks
I had this idea to write a pingbacks and trackbacks handling plugin, partly to deal with the neglect in Core.
leg joined the channel
I just wonder if anyone cares
yeah I just did a *.amazonaws.com for 'image-src' for now
[miklb] joined the channel
anyone want to talk me out of upgrading to Debian stretch from jessie before I jump in?
[cleverdevil] joined the channel
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
[grantcodes] joined the channel
cleverdevil has 26 karma in this channel (84 overall)
[grantcodes]: [cleverdevil] left you a message 2 minutes ago: as you requested -> https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cleverdevil/microformats2/master/schema.json
Thanks, I'll see if I can make use of it
!tell [grantcodes] there is also https://gist.github.com/Zegnat/65ed9a9fb0546fb8c4aa0c0b790b8a40 if you want vocabulary-agnostic mf2 json validation
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
zegnat has 65 karma in this channel (219 overall)
[grantcodes] what do you think about having a full "composer" view in Together?
I sort of want it, with offline storage and composition, but it could be a huge amount of work and a distraction from the other features/functions.
It would be possible to use an existing React component that wraps something like Quill.js
I was thinking it would also add the ability to do some interesting things for interacting with content.
Like, if you're reading an article in Together, and you want to create an annotated bookmark-of, you could select a section you want to quote, then click a little button, and be popped into the composer, with the selected section inserted as a block quote.
that'd be amazing. I do that with a bookmarklet right now.
Hmm... maybe I'll tinker,
[jpuri] react-draft-wysiwyg: A Wysiwyg editor build on top of ReactJS and DraftJS. https://jpuri.github.io/react-draft-wysiwyg
Well, that was a bit easier than I expected...
AngeloGladding joined the channel
!tell grantcodes would you be in favor of something like this? -> https://cleverdevil.io/s/0l6AxxdOGN.mp4
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
hi, can someone recommend me a time tracking software?I tried with hamster but couldn install it right
for linux
snarfed joined the channel
created /rubber_duck (+240) "prompted by bear and dfn added by bear"
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edited /rubber_duck (+63) "bear added "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B8IfCSnYPYo" to "See Also""
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snarfed and [cleverdevil] joined the channel
Needs a ton of work, of course.
Gonna toss it into a branch for smarter people to look at.
cleverdevil has 27 karma in this channel (85 overall)
snarfed: tantek left you a message 1 day ago: I moved the FB-specific backfeed info from /backfeed to /Facebook#How_to_backfeed_from and added citations of the dev blog post you noted - please review - thanks!
!tell grantcodes take a look at this WIP and let me know what you think... my React-Fu isn't as strong as yours, but I think its a decent proof of concept! - https://github.com/cleverdevil/together/tree/composer-wip
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
[grantcodes] joined the channel
[cleverdevil] I'm actually not sure how valuable it is to have a wysiwyg Editor is in together is the thing
[grantcodes]: [cleverdevil] left you a message 1 hour, 57 minutes ago: would you be in favor of something like this? -> https://cleverdevil.io/s/0l6AxxdOGN.mp4
[grantcodes]: [cleverdevil] left you a message 2 minutes ago: take a look at this WIP and let me know what you think... my React-Fu isn't as strong as yours, but I think its a decent proof of concept! - https://github.com/cleverdevil/together/tree/composer-wip
Totally fair! Just tinkering 🙂
I like the idea of being able to use it to compose longer form in-reply-to, bookmark-of, etc. content.
One of my theses from the beginning was that Facebook was successful because it combined consumption, creation, and interaction all in one place.
yeah tantek feels strongly about that too
I've actually used the compose interface in monocle surprisingly little, tho that's probably because it's missing a bunch of features compared to quill
I reply from monocle all the time though
I think the inline interface is more important for responding to posts than for creating posts
but then if you have different UIs for the two, context switching is no good
I don't know, I think there's also value in not having the thing you write in be the same place you consume content
see also: "focused editors"
er, "focused writing app"
oh sure. different points: *where* are they, vs do the editing tools themselves have similar or different UIs
I'm not convinced either way, but a very very common pattern for me is composing content which is in reaction to something else I am reading, where I want to block quote and compose in-reply-to or bookmark-of.
Seems like having it in one place would really help that.
right, those are specifically responses
which I absolutely agree are way better when they're integrated with the thing you're reading from
But, if you already have it for responding, I don't see the harm in having it for composing from scratch 🙂
I thought the same thing, then just haven't used that part of monocle since writing it ;-)
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
Maybe it would make sense if it was kinda like Gmail / other email clients type thing 🤔 by default it is simpler but you can pop it out into a fully featured editor
Yeah, I thought about that too, but it was a bit out of my immediate abilities, so I started with a separate component.
But, I think that would likely be much better.
The small, existing MicropubForm component for short posting.
That could be expanded into a full rich-text editor in certain contexts.
I'm actually working on a mf2 form that I could release as a reusable component
It supports most properties outside of media uploads, and also plain text only at the moment
speaking of alternative posting interfaces
i've been using buffer at work, and it's kind of making me want a version of buffer that supports Micropub
What does buffer support?
scheduled posts
Sure, but does it support any particular APIs?
that kind of support
twitter, facebook, linkedin, google+, instagram
I wonder what it would take to get them to support micropub...
do we know anyone there?
I don't really want to add all the logic for scheduled post (and properly scheduling syndications) to my own site
I actually have been looking for a use case to build something with scheduled execution.
If I made it an API, would you use it?
Listening to clevercast by the way